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小说: juana 字数: 每页4000字

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judge makes a thoughtful person shudder。 The examining judge in this

case was young; and he felt obliged to say to the public prosecutor;

〃Do you think that woman was her husband's accomplice? Ought we to

take her into custody? Is it best to question her?〃

The prosecutor replied; with a careless shrug of his shoulders;

〃Montefiore and Diard were two well…known scoundrels。 The maid

evidently knew nothing of the crime。 Better let the thing rest there。〃

The doctor performed the autopsy; and dictated his report to the

sheriff。 Suddenly he stopped; and hastily entered the next room。

〃Madame〃 he said。

Juana; who had removed her bloody gown; came towards him。

〃It was you;〃 he whispered; stooping to her ear; 〃who killed your


〃Yes; monsieur;〃 she replied。

The doctor returned and continued his dictation as follows;

〃And; from the above assemblage of facts; it appears evident that the

said Diard killed himself voluntarily and by his own hand。〃

〃Have you finished?〃 he said to the sheriff after a pause。

〃Yes;〃 replied the writer。

The doctor signed the report。 Juana; who had followed him into the

room; gave him one glance; repressing with difficulty the tears which

for an instant rose into her eyes and moistened them。

〃Messieurs;〃 she said to the public prosecutor and the judge; 〃I am a

stranger here; and a Spaniard。 I am ignorant of the laws; and I know

no one in Bordeaux。 I ask of you one kindness: enable me to obtain a

passport for Spain。〃

〃One moment!〃 cried the examining judge。 〃Madame; what has become of

the money stolen from the Marquis de Montefiore?〃

〃Monsieur Diard;〃 she replied; 〃said something to me vaguely about a

heap of stones; under which he must have hidden it。〃


〃In the street。〃

The two magistrates looked at each other。 Juana made a noble gesture

and motioned to the doctor。

〃Monsieur;〃 she said in his ear; 〃can I be suspected of some infamous

action? I! The pile of stones must be close to the wall of my garden。

Go yourself; I implore you。 Look; search; find that money。〃

The doctor went out; taking with him the examining judge; and together

they found Montefiore's treasure。

Within two days Juana had sold her cross to pay the costs of a

journey。 On her way with her two children to take the diligence which

would carry her to the frontiers of Spain; she heard herself being

called in the street。 Her dying mother was being carried to a

hospital; and through the curtains of her litter she had seen her

daughter。 Juana made the bearers enter a porte…cochere that was near

them; and there the last interview between the mother and the daughter

took place。 Though the two spoke to each other in a low voice; Juan

heard these parting words;

〃Mother; die in peace; I have suffered for you all。〃


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