the works of edgar allan poe-5-第2节
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our most fashionable drawing…rooms; may be cited as the quintessence of
all that is false in taste or preposterous in folly。
The rage for _glitter…_because its idea has become as we before
observed; confounded with that of magnificence in the abstract…has led us;
also; to the exaggerated employment of mirrors。 We line our dwellings with
great British plates; and then imagine we have done a fine thing。 Now the
slightest thought will be sufficient to convince any one who has an eye at
all; of the ill effect of numerous looking…glasses; and especially of
large ones。 Regarded apart from its reflection; the mirror presents a
continuous; flat; colourless; unrelieved surface; … a thing always and
obviously unpleasant。 Considered as a reflector; it is potent in producing
a monstrous and odious uniformity: and the evil is here aggravated; not in
merely direct proportion with the augmentation of its sources; but in a
ratio constantly increasing。 In fact; a room with four or five mirrors
arranged at random; is; for all purposes of artistic show; a room of no
shape at all。 If we add to this evil; the attendant glitter upon glitter;
we have a perfect farrago of discordant and displeasing effects。 The
veriest bumpkin; on entering an apartment so bedizzened; would be
instantly aware of something wrong; although he might be altogether unable
to assign a cause for his dissatisfaction。 But let the same person be led
into a room tastefully furnished; and he would be startled into an
exclamation of pleasure and surprise。
It is an evil growing out of our republican institutions; that here a
man of large purse has usually a very little soul which he keeps in it。
The corruption of taste is a portion or a pendant of the dollar…manufac
sure。 As we grow rich; our ideas grow rusty。 It is; therefore; not among
_our _aristocracy that we must look (if at all; in Appallachia); for the
spirituality of a British _boudoir。 _But we have seen apartments in the
tenure of Americans of moderns 'possibly 〃modest〃 or 〃moderate〃' means;
which; in negative merit at least; might vie with any of the _or…molu'd
_cabinets of our friends across the water。 Even _now_; there is present to
our mind's eye a small and not; ostentatious chamber with whose
decorations no fault can be found。 The proprietor lies asleep on a sofa …
the weather is cool … the time is near midnight: arc will make a sketch of
the room during his slumber。
It is oblong … some thirty feet in length and twenty…five in breadth …
a shape affording the best(ordinary) opportunities for the adjustment of
furniture。 It has but one door … by no means a wide one … which is at one
end of the parallelogram; and but two windows; which are at the other。
These latter are large; reaching down to the floor … have deep recesses …
and open on an Italian _veranda。 _Their panes are of a crimson…tinted
glass; set in rose…wood framings; more massive than usual。 They are
curtained within the recess; by a thick silver tissue adapted to the shape
of the window; and hanging loosely in small volumes。 Without the recess
are curtains of an exceedingly rich crimson silk; fringed with a deep
network of gold; and lined with silver tissue; which is the material of
the exterior blind。 There are no cornices; but the folds of the whole
fabric (which are sharp rather than massive; and have an airy appearance);
issue from beneath a broad entablature of rich giltwork; which encircles
the room at the junction of the ceiling and walls。 The drapery is thrown
open also; or closed; by means of a thick rope of gold loosely enveloping
it; and resolving itself readily into a knot; no pins or other such
devices are apparent。 The colours of the curtains and their fringe … the
tints of crimson and gold … appear everywhere in profusion; and determine
the _character _of the room。 The carpet … of Saxony material … is quite
half an inch thick; and is of the same crimson ground; relieved simply by
the appearance of a gold cord (like that festooning the curtains) slightly
relieved above the surface of the _ground; _and thrown upon it in such a
manner as to form a succession of short irregular curves … one
occasionally overlaying the other。 The walls are prepared with a glossy
paper of a silver gray tint; spotted with small Arabesque devices of a
fainter hue of the prevalent crimson。 Many paintings relieve the expanse
of paper。 These are chiefly landscapes of an imaginative cast…such as the
fairy grottoes of Stanfield; or the lake of the Dismal Swamp of Chapman。
