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the red house mystery-第27节

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he has no quarrel; whom he hasn't seen for fifteen years!〃 〃Yes; but to 
save his own neck。 That makes a difference。 My theory is that he 
quarrelled violently with Mark over the girl; and killed him in sudden 
passion。 Anything that happened after that would be self…defense。 I 
don't mean that I excuse it; but that I understand it。 And I think that 
Mark's dead body is in the passage now; and has been there since; say; 
half…past two yesterday afternoon。 And to…night Cayley is going to hide 
it in the pond。〃 

Bill pulled at the moss on the ground beside him; threw away a 
handful or two; and said slowly; 〃You may be right; but it's all guess…work; 
you know。〃 

Antony laughed。 

〃Good Lord; of course it is;〃 he said。 〃And to…night we shall know if 
it's a good guess or a bad one。〃 

Bill brightened up suddenly。 

〃To…night;〃 he said。 〃I say; to…night's going to be rather fun。 How do 


The Red House Mystery 

we work it?〃 

Antony was silent for a little。 

〃Of course;〃 he said at last; 〃we ought to inform the police; so that 
they can come here and watch the pond to…night。〃 

〃Of course;〃 grinned Bill。 

〃But I think that perhaps it is a little early to put our theories before 

〃I think perhaps it is;〃 said Bill solemnly。 

Antony looked up at him with a sudden smile。 

〃Bill; you old bounder。〃 

〃Well; dash it; it's our show。 I don't see why we shouldn't get our 
little bit of fun out of it。〃 

〃Neither do I。 All right; then; we'll do without the police to…night。〃 

〃We shall miss them;〃 said Bill sadly; 〃but 'tis better so。〃 

There were two problems in front of them: first; the problem of getting 
out of the house without being discovered by Cayley; and secondly; the 
problem of recovering whatever it was which Cayley dropped into the 
pond that night。 

〃Let's look at it from Cayley's point of view;〃 said Antony。 〃He may 
not know that we're on his track; but he can't help being suspicious of us。 
He's bound to be suspicious of everybody in the house; and more 
particularly of us; because we're presumably more intelligent than the 

He stopped for a moment to light his pipe; and Bill took the 
opportunity of looking more intelligent than Mrs。 Stevens。 

〃Now; he has got something to hide to…night; and he's going to take 
good care that we aren't watching him。 Well; what will he do?〃 

〃See that we are asleep first; before he starts out。〃 

〃Yes。 Come and tuck us up; and see that we're nice and 

〃Yes; that's awkward;〃 said Bill。 〃But we could lock our doors; and 
then he wouldn't know that we weren't there。〃 

〃Have you ever locked your door?〃 



The Red House Mystery 

〃No And you can bet that Cayley knows that。 Anyway; he'd bang on 
it; and you wouldn't answer; and then what would he think?〃 

Bill was silent; crushed。 

〃Then I don't see how we're going to do it;〃 he said; after deep thought。 
〃He'll obviously come to us just before he starts out; and that doesn't give 
us time to get to the pond in front of him。〃 

〃Let's put ourselves in his place;〃 said Antony; puffing slowly at his 
pipe。 〃He's got the body; or whatever it is; in the passage。 He won't come 
up the stairs; carrying it in his arms; and look in at our doors to see if we're 
awake。 He'll have to make sure about us first; and then go down for the 
body afterwards。 So that gives us a little time。〃 

〃Y yes;〃 said Bill doubtfully。 〃We might just do it; but it'll be a bit of 
a rush。〃 

〃But wait。 When he's gone down to the passage and got the body; 
what will he do next?〃 

〃Come out again;〃 said Bill helpfully。 

〃Yes; but which end?〃 

Bill sat up with a start。 

〃By Jove; you mean that he will go out at the far end by the bowling…

〃Don't you think so? Just imagine him walking across the lawn in 
full view of the house; at midnight; with a body in his arms。 Think of the 
awful feeling he would have in the back of the neck; wondering if 
anybody; any restless sleeper; had chosen just that moment to wander to 
the window and look out into the night。 There's still plenty of moonlight; 
Bill。 Is he going to walk across the park in the moonlight; with all those 
windows staring at him? Not if he can help it。 But he can get out by 
the bowling green; and then come to the pond without ever being in sight 
of the house; at all。〃 

〃You're right。 And that will just about give us time。 Good。 Now; 
what's the next thing?〃 

〃The next thing is to mark the exact place in the pond where he drops 
whatever he drops。〃 

