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tail察again察and mane should be washed察the object being to help the hairs 

to   growthose   in   the   tail   so   as   to   allow   the   creature   the   greatest   reach 

possible in brushing away molesting objects撮8Аand those of the neck in 

order that the rider may have as free a grip as possible。 

     6АLit。 ;The gods察we must suppose察gave 。 。 。; 

     7АLit。 ;as defences or protective bulwarks。; 


     Mane察forelock察and tail are triple gifts bestowed by the gods upon the 

horse for the sake of pride and ornament撮9Аand here is the proof此a brood 

mare察  so   long   as   her   mane   is   long   and   flowing察  will   not   readily   suffer 

herself to be covered by an ass察hence breeders of mules take care to clip 

the mane of the mare with a view to covering。10А

     9А。aglaias eneka a poetic word。 Cf。 ;Od。; xv。 78察xvii。 310。 

     10А  For   this   belief   Schneid。   cf   Aristot。   ;H。   A。;   vi。   18察  Plin。   viii。 

42察Aelian察 H。 A。; ii。 10察xi。 18察xii。 16察to which Dr。 Morgan                       aptly 

adds Soph。 ;Fr。; 587 Tyro察a beautiful passage察。komes de                         penthos 

lagkhano polou diken察k。t。l。 cf。 Plut。 ;Mor。; 754 A。 


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                                         On Horsemanship 

     Washing of the legs we are inclined to dispense withno good is done 

but   rather   harm   to   the   hoofs   by   this   daily   washing。   So察  too察  excessive 

cleanliness of the belly is to be discouraged察the operation itself is most 

annoying to the horse察and the cleaner these parts are made察the thicker the 

swarm   of   troublesome   things   which   collect   beneath   the   belly。   Besides 

which察however elaborately you clean these parts察the horse is no sooner 

led out than presently he will be just as dirty as if he had not been cleaned。 

Omit these ablutions then察we say察and similarly for the legs察rubbing and 

currying by hand is quite sufficient。 


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                                        On Horsemanship 


     We     will  now     explain    how    the   operation    of   grooming      may    be 

performed with least danger to oneself and best advantage to the horse。 If 

the groom attempts to clean the horse with his face turned the same way as 

the horse察he runs the risk of getting a knock in the face from the animal's 

knee or hoof。 When cleaning him he should turn his face in the opposite 

direction to the horse察and planting himself well out of the way of his leg察

at an angle to his shoulder´blade察proceed to rub him down。 He will then 

escape all mischief察and he will be able to clean the frog by folding back 

the hoof。 Let him clean the hind´legs in the same way。 

     The man who has to do with the horse should know察with regard to this 

and all   other  necessary  operations察 that he ought to   approach   as little  as 

possible from the head or the tail to perform them察for if the horse attempt 

to show vice he is master of the man in front and rear。 But by approaching 

from the side he will get the greatest hold over the horse with the least risk 

of injury to himself。 

     When the horse has to be led察we do not approve of leading him from 

in front察for the simple reason that the person so leading him robs himself 

of his power of self´protection察whilst he leaves the horse freedom to do 

what he likes。 On the other hand察we take a like exception to the plan of 

training the horse to go forward on a long rein1Аand lead the way察and for 

this   reason此  it   gives   the   horse the   opportunity  of   mischief察 in   whichever 

direction he likes察on either flank察and the power also to turn right about 

and face his driver。 How can a troop of horses be kept free of one another察

if driven in this fashion from behindwhereas a horse accustomed to be 

led from the side will have least power of mischief to horse or man察and at 

the   same   time   be   in   the   best   position   to   be   mounted   by   the   rider   at   a 

moment's notice察were it necessary。 

     1А See   a   passage   from  Strattis察  Chrys。;   2   Pollux察 x。  55察  。prosage 


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                                          On Horsemanship 

ton    polon    atrema察    proslabon     ton   agogea     brakhuteron。       oukh    oras   oti 

abolos estin。 

     In order to insert the bit correctly the groom should察in the first place察

approach on the near2Аside of the horse察and then throwing the reins over 

his head察let them  drop loosely  on   the   withers察raise the   headstall   in   his 

right hand察and with his left present the bit。 If the horse will take the bit察it 

is a simple business to adjust the strap of the headstall察but if he refuses to 

open his mouth察the groom must hold the bit against the teeth and at the 

same   time   insert   the   thumb3А  of   his   left   hand   inside   the   horse's   jaws。 