There are; nevertheless; three or four female heads; of an ethereal
beauty…portraits in the manner of Sully。 The tone of each picture is warm;
but dark。 There are no 〃brilliant effects。〃 _Repose _speaks in all。 Not
one is of small size。 Diminutive paintings give that _spotty _look to a
room; which is the blemish of so many a fine work of Art overtouched。 The
frames are broad but not deep; and richly carved; without being _dulled
_or filagreed。 They have the whole lustre of burnished gold。 They lie flat
on the walls; and do not hang off with cords。 The designs themselves are
often seen to better advantage in this latter position; but the general
appearance of the chamber is injured。 But one mirror … and this not a very
large one … is visible。 In shape it is nearly circular … and it is hung so
that a reflection of the person can be obtained from it in none of the
ordinary sitting…places of the room。 Two large low sofas of rosewood and
crimson silk; gold…flowered; form the only seats; with the exception of
two light conversation chairs; also of rose…wood。 There is a pianoforte
(rose…wood; also); without cover; and thrown open。 An octagonal table;
formed altogether of the richest gold…threaded marble; is placed near one
of the sofas。 This is also without cover … the drapery of the curtains has
been thought sufficient。。 Four large and gorgeous Sevres vases; in which
bloom a profusion of sweet and vivid flowers; occupy the slightly rounded
angles of the room。 A tall candelabrum; bearing a small antique lamp with
highly perfumed oil; is standing near the head of my sleeping friend。 Some
light and graceful hanging shelves; with golden edges and crimson silk
cords with gold tassels; sustain two or three hundred magnificently bound
books。 Beyond these things; there is no furniture; if we except an Argand
lamp; with a plain crimson…tinted ground glass shade; which depends from
He lofty vaulted ceiling by a single slender gold chain; and throws a
tranquil but magical radiance over all。
~~~ End Of Text ~~~
Intensos rigidarn in frontern ascendere canos
Passus erat
_ …LucanDe Catone_
…a bristly _bore。_
LET us hurry to the walls;〃 said Abel…Phittim to Buzi…Ben…Levi and Simeon
the Pharisee; on the tenth day of the month Thammuz; in the year of the
world three thousand nine hundred and fortyonelet us hasten to the
ramparts adjoining the gate of Benjamin; which is in the city of David;
and overlooking the camp of the uncircumcised; for it is the last hour of
the fourth watch; being sunrise; and the idolaters; in fulfilment of the
promise of Pompey; should be awaiting us with the lambs for the
Simeon; Abel…Phittim; and Duzi…Ben…Levi were the Gizbarim; or
sub…collectors of the offering; in the holy city of Jerusalem。
〃Verily;〃 replied the Pharisee; 〃let us hasten: for this generosity in the
heathen is unwonted; and fickle…mindedness has ever been an attribute of
the worshippers of Baal。〃
〃'That they are fickle…minded and treacherous is as true as the
Pentateuch;〃 said Buzi…Ben…Levi; 〃but that is only toward the people of
Adonai。 When was it ever known that the Ammonites proved wanting to their
own interests? Methinks it is no great stretch of generosity to allow us
lambs for the altar of the Lord; receiving in lieu thereof thirty silver
shekels per head !〃
〃Thou forgettest; however; Ben…Levi;〃 replied Abel…Phittim; 〃that the
Roman Pompey; who is now impiously besieging the city of the Most High;
has no assurity that we apply not the lambs thus purchased for the altar;
to the sustenance of the body; rather than of the spirit。〃
〃Now; by the five corners of my beard!〃 shouted the Pharisee; who belonged
to the sect called The Dashers (that little knot of saints whose manner of
_dashing _and lacerating the feet against the pavement was long a thorn
and a reproach to less zealous devotees…a stumbling…block to less gifted
perambulators)〃by the five corners of that beard which; as a priest; I
am forbidden to shave !…have we lived to see the day when a blaspheming
and idolatrous upstart of Rome shall accuse us of appropriating to the
appetites of the flesh the most holy and consecrated elements? Have we
lived to see the day when…〃'
〃Let us not question the motives of the Philistine;〃 interrupted
Abel…Phittim' 〃for to…day we profit for the first time by his avarice or
by his generosity; but rather let us hurry to the ramparts; lest offerings
should be wanting for that altar whose fire the rains of heaven can not
extinguish; and whose pillars of smoke no tempest can turn aside。〃
That part of the city to which o