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the red house mystery-第1节

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The Red House Mystery

by A。A。 Milne 


The Red House Mystery 


Like all really nice people; you have a weakness for detective stories; 
and feel that there are not enough of them。 So; after all that you have 
done for me; the least that I can do for you is to write you one。 Here it 
is: with more gratitude and affection than I can well put down here。 


The Red House Mystery 


Mrs。 Stevens is Frightened 

In the drowsy heat of the summer afternoon the Red House was 
taking its siesta。 There was a lazy murmur of bees in the flower…borders; 
a gentle cooing of pigeons in the tops of the elms。 From distant lawns 
came the whir of a mowing…machine; that most restful of all country 
sounds; making ease the sweeter in that it is taken while others are 

It was the hour when even those whose business it is to attend to the 
wants of others have a moment or two for themselves。 In the 
housekeeper's room Audrey Stevens; the pretty parlourmaid; re…trimmed 
her best hat; and talked idly to her aunt; the cook…housekeeper of Mr。 Mark 
Ablett's bachelor home。 

〃For Joe?〃 said Mrs。 Stevens placidly; her eye on the hat。 Audrey 
nodded。 She took a pin from her mouth; found a place in the hat for it; 
and said; 〃He likes a bit of pink。〃 

〃I don't say I mind a bit of pink myself;〃 said her aunt。 〃Joe Turner 
isn't the only one。〃 

〃It isn't everybody's colour;〃 said Audrey; holding the hat out at arm's 
length; and regarding it thoughtfully。 〃Stylish; isn't it?〃 

〃Oh; it'll suit you all right; and it would have suited me at your age。 
A bit too dressy for me now; though wearing better than some other people; 
I daresay。 I was never the one to pretend to be what I wasn't。 If I'm 
fifty…five; I'm fifty…five … that's what I say。〃 

〃Fifty…eight; isn't it; auntie?〃 

〃I was just giving that as an example;〃 said Mrs。 Stevens with great 

Audrey threaded a needle; held her hand out and looked at her nails 
critically for a moment; and then began to sew。 

〃Funny thing that about Mr。 Mark's brother。 Fancy not seeing your 
brother for fifteen years。〃 She gave a self…conscious laugh and went on; 
〃Wonder what I should do if I didn't see Joe for fifteen years。〃 

〃As I told you all this morning;〃 said her aunt; 〃I've been here five 


The Red House Mystery 

years; and never heard of a brother。 I could say that before everybody if I 
was going to die to…morrow。 There's been no brother here while I've been 

〃You could have knocked me down with a feather when he spoke 
about him at breakfast this morning。 I didn't hear what went before; 
naturally; but they was all talking about the brother when I went in … now 
what was it I went in for … hot milk; was it; or toast? … well; they was all 
talking; and Mr。 Mark turns to me; and says … you know his way 
'Stevens;' he says; 'my brother is coming to see me this afternoon; I'm 
expecting him about three;' he says。 'Show him into the office;' he says; 
just like that。 'Yes; sir;' I says quite quietly; but I was never so surprised 
in my life; not knowing he had a brother。 'My brother from Australia;' he 
says … there; I'd forgotten that。 From Australia。〃 

〃Well; he may have been in Australia;〃 said Mrs。 Stevens; judicially; 〃I 
can't say for that; not knowing the country; but what I do say is he's never 
been here。 Not while I've been here; and that's five years。〃 

〃Well; but; auntie; he hasn't been here for fifteen years。 I heard Mr。 
Mark telling Mr。 Cayley。 'Fifteen years;' he says。 Mr。 Cayley having 
arst him when his brother was last in England。 Mr。 Cayley knew of him; 
I heard him telling Mr。 Beverley; but didn't know when he was last in 
England … see? So that's why he arst Mr。 Mark。〃 

〃I'm not saying anything about fifteen years; Audrey。 I can only 
speak for what I know; and that's five years Whitsuntide。 I can take my 
oath he's not set foot in the house since five years Whitsuntide。 And if 
he's been in Australia; as you say; well; I daresay he's had his reasons。〃 

〃What reasons?〃 said Audrey lightly。 

〃Never mind what reasons。 Being in the place of a mother to you; 
since your poor mother died; I say this; Audrey … when a gentleman goes 
to Australia; he has his reasons。 And when he stays in Australia fifteen 
years; as Mr。 Mark says; and as I know for myself for five years; he has his 
reasons。 And a respectably brought…up girl doesn't ask what reasons。〃 

