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in darkest england and the way out-及24准

弌傍 in darkest england and the way out 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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f a number of Institutions to act as Harbours of Refuge for all and any who have been shipwrecked in life察character察or circumstances。  These Harbours will gather up the poor destitute creatures察supply their immediate pressing necessities察furnish temporary employment察inspire them with hope for the future察and commence at once a course of regeneration by moral and religious influences。

From these Institutions察which are hereafter described察numbers would察after a short time察be floated off to permanent employment察or sent home to friends happy to receive them on hearing of their reformation。 All who remain on our hands would察by varied means察be tested as to their sincerity察industry察and honesty察and as soon as satisfaction was created察be passed on to the Colony of the second class。


This would consist of a settlement of the Colonists on an estate in the provinces察in the culture of which they would find employment and obtain support。  As the race from the Country to the City has been the cause of much of the distress we have to battle with察we propose to find a substantial part of our remedy by transferring these same people back to the country察that is back again to ;the Garden 

Here the process of reformation of character would be carried forward by the same industrial察moral察and religious methods as have already been commenced in the City察especially including those forms of labour and that knowledge of agriculture which察should the Colonist not obtain employment in this country察will qualify him for pursuing his fortunes under more favourable circumstances in some other land。

From the Farm察as from the City察there can be no question that large numbers察resuscitated in health and character察would be restored to friends up and down the country。  Some would find employment in their own callings察others would settle in cottages on a small piece of land that we should provide察or on Co´operative Farms which we intend to promote察while the great bulk察after trial and training察would be passed on to the Foreign Settlement察which would constitute our third class察namely The Over´Sea Colony。


All who have given attention to the subject are agreed that in our Colonies in South Africa察Canada察Western Australia and elsewhere察there are millions of acres of useful land to be obtained almost for the asking察capable of supporting our surplus population in health and comfort察were it a thousand times greater than it is。  We propose to secure a tract of land in one of these countries察prepare it for settlement察establish in it authority察govern it by equitable laws察assist it in times of necessity察settling it gradually with a prepared people察and so create a home for these destitute multitudes。

The Scheme察in its entirety察may aptly be compared to A Great Machine察foundationed in the lowest slums and purlieus of our great towns and cities察drawing up into its embrace the depraved and destitute of all classes察receiving thieves察harlots察paupers察drunkards察prodigals察all alike察on the simple conditions of their being willing to work and to conform to discipline。  Drawing up these poor outcasts察reforming them察and creating in them habits of industry察honesty察and truth察teaching them methods by which alike the bread that perishes and that which endures to Everlasting Life can be won。  Forwarding them from the City to the Country察and there continuing the process of regeneration察and then pouring them forth on to the virgin soils that await their coming in other lands察keeping hold of them with a strong government察and yet making them free men and women察and so laying the foundations察perchance察of another Empire to swell to vast proportions in later times。  Why not


The first section of my Scheme is the establishment of a Receiving House for the Destitute in every great centre of population。  We start察let us remember察from the individual察the ragged察hungry察penniless man who confronts us with despairing demands for food察shelter察and work。 Now察I have had some two or three years' experience in dealing with this class。  I believe察at the present moment察the Salvation Army supplies more food and shelter to the destitute than any other organisation in London察and it is the experience and encouragement which I have gained in the working of these Food and Shelter Depots which has largely encouraged me to propound this scheme。


As I rode through Canada and the United States some three years ago察I was greatly impressed with the superabundance of food which I saw at every turn。  Oh察how I longed that the poor starving people察and the hungry children of the East of London and of other centres of our destitute populations察should come into the midst of this abundance察but as it appeared impossible for me to take them to it察I secretly resolved that I would endeavour to bring some of it to them。 I am thankful to say that I have already been able to do so on a small scale察and hope to accomplish it ere long on a much vaster one。

With this view察the first Cheap Food Depot was opened in the East of London two and a half years ago。  This has been followed by others察and we have now three establishments此 others are being arranged for。

Since the commencement in 1888察we have supplied over three and a half million meals。  Some idea can be formed of the extent to which these Food and Shelter Depots have already struck their roots into the strata of Society which it is proposed to benefit察by the following figures察which give the quantities of food sold during the year at our Food Depots。


            Article    Weight        Measure                 Remarks                Soup    。。。。。。。。。     116400 gallons               Bread   192。5 tons     106964 4´lb loaves                 Tea     2。5 tons     46980 gallons              Coffee    15 cwt。       13949 gallons               Cocoa     6 tons       29229 gallons               Sugar    25 tons       。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。    300 bags            Potatoes   140 tons       。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。  2800 bags               Flour    18 tons       。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。    180 sacks            Peaflour    28。5 tons     。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。    288 sacks             Oatmeal     3。5 tons     。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。     36 sacks                Rice    12 tons       。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。    120 sacks               Beans    12 tons       。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。    240 sacks Onions and parsnips    12 tons       。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。    240 sacks                 Jam     9 tons       。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。   2880 jars           Marmalade     6 tons       。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。   1920 jars                Meat    15 tons       。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。                Milk    。。。。。。。。。。     14300 quarts

This includes returns from three Food Depots and five Shelters。 I propose to multiply their number察to develop their usefulness察and to make them the threshold of the whole Scheme。  Those who have already visited our Depots will understand exactly what th is means。 The majority察however察of the readers of these pages have not done so察and for them it is necessary to explain what they are。

At each of our Depots察which can be seen by anybody that cares to take the trouble to visit them察there are two departments察one dealing with food察the other with shelter。  Of these both are worked together and minister to the same individuals。  Many come for food who do not come for shelter察although most of those who come for shelter also come for food察which is sold on terms to cover察as nearly as possible察the cost price and working expenses of the establishment。  In this our Food Depots differ from the ordinary soup kitchens。

There is no gratuitous distribution of victuals。  The following is our Price List此

                  WHAT IS SOLD AT THE FOOD DEPOTS。

For a child

Soup                    Per Basin   1/4d Soup                    With Bread  1/2d Coffee or Cocoa             per cup 1/4d Coffee or Cocoa  With Bread and Jam 1/2d

For adults

Soup  。。   。。   。。   Per Basin     1/2d Soup  。。   。。   。。   With Bread    1d Potatoes   。。   。。   。。   。。   。。  1/2d Cabbage    。。   。。   。。   。。   。。  1/2d Haricot Beans   。。   。。   。。   。。  1/2d Boiled Jam Pudding   。。   。。   。。  1/2d Boiled Plum Pudding  。。   。。  Each 1d Rice  。。   。。   。。   。。   。。   。。  1/2d Baked Plum      。。   。。   。。   。。  1/2d Baked Jam Roll  。。   。。   。。   。。  1/2d Meat Pudding and Potatoes 。。   。。  3d Corned Beef     。。   。。   。。   。。  2d Corned Mutton   。。   。。   。。   。。  2d Coffee      per cup 1/2d察 per mug 1d Cocoa       per cup 1/2d察 per mug 1d Tea         per cup 1/2d察 per mug 1d Bread & Butter察Jam or Marmalade  per slice 1/2d

Soup in own Jugs察1d per Quart。   Ready at 10 a。m。

A certain discretionary power is vested in the Officers in charge of the Depot察and they can in very urgent cases give relief察but the rule is for the food to be paid for察and the financial results show that working expenses are just about covered。

These Cheap Food Depots I have no doubt have been and are or great service to numbers of hungry star

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