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eny察for he had no title at all to the throne which he now occupies察he being only the son of a woman who was the slave of Alcetas the brother of Perdiccas察he himself therefore in strict right was the slave of Alcetas察and if he had meant to do rightly he would have remained his slave察and then察according to your doctrine察he would have been happy。 But now he is unspeakably miserable察for he has been guilty of the greatest crimes此in the first place he invited his uncle and master察Alcetas察to come to him察under the pretence that he would restore to him the throne which Perdiccas has usurped察and after entertaining him and his son Alexander察who was his own cousin察and nearly of an age with him察and making them drunk察he threw them into a waggon and carried them off by night察and slew them察and got both of them out of the way察and when he had done all this wickedness he never discovered that he was the most miserable of all men察was very far from repenting此shall I tell you how he showed his remorse拭he had a younger brother察a child of seven years old察who was the legitimate son of Perdiccas察and to him of right the kingdom belonged察Archelaus察however察had no mind to bring him up as he ought and restore the kingdom to him察that was not his notion of happiness察but not long afterwards he threw him into a well and drowned him察and declared to his mother Cleopatra that he had fallen in while running after a goose察and had been killed。 And now as he is the greatest criminal of all the Macedonians察he may be supposed to be the most miserable and not the happiest of them察and I dare say that there are many Athenians察and you would be at the head of them察who would rather be any other Macedonian than Archelaus   Soc。 I praised you at first察Polus察for being a rhetorician rather than a reasoner。 And this察as I suppose察is the sort of argument with which you fancy that a child might refute me察and by which I stand refuted when I say that the unjust man is not happy。 But察my good friend察where is the refutation拭I cannot admit a word which you have been saying。   Pol。 That is because you will not察for you surely must think as I do。   Soc。 Not so察my simple friend察but because you will refute me after the manner which rhetoricians practise in courts of law。 For there the one party think that they refute the other when they bring forward a number of witnesses of good repute in proof of their allegations察and their adversary has only a single one or none at all。 But this kind of proof is of no value where truth is the aim察a man may often be sworn down by a multitude of false witnesses who have a great air of respectability。 And in this argument nearly every one察Athenian and stranger alike察would be on your side察if you should bring witnesses in disproof of my statement´you may察if you will察summon Nicias the son of Niceratus察and let his brothers察who gave the row of tripods which stand in the precincts of Dionysus察come with him察or you may summon Aristocrates察the son of Scellius察who is the giver of that famous offering which is at Delphi察summon察if you will察the whole house of Pericles察or any other great Athenian family whom you choose´they will all agree with you此I only am left alone and cannot agree察for you do not convince me察although you produce many false witnesses against me察in the hope of depriving me of my inheritance察which is the truth。 But I consider that nothing worth speaking of will have been effected by me unless I make you the one witness of my words察nor by you察unless you make me the one witness of yours察no matter about the rest of the world。 For there are two ways of refutation察one which is yours and that of the world in general察but mine is of another sort´let us compare them察and see in what they differ。 For察indeed察we are at issue about matters which to know is honourable and not to know disgraceful察to know or not to know happiness and misery´that is the chief of them。 And what knowledge can be nobler拭or what ignorance more disgraceful than this拭And therefore I will begin by asking you whether you do not think that a man who is unjust and doing injustice can be happy察seeing that you think Archelaus unjust察and yet happy拭May I assume this to be your opinion拭  Pol。 Certainly。   Soc。 But I say that this is an impossibility´here is one point about which we are at issue此very good。 And do you mean to say also that if he meets with retribution and punishment he will still be happy拭  Pol。 Certainly not察in that case he will be most miserable。   Soc。 On the other hand察if the unjust be not punished察then察according to you察he will be happy拭  Pol。 