〃Got into trouble; I suppose;〃 said Audrey carelessly。 〃They were 
saying at breakfast he'd been a wild one。 Debts。 I'm glad Joe isn't like 
that。 He's got fifteen pounds in the post…office savings' bank。 Did I tell 


The Red House Mystery 


But there was not to be any more talk of Joe Turner that afternoon。 The 
ringing of a bell brought Audrey to her feet … no longer Audrey; but now 
Stevens。 She arranged her cap in front of the glass。 

〃There; that's the front door;〃 she said。 〃That's him。 'Show him into 
the office;' said Mr。 Mark。 I suppose he doesn't want the other ladies and 
gentlemen to see him。 Well; they're all out at their golf; anyhow 
Wonder if he's going to stay … P'raps he's brought back a lot of gold from 
Australia … I might hear something about Australia; because if anybody can 
get gold there; then I don't say but what Joe and I …〃 

〃Now; now; get on; Audrey。〃 

〃Just going; darling。〃 She went out。 

To anyone who had just walked down the drive in the August sun; the 
open door of the Red House revealed a delightfully inviting hall; of which 
even the mere sight was cooling。 lt was a big low…roofed; oak…beamed 
place; with cream…washed walls and diamond…paned windows; blue…
curtained。 On the right and left were doors leading into other living…
rooms; but on the side which faced you as you came in were windows 
again; looking on to a small grass court; and from open windows to open 
windows such air as there was played gently。 The staircase went up in 
broad; low steps along the right…hand wall; and; turning to the left; led you 
along a gallery; which ran across the width of the hail; to your bedroom。 
That is; if you were going to stay the night。 Mr。 Robert Ablett's 
intentions in this matter were as yet unknown。 

As Audrey came across the hall she gave a little start as she saw Mr。 
Cayley suddenly; sitting unobtrusively in a seat beneath one of the front 
windows; reading。 No reason why he shouldn't be there; certainly a 
much cooler place than the golf…links on such a day; but somehow there 
was a deserted air about the house that afternoon; as if all the guests were 
outside; or … perhaps the wisest place of all … up in their bedrooms; 
sleeping。 Mr。 Cayley; the master's cousin; was a surprise; and; having 
given a little exclamation as she came suddenly upon him; she blushed; 
and said; 〃Oh; I beg your pardon; sir; I didn't see you at first;〃 and he 
looked up from his book and smiled at her。 An attractive smile it was on 


The Red House Mystery 

that big ugly face。 〃Such a gentleman; Mr。 Cayley;〃 she thought to 
herself as she went on; and wondered what the master would do without 
him。 If this brother; for instance; had to be bundled back to Australia; it 
was Mr。 Cayley who would do most of the bundling。 

〃So this is Mr。 Robert;〃 said Audrey to herself; as she came in sight of 
the visitor。 

She told her aunt afterwards that she would have known him anywhere 
for Mr。 Mark's brother; but she would have said that in any event。 Actually 
she was surprised。 Dapper little Mark; with his neat pointed beard and 
his carefully curled moustache; with his quick…darting eyes; always 
moving from one to the other of any company he was in; to register one 
more smile to his credit when he had said a good thing; one more 
expectant look when he was only waiting his turn to say it; he was a very 
different man from this rough…looking; ill…dressed colonial; staring at her 
so loweringly。 

〃I want to see Mr。 Mark Ablett;〃 he growled。 It sounded almost like a 

Audrey recovered herself and smiled reassuringly at him。 She had a 
smile for everybody。 

〃Yes; sir。 He is expecting you; if you will come this way。〃 

〃Oh! So you know who I am; eh?〃 

〃Mr。 Robert Ablett?〃 

〃Ay; that's right。 So he's expecting me; eh? He'll be glad to see me; 

〃If you will come this way; sir;〃 said Audrey primly。 

She went to the second door on the left; and opened it。 

〃Mr。 Robert Ab…〃 she began; and then broke off。 The room was 
empty。 She turned to the man behind her。 〃If you will sit down; sir; I will 
find the master。 I know he's in; because he told me that you were coming 
this afternoon。〃 

〃Oh!〃 He looked round the room。 〃What d'you call this place; eh?〃 

〃The office; sir。〃 

〃The office?〃 

〃The room where the master works; sir。〃 


The Red House Mystery 

〃Works; eh? That's new。 Didn't know he'd ever done a stroke of 
work in his life。〃 

〃Where he writes; sir;〃 said Audrey; with dignity。 The fact that Mr。 
Mark 〃wrote;〃 though nobody knew what; was a matter of pride in the 

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