太子爷小说网 > 英语电子书 > the friendly road(友好的路) >


the friendly road(友好的路)-第2节

小说: the friendly road(友好的路) 字数: 每页4000字

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old farmhouse; it grew so dim I could scarcely see it at all! Having thus 

published abroad my Declaration of Independence; nailed my defiance to 

the door; and otherwise established myself as a free person; I turned over 

in my bed and took another delicious nap。 

     Do you know; friend; we can be free of many things that dominate our 

lives by merely crying out a rebellious 〃Avaunt!〃 

     But   in   spite   of   this   bold   beginning;   I   assure   you   it   required   several 

days to break the habit of cows and hens。 The second morning I awakened 

again at five o'clock; but my leg did not make for the side of the bed; the 

third morning I was only partially awakened; and on the fourth morning I 

slept like a millionaire (or at least I slept as a millionaire is supposed to 

sleep!) until the clock struck seven。 

     For   some   days   after   I   left   homeand   I   walked   out   as   casually   that 

morning as though I were going to the barnI scarcely thought or tried to 

think of anything but the Road。 Such an unrestrained sense of liberty; such 

an exaltation of freedom; I have not known since I was a lad。 When I came 

to my farm from the city many years ago it was as one bound; as one who 

had   lost   out   in   the  World's   battle  and   was    seeking   to   get   hold  again 

somewhere upon the realities of life。 I have related elsewhere how I thus 

came creeping   like   one sore   wounded   from the   field   of battle;   and how; 

among our hills; in the hard; steady labour in the soil of the fields; with 

new and simple friends around me; I found a sort of rebirth or resurrection。 

I that was worn out; bankrupt both physically and morally; learned to live 

again。    I  have    achieved     something     of   high   happiness     in  these    years; 

something I   know of   pure contentment;   and I have learned two or   three 

deep and simple things about life: I have learned that happiness is not to 


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                                     THE FRIENDLY ROAD 

be    had   for  the   seeking;   but   comes     quietly   to  him   who    pauses    at  his 

difficult   task   and   looks   upward。   I   have   learned   that   friendship   is   very 

simple; and; more than all else; I have learned the lesson of being quiet; of 

looking out across the meadows and hills; and of trusting a little in God。 

     And now; for the moment; I am regaining another of the joys of youth… 

…that of the sense of perfect freedom。 I made no plans when I left home; I 

scarcely chose the direction in which I was to travel; but drifted out; as a 

boy might; into the great busy world。 Oh; I have dreamed of that! It seems 

almost   as   though;   after   ten   years;   I   might   again   really  touch   the   highest 

joys of adventure! 

     So I took the Road as it came; as a man takes a woman; for better or 

worseI     took    the  Road;    and   the   farms   along    it;  and  the  sleepy   little 

villages; and the streams from the hillsidesall with high enjoyment。 They 

were good coin in my purse! And when I had passed the narrow horizon of 

my acquaintanceship; and reached country new to me; it seemed as though 

every sense I had began to awaken。 I must have grown dull; unconsciously; 

in   the   last   years   there   on   my   farm。   I   cannot   describe   the   eagerness   of 

discovery I felt at climbing each new hill; nor the long breath I took at the 

top of it as I surveyed new stretches of pleasant countryside。 

     Assuredly this is one of the royal moments of all the yearfine; cool; 

sparkling   spring   weather。   I   think   I   never   saw   the   meadows   richer   and 

greenerand the lilacs are still blooming; and the catbirds and orioles are 

here。 The oaks are not yet in full leaf; but the maples have nearly reached 

their full mantle of verdurethey are very beautiful and charming to see。 

     It is curious how at this moment of the year all the world seems astir。 I 

suppose there is no moment in any of the seasons when the whole army of 

agriculture;   regulars   and   reserves;   is   so   fully   drafted   for   service   in   the 

fields。 And all the doors and windows; both in the little villages and on the 

farms; stand wide open to the sunshine; and all the women and girls are 

busy in the   yards and   gardens。 Such   a fine;  active; gossipy;  adventurous 

world as it is at this moment of the year! 