〃So that we can fish it out again。〃 


The Red House Mystery 

〃If we can see what it is; we shan't want to。 The police can have a go 
at it to…morrow。 But if it's something we can't identify from a distance; 
then we must try and get it out。 To see whether it's worth telling the 
police about。〃 

〃Y … yes;〃 said Bill; wrinkling his forehead。 〃Of course; the trouble 
with water is that one bit of it looks pretty much like the next bit。 I don't 
know if that had occurred to you。 

〃It had;〃 smiled Antony。 〃Let's come and have a look at it。〃 

They walked to the edge of the copse; and lay down there in silence; 
looking at the pond beneath them。 

〃See anything?〃 said Antony at last。 


〃The fence on the other side。〃 

〃What about it?〃 

〃Well; it's rather useful; that's all。〃 

〃Said Sherlock Holmes enigmatically;〃 added Bill。 〃A moment later; 
his friend Watson had hurled him into the pond。〃 

Antony laughed。 

〃I love being Sherlocky;〃 he said。 〃It's very unfair of you not to play 
up to me。 

〃Why is that fence useful; my dear Holmes?〃 said Bill obediently。 

〃Because you can take a bearing on it。 You see 〃 

〃Yes; you needn't stop to explain to me what a bearing is。〃 

〃I wasn't going to。 But you're lying here〃 he looked up 〃underneath 
this pine…tree。 Cayley comes out in the old boat and drops his parcel in。 
You take a line from here on to the boat; and mark it off on the fence there。 
Say it's the fifth post from the end。 Well; then I take a line from my tree 
we'll find one for me directly and it comes on to the twentieth post; say。 
And where the two lines meet; there shall the eagles be gathered together。 

Q。E。D。 And there; I almost forgot to remark; will the taller eagle; 
Beverley by name; do his famous diving act。 As performed nightly at the 
Bill looked at him uneasily。
〃I say; really? It's beastly dirty water; you know。〃


The Red House Mystery 

〃I'm afraid so; Bill。 So it is written in the book of Jasher。〃 

〃Of course I knew that one of us would have to; but I hoped; well; it's 
a warm night。〃 

〃Just the night for a bathe;〃 agreed Antony; getting up。 〃Well now; 
let's have a look for my tree。〃 

They walked down to the margin of the pond and then looked back。 
Bill's tree stood up and took the evening; tall and unmistakable; fifty feet 
nearer to heaven than its neighbours。 But it had its fellow at the other 
end of the copse; not quite so tall; perhaps; but equally conspicuous。 

〃That's where I shall be;〃 said Antony; pointing to it。 〃Now; for the 
Lord's sake; count your posts accurately。〃 

〃Thanks very much; but I shall do it for my own sake;〃 said Bill with 
feeling。 〃I don't want to spend the whole night diving。〃 

〃Fix on the post in a straight line with you and the splash; and then 
count backwards to the beginning of the fence。〃 

〃Right; old boy。 Leave it to me。 I can do this on my head。〃 

〃Well; that's how you will have to do the last part of it;〃 said Antony 
with a smile。 

He looked at his watch。 It was nearly time to change for dinner。 They 
started to walk back to the house together。 

〃There's one thing which worries me rather;〃 said Antony。 〃Where 
does Cayley sleep?〃 

〃Next door to me。 Why?〃 

〃Well; it's just possible that he might have another look at you after 
he's come back from the pond。 I don't think he'd bother about it in the 
ordinary way; but if he is actually passing your door; I think he might 
glance in。〃 

〃I shan't be there。 I shall be at the bottom of the pond; sucking up 

〃Yes。。。。 Do you think you could leave something in your bed that 
looked vaguely like you in the dark? A bolster with a pyjama…coat round 
it; and one arm outside the blanket; and a pair of socks or something for 
the head。 You know the kind of thing。 I think it would please him to 
feel that you were still sleeping peacefully。〃 


The Red House Mystery 

Bill chuckled to himself。 

〃Rather。 I'm awfully good at that。 I'll make him up something 
really good。 But what about you?〃 

〃I'm at the other end of the house; he's hardly likely to bother about me 
a second time。 And I shall be so very fast asleep at his first visit。 Still; I 
may as well to be on the safe side。〃 

They went into the house。 Cayley was in the hall as they came in。 He 
nodded; and took out his watch。 

〃Time to change?〃 he said。 

〃Just about;〃 said Bill。 

〃You didn't forget my letter?〃 

〃I did not。 In fact; we had tea there。〃 

〃Ah!〃 He looked away and said carelessly; 〃How w

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