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in darkest england and the way out-及36准

弌傍 in darkest england and the way out 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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    prevail throughout the community。  But as it cannot be expected to     be universally successful察certain penalties will have to be     provided此

 a First offences察except in flagrant cases察will be recorded。  b The second offence will be published。  c The third offence will incur expulsion or being handed over to the      authorities。

 Other regulations will be necessary as the Scheme develops。

There will be no attempt to enforce upon the Colonists the rules and regulations to which Salvation Soldiers are subjected。  Those who are soundly saved and who of their own free will desire to become Salvationists will察of course察be subjected to the rules of the Service。  But Colonists who are willing to work and obey the orders of the Commanding Officer will only be subject to the foregoing and similar regulations察in all other things they will be left free。

For instance察there will be no objection to field recreations or any outdoor exercises which conduce to the maintenance of health and spirits。  A reading room and a library will be provided察together with a hall察in which they can amuse themselves in the long winter nights and in unfavourable weather。  These things are not for the Salvation Army Soldiers察who have other work in the world察but for those who are not in the Army these recreations will be permissible。  Gambling and anything of an immoral tendency will be repressed like stealing。

There will probably be an Annual Exhibition of fruit and flowers察at which all the Colonists who have a plot of garden of their own will take part。  They will exhibit their fruit and vegetables as well as their rabbits察their poultry and all the other live´stock of the farm。 Every effort will be made to establish village industries察and I am not without hope but that we may be able to restore some of the domestic occupations which steam has compelled us to confine to the great factories。  The more the Colony can be made self´supporting the better。 And although the hand loom can never compete with Manchester mills察still an occupation which kept the hands of the goodwife busy in the long winter nights察is not to be despised as an element in the economics of the Settlement。  While Manchester and Leeds may be able to manufacture common goods much more cheaply than they can be spun at home察even these emporiums察with all their grand improvements in machinery察would be sorely pressed to´day to compete with the hand´loom in many superior classes of work。  For instance察we all know the hand´sewn boot still holds its own against the most perfect article that machinery can turn out。

There would be察in the centre of the Colony察a Public Elementary School at which the children would receive training察and side by side with that an Agricultural Industrial School察as elsewhere described。

The religious welfare of the Colony would be looked after by the Salvation Army察but there will be no compulsion to take part in its services。  The Sabbath will be strictly observed察no unnecessary work will be done in the Colony on that day察but beyond interdicted labour察the Colonists will be allowed to spend Sunday as they please。 It will be the fault of the Salvation Army if they do not find our Sunday Services sufficiently attractive to command their attendance。


This brings me to the next feature of the Scheme察the creation of agricultural settlements in the neighbourhood of the Farm察around the original Estate。  I hope to obtain land for the purpose of allotments which can be taken up to the extent of so many acres by the more competent Colonists who wish to remain at home instead of going abroad。 There will be allotments from three to five acres with a cottage察a cow察and the necessary tools and seed for making the allotment self´supporting。  A weekly charge will be imposed for the he repayment of the cost of the fixing and stock。  The tenant will of course察be entitled to his tenant´right察but adequate precautions will be taken against underletting and other forms by which sweating makes its way into agricultural communities。  On entering into possession察the tenant will become responsible for his own and his family's maintenance。 I shall stand no longer in the relation of father of the household to him察as I do to the other members of the Colony察his obligations will cease to me察except in the payment of his rent。

The creation of a large number of Allotment Farms would make the establishment of a creamery necessary察where the milk could be brought in every day and converted into butter by the most modern methods察with the least possible delay。  Dairying察which has in some places on the Continent almost developed to a fine art察is in a very backward condition in this country。  But by co´operation among the cottiers and an intelligent Headquarter staff much could be done which at present appears impossible。

The tenant will be allowed permanent tenancy on payment of an annual rent or land tax察subject察of course察to such necessary regulations which may be made for the prevention of intemperance and immorality and the preservation of the fundamental features of the Colony。  In this way our Farm Colony will throw off small Colonies all round it until the original site is but the centre of a whole series of small farms察where those whom we have rescued and trained will live察if not under their own vine and fig tree察at least in the midst of their own little fruit farm察and surrounded by their small flocks and herds。 The cottages will be so many detached residences察each standing in its own ground察not so far away from its neighbours as to deprive its occupants of the benefit of human intercourse。


Side by side with the Farm Colony proper I should propose to renew the experiment of Mr。 E。 T。 Craig察which he found work so successfully at Ralahine。  When any members of the original Colony had pulled themselves sufficiently together to desire to begin again on their own account察I should group some of them as partners in a Co´operative Farm察and see whether or no the success achieved in County Clare could not be repeated in Essex or in Kent。  I cannot have more unpromising material to deal with than the wild Irishmen on Colonel Vandeleur's estate察and I would certainly take care to be safeguarded against any such mishap as destroyed the early promise of Ralahine。

I shall look upon this as one of the most important experiments of the entire series察and if察as I anticipate察it can be worked successfully察that is察if the results of Ralahine can be secured on a larger scale察I shall consider that the problem of the employment of the people察and the use of the land察and the food supply for the globe察is unquestionably solved察were its inhabitants many times greater in number than they are。

Without saying more察some idea will be obtained as to what I propose from the story of Ralahine related briefly at the close of this volume。


We now come to the third and final stage of the regenerative process。 The Colony Over´Sea。  To mention Over´Sea is sufficient with some people to damn the Scheme。  A prejudice against emigration has been diligently fostered in certain quarters by those who have openly admitted that they did not wish to deplete the ranks of the Army of Discontent at home察for the more discontented people you have here the more trouble you can give the Government察and the more power you have to bring about the general overturn察which is the only thing in which they see any hope for the future。  Some again object to emigration on the ground that it is transportation。  I confess that I have great sympathy with those who object to emigration as carried on hitherto察and if it be a consolation to any of my critics I may say at once that so far from compulsorily expatriating any Englishman I shall refuse to have any part or lot in emigrating any man or woman who does not voluntarily wish to be sent out。

A journey over sea is a very different thing now to what it was when a voyage to Australia consumed more than six months察when emigrants were crowded by hundreds into sailing ships察and scenes of abominable sin and brutality were the normal incidents of the passage。  The world has grown much smaller since the electric telegraph was discovered and side by side with the shrinkage of this planet under the influence of steam and electricity there has come a sense of brotherhood and a consciousness of community of interest and of nationality on the part of the English´speaking people throughout the world。  To change from Devon to Australia is not such a change in many respects as merely to cross over from Devon to Normandy。  In Australia the Emigrant finds him self among men and women of the same habits察the same language察and in fact the same people察excepting that they live under the southern cross instead of in the northern latitudes。  The reduction of the postage between England and the Colonies察a reduction which I hope will soon be followed by the establishment of the Universal Penny Post between the English speaking lands察will further tend to lessen the sense of distance。

The constant travelling of the Colonists 

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