Most horses will open their mouths to that operation。 But if he still refuses察

then the groom must press the lip against the tush4В察very few horses will 

refuse the bit察when that is done to them。5А

     2АLit。 ;on the left´hand side。; 

     3А。ton megan daktulon察Hdt。 iii。 8。 

     4Аi。e。 ;canine tooth。; 

     5А  Or察   it   is   a   very   exceptional   horse   that   will   not   open   his   mouth 

under the circumstances。; 

     The groom can hardly be too much alive to the following points * * * 

if any work is to be done今6Аin fact察so important is it that the horse should 

readily take his bit察 that察to put   it   tersely察 a   horse that   will not take   it   is 

good for nothing。 Now察if the horse be bitted not only when he has work to 

do察but also when he is being taken to his food and when he is being led 

home from a ride察it would be no great marvel if he learnt to take the bit of 

his own accord察when first presented to him。 

     6АReading with L。 Dind。 khre de ton ippokomon kai ta oiade 。 。  。 

paroxunthai察ei ti dei ponein察or if as Schneid。察Sauppe察etc。察                       。khre 

de   ton   ippon   me   kata   toiade察  k。t。l。察  transl。   ;the   horse      must   not   be 

irritated    in  such    operations     as   these察─   etc。察 but         toiade      =   ;as 

follows察─if correct察suggests a lacuna in either                  case at this point。 

     It would be good for the groom to know how to give a leg up in the 

Persian fashion撮7Аso that in case of illness or infirmity of age the master 

himself may have a man to help him on to horseback without trouble察or察if 


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                                         On Horsemanship 

he so wish察be able to oblige a friend with a man to mount him。8А

     7АCf。 ;Anab。; IV。 iv。 4察 Hipparch察─i。 17察 Cyrop。; VII。 i。 38。 

     8АAn anaboleus。 Cf。 Plut。 ;C。 Gracch。; 7。 

     The one best preceptthe golden rulein dealing with a horse is never 

to   approach   him   angrily。  Anger   is   so   devoid   of   forethought   that   it   will 

often drive a man to do things which in a calmer mood he will regret。9А

Thus察when a horse is shy of any object and refuses to approach it察you 

must teach him that there is nothing to be alarmed at察particularly if he be 

a plucky animal撮10Аor察failing that察touch the formidable object yourself察

and then gently lead the horse up to it。 The opposite plan of forcing the 

frightened   creature   by  blows   only  intensifies its   fear察 the horse   mentally 

associating      the  pain   he   suffers   at  such   a  moment      with   the   object   of 

suspicion察which he naturally regards as its cause。 

     9АCf。 ;Hell。; v。 iii。 7 for this maxim。 

     10АAl。 ;if possibly by help of another and plucky animal。; 

     If察  when   the   groom   brings   up   the   horse   to   his   master   to   mount察  he 

knows   how   to   make   him   lower   his   back撮11А  to   facilitate   mounting察  we 

have no fault to find。 Still察we consider that the horseman should practise 

and be able to mount察even if the horse does not so lend himself撮12Аsince 

on another occasion another type of horse may fall to the rider's lot撮13А

nor can the same rider be always served by the same equerry。14А

     11А  。upobibazesthai。   See   above察  i。   14察  Pollux察  i。   213察  Morgan   ad 

loc。 ;Stirrups were unknown till long after the Christian era                     began。; 

     12АOr察 apart from these good graces on the animal's part。; 

     13АAs a member of the cavalry。 

     14А  Reading   allo。  Al。   reading   allos   with   L。   D。察   and   the   same 

horse will at one time h

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