     It is the time; too; when all sorts of travelling people are afoot。 People 

who have been mewed up in the cities for the winter now take to the open 


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roadall   the   peddlers   and   agents   and   umbrella…menders;   all   the   nursery 

salesmen and fertilizer agents; all the tramps and scientists and poetsall 

abroad   in   the   wide   sunny   roads。   They;   too;   know   well   this   hospitable 

moment of the spring; they; too; know that doors and hearts are open and 

that   even   into   dull   lives   creeps   a   bit   of   the   spirit   of   adventure。   Why;   a 

farmer will buy a corn planter; feed a tramp; or listen to a poet twice as 

easily at this time of year as at any other! 

     For several days I found myself so fully occupied with the bustling life 

of the Road that I scarcely spoke to a living soul; but strode straight ahead。 

The   spring   has   been   late   and   cold:   most   of   the   corn   and   some   of   the 

potatoes   are   not   yet   in;   and   the   tobacco   lands   are   still   bare   and   brown。 

Occasionally I stopped to watch some ploughman in the fields: I saw with 

a    curious;    deep    satisfaction     how     the   moist    furrows;     freshly    turned; 

glistened in the warm sunshine。 There seemed to be something right and 

fit about it; as well as human and beautiful。 Or at evening I would stop to 

watch      a  ploughman       driving    homeward        across    his  new     brown     fields; 

raising a cloud of fine dust from the fast drying furrow crests。 The low sun 

shining through the dust and glorifying it; the weary…stepping horses; the 

man   all   sombre…coloured   like   the   earth   itself   and   knit   into   the   scene   as 

though a part of it; made a picture exquisitely fine to see。 

     And what a joy I had also of the lilacs blooming in many a dooryard; 

the odour often trailing after me for a long distance in the road; and of the 

pungent scent at evening in the cool hollows of burning brush heaps and 

the   smell   of   barnyards   as   I   went   bynot   unpleasant;   not   offensiveand 

above all; the deep; earthy; moist odour of new…ploughed fields。 

     And then; at evening; to hear the sound of voices from the dooryards 

as   I   pass   quite   unseen;   no   words;   but   just   pleasant;   quiet   intonations   of 

human voices; borne through the still air; or the low sounds of cattle in the 

barnyards;   quieting   down   for   the   night;   and   often;   if   near   a   village;   the 

distant; slumbrous sound of a church bell; or even the rumble of a train 

how good all these sounds are! They have all come to me again this week 

with renewed freshness and impressiveness。 I am living deep again! 

     It   was   not;   indeed;   until   last   Wednesday   that   I   began   to   get   my   fill; 


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                                    THE FRIENDLY ROAD 

temporarily; of the outward satisfaction of the Roadthe primeval takings 

of the sensesthe mere joys of seeing; hearing; smelling; touching。 But on 

that day I began to wake up; I began to have a desire to know something 

of all the strange and interesting people who are working in their fields; or 

standing   invitingly   in   their   doorways;   or   so   busily   afoot   in   the   country 

roads。 Let me add; also; for this is one of the most important parts of my 

present experience; that this new desire was far from being wholly esoteric。 

I had also begun to have cravings which would not in the least be satisfied 

by landscapes or dulled by the sights and sounds of the road。 A whiff here 

and   there   from   a   doorway   at   mealtime   had   made   me   long   for   my   own 

home; for the sight of Harriet calling from the steps:             〃Dinner; David。〃 

     But   I   had   covenanted   with   myself   long   before   starting   that   I   would 

literally 〃live light in spring。〃 It was the one and primary condition I made 

with myselfand made with serious purposeand when I came away I had 

only enough money in my pocket and sandwiches in my pack to see me 

through   the   first three   or   four   days。 Any   man   may  brutally  pay  his   way 

anywhere; but it is quite another thing to be accepted by your humankind 


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