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in darkest england and the way out-及4准

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lave and massacre its miserable inhabitants察so with us察much of the misery of those whose lot we are considering arises from their own habits。 Drunkenness and all manner of uncleanness察moral and physical察abound。 Have you ever watched by the bedside of a man in delirium tremens拭Multiply the sufferings of that one drunkard by the hundred thousand察and you have some idea of what scenes are being witnessed in all our great cities at this moment。  As in Africa streams intersect the forest in every direction察so the gin´shop stands at every corner with its River of the Water of Death flowing seventeen hours out of the twenty´four for the destruction of the people。  A population sodden with drink察steeped in vice察eaten up by every social and physical malady察these are the denizens of Darkest England amidst whom my life has been spent察and to whose rescue I would now summon all that is best in the manhood and womanhood of our land。

But this book is no mere lamentation of despair。  For Darkest England察as for Darkest Africa察there is a light beyond。  I think I see my way out察a way by which these wretched ones may escape from the gloom of their miserable existence into a higher and happier life。 Long wandering in the Forest of the Shadow of Death at out doors察has familiarised me with its horrors察but while the realisation is a vigorous spur to action it has never been so oppressive as to extinguish hope。  Mr。 Stanley never succumbed to the terrors which oppressed his followers。  He had lived in a larger life察and knew that the forest察though long察was not interminable。  Every step forward brought him nearer his destined goal察nearer to the light of the sun察the clear sky察and the rolling uplands of the grazing land。 Therefore he did not despair。  The Equatorial Forest was察after all察a mere corner of one quarter of the world。  In the knowledge of the light outside察in the confidence begotten by past experience of successful endeavour察he pressed forward察and when the 160 days' struggle was over察he and his men came out into a pleasant place where the land smiled with peace and plenty察and their hardships and hunger were forgotten in the joy of a great deliverance。

So I venture to believe it will be with us。  But the end is not yet。 We are still in the depths of the depressing gloom。  It is in no spirit of light´heartedness that this book is sent forth into the world as if it was written some ten years ago。

If this were the first time that this wail of hopeless misery had sounded on our ears the matter would have been less serious。  It is because we have heard it so often that the case is so desperate。 The exceeding bitter cry of the disinherited has become to be as familiar in the ears of men as the dull roar of the streets or as the moaning of the wind through the trees。  And so it rises unceasing察year in and year out察and we are too busy or too idle察too indifferent or too selfish察to spare it a thought。  Only now and then察on rare occasions察when some clear voice is heard giving more articulate utterance to the miseries of the miserable men察do we pause in the regular routine of our daily duties察and shudder as we realise for one brief moment what life means to the inmates of the Slums。  But one of the grimmest social problems of our time should be sternly faced察not with a view to the generation of profitless emotion察but with a view to its solution。

Is it not time拭 There is察it is true察an audacity in the mere suggestion that the problem is not insoluble that is enough to take away the breath。  But can nothing be done拭 If察after full and exhaustive consideration察we come to the deliberate conclusion that nothing can be done察and that it is the inevitable and inexorable destiny of thousands of Englishmen to be brutalised into worse than beasts by the condition of their environment察so be it。  But if察on the contrary察we are unable to believe that this ;awful slough察─which engulfs the manhood and womanhood of generation after generation is incapable of removal察and if the heart and intellect of mankind alike revolt against the fatalism of despair察then察indeed察it is time察and high time察that the question were faced in no mere dilettante spirit察but with a resolute determination to make an end of the crying scandal of our age。

What a satire it is upon our Christianity and our civilisation that the existence of these colonies of heathens and savages in the heart of our capital should attract so little attention  It is no better than a ghastly mockerytheologians might use a stronger wordto call by the name of One who came to seek and to save that which was lost those Churches which in the midst of lost multitudes either sleep in apathy or display a fitful interest in a chasuble。  Why all this apparatus of temples and meeting´houses to save men from perdition in a world which is to come察while never a helping hand is stretched out to save them from the inferno of their present life拭 Is it not time that察forgetting for a moment their wranglings about the infinitely little or infinitely obscure察they should concentrate all their energies on a united effort to break this terrible perpetuity of perdition察and to rescue some at least of those for whom they profess to believe their Founder came to die

Before venturing to define the remedy察I begin by describing the malady。  But even when presenting the dreary picture of our social ills察and describing the difficulties which confront us察I speak not in despondency but in hope。  ;I know in whom I have believed。;  I know察therefore do I speak。  Darker England is but a fractional part of ;Greater England。;  There is wealth enough abundantly to minister to its social regeneration so far as wealth can察if there be but heart enough to set about the work in earnest。  And I hope and believe that the heart will not be lacking when once the problem is manfully faced察and the method of its solution plainly pointed out。


In setting forth the difficulties which have to be grappled with察I shall endeavour in all things to understate rather than overstate my case。  I do this for two reasons此 first察any exaggeration would create a reaction察and secondly察as my object is to demonstrate the practicability of solving the problem察I do not wish to magnify its dimensions。  In this and in subsequent chapters I hope to convince those who read them that there is no overstraining in the representation of the facts察and nothing Utopian in the presentation of remedies。  I appeal neither to hysterical emotionalists nor headlong enthusiasts察but having tried to approach the examination of this question in a spirit of scientific investigation察I put forth my proposals with the view of securing the support and co´operation of the sober察serious察practical men and women who constitute the saving strength and moral backbone of the country。  I fully admit that them is much that is lacking in the diagnosis of the disease察and察no doubt察in this first draft of the prescription there is much room for improvement察which will come when we have the light of fuller experience。  But with all its drawbacks and defects察I do not hesitate to submit my proposals to the impartial judgment of all who are interested in the solution of the social question as an immediate and practical mode of dealing with this察the greatest problem of our time。

The first duty of an investigator in approaching the study of any question is to eliminate all that is foreign to the inquiry察and to concentrate his attention upon the subject to be dealt with。  Here I may remark that I make no attempt in this book to deal with Society as a whole。  I leave to others the formulation of ambitious programmes for the reconstruction of our entire social system察not because I may not desire its reconstruction察but because the elaboration of any plans which are more or less visionary and incapable of realisation for many years would stand in the way of the consideration of this Scheme for dealing with the most urgently pressing aspect of the question察which I hope may be put into operation at once。

In taking this course I am aware that I cut myself off from a wide and attractive field察but as a practical man察dealing with sternly prosaic facts察I must confine my attention to that particular section of the problem which clamours most pressingly for a solution。  Only one thing I may say in passing。  Then is nothing in my scheme which will bring it into collision either with Socialists of the State察or Socialists of the Municipality察with Individualists or Nationalists察or any of the various schools of though in the great field of social economics excepting only those anti´christian economists who hold that it is an offence against the doctrine of the survival of the fittest to try to save the weakest from going to the wall察and who believe that when once a man is down the supreme duty of a self´regarding Society is to jump upon him。  Such economists will naturally be disappointed with this book I venture to believe that all others will find nothing in it to offend their favourite theories察but perhaps something of helpful suggestion which they may utilise hereafter。  What察then察is Darkest England拭 For whom do 

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