Yes。   Soc。 But in my opinion察Polus察the unjust or doer of unjust actions is miserable in any case察more miserable察however察if he be not punished and does not meet with retribution察and less miserable if he be punished and meets with retribution at the hands of gods and men。   Pol。 You are maintaining a strange doctrine察Socrates。   Soc。 I shall try to make you agree with me察O my friend察for as a friend I regard you。 Then these are the points at issue between us´are they not拭I was saying that to do is worse than to suffer injustice拭  Pol。 Exactly so。   Soc。 And you said the opposite拭  Pol。 Yes。   Soc。 I said also that the wicked are miserable察and you refuted me拭  Pol。 By Zeus察I did。   Soc。 In your own opinion察Polus。   Pol。 Yes察and I rather suspect that I was in the right。   Soc。 You further said that the wrong´doer is happy if he be unpunished拭  Pol。 Certainly。   Soc。 And I affirm that he is most miserable察and that those who are punished are less miserable´are you going to refute this proposition also拭  Pol。 A proposition which is harder of refutation than the other察Socrates。   Soc。 Say rather察Polus察impossible察for who can refute the truth拭  Pol。 What do you mean拭If a man is detected in an unjust attempt to make himself a tyrant察and when detected is racked察mutilated察has his eyes burned out察and after having had all sorts of great injuries inflicted on him察and having seen his wife and children suffer the like察is at last impaled or tarred and burned alive察will he be happier than if he escape and become a tyrant察and continue all through life doing what he likes and holding the reins of government察the envy and admiration both of citizens and strangers拭Is that the paradox which察as you say察cannot be refuted拭  Soc。 There again察noble Polus察you are raising hobgoblins instead of refuting me察just now you were calling witnesses against me。 But please to refresh my memory a little察did you say´;in an unjust attempt to make himself a tyrant;拭  Pol。 Yes察I did。   Soc。 Then I say that neither of them will be happier than the other´neither he who unjustly acquires a tyranny察nor he who suffers in the attempt察for of two miserables one cannot be the happier察but that he who escapes and becomes a tyrant is the more miserable of the two。 Do you laugh察Polus拭Well察this is a new kind of refutation´when any one says anything察instead of refuting him to laugh at him。   Pol。 But do you not think察Socrates察that you have been sufficiently refuted察when you say that which no human being will allow拭Ask the company。   Soc。 O Polus察I am not a public man察and only last year察when my tribe were serving as Prytanes察and it became my duty as their president to take the votes察there was a laugh at me察because I was unable to take them。 And as I failed then察you must not ask me to count the suffrages of the company now察but if察as I was saying察you have no better argument than numbers察let me have a turn察and do you make trial of the sort of proof which察as I think察is required察for I shall produce one witness only of the truth of my words察and he is the person with whom I am arguing察his suffrage I know how to take察but with the many I have nothing to do察and do not even address myself to them。 May I ask then whether you will answer in turn and have your words put to the proof拭For I certainly think that I and you and every man do really believe察that to do is a greater evil than to suffer injustice此and not to be punished than to be punished。   Pol。 And I should say neither I察nor any man此would you yourself察for example察suffer rather than do injustice拭  Soc。 Yes察and you察too察I or any man would。   Pol。 Quite the reverse察neither you察nor I察nor any man。   Soc。 But will you answer拭  Pol。 To be sure察I will´for I am curious to hear what you can have to say。   Soc。 Tell me察then察and you will know察and let us suppose that I am beginning at the beginning此which of the two察Polus察in your opinion察is the worst拭to do injustice or to suffer拭  Pol。 I should say that suffering was worst。   Soc。 And which is the greater disgrace拭Answer。   Pol。 To do。   Soc。 And the greater disgrace is the greater evil拭  Pol。 Certainly not。   Soc。 I understand you to say察if I am not mistaken察that the honourable is not the same as the good察or the disgraceful as the evil拭  Pol。 Certainly not。   Soc。 Let me ask a question of you此When you speak of beautiful things察such as bodies察colours察figures察sounds察institutions察do you not call them beautiful in reference to some standard此bodies察for example察are beautiful in proportion as they are useful察or as the sight of them gives pleas

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