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弌傍 gorgias 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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nderstood your meaning。 You say that you can make any man察who will learn of you察a rhetorician拭  Gor。 Yes。   Soc。 Do you mean that you will teach him to gain the ears of the multitude on any subject察and this not by instruction but by persuasion拭  Gor。 Quite so。   Soc。 You were saying察in fact察that the rhetorician will have察greater powers of persuasion than the physician even in a matter of health拭  Gor。 Yes察with the multitude´that is。   Soc。 You mean to say察with the ignorant察for with those who know he cannot be supposed to have greater powers of persuasion。   Gor。 Very true。   Soc。 But if he is to have more power of persuasion than the physician察he will have greater power than he who knows拭  Gor。 Certainly。   Soc。 Although he is not a physician此is he拭  Gor。 No。   Soc。 And he who is not a physician must察obviously察be ignorant of what the physician knows。   Gor。 Clearly。   Soc。 Then察when the rhetorician is more persuasive than the physician察the ignorant is more persuasive with the ignorant than he who has knowledge拭is not that the inference拭  Gor。 In the case supposed此Yes。   Soc。 And the same holds of the relation of rhetoric to all the other arts察the rhetorician need not know the truth about things察he has only to discover some way of persuading the ignorant that he has more knowledge than those who know拭  Gor。 Yes察Socrates察and is not this a great comfort拭not to have learned the other arts察but the art of rhetoric only察and yet to be in no way inferior to the professors of them拭  Soc。 Whether the rhetorician is or not inferior on this account is a question which we will hereafter examine if the enquiry is likely to be of any service to us察but I would rather begin by asking察whether he is as ignorant of the just and unjust察base and honourable察good and evil察as he is of medicine and the other arts察I mean to say察does he really know anything of what is good and evil察base or honourable察just or unjust in them察or has he only a way with the ignorant of persuading them that he not knowing is to be esteemed to know more about these things than some。 one else who knows拭Or must the pupil know these things and come to you knowing them before he can acquire the art of rhetoric拭If he is ignorant察you who are the teacher of rhetoric will not teach him´it is not your business察but you will make him seem to the multitude to know them察when he does not know them察and seem to be a good man察when he is not。 Or will you be unable to teach him rhetoric at all察unless he knows the truth of these things first拭What is to be said about all this拭By heavens察Gorgias察I wish that you would reveal to me the power of rhetoric察as you were saying that you would。   Gor。 Well察Socrates察I suppose that if the pupil does chance not to know them察he will have to learn of me these things as well。   Soc。 Say no more察for there you are right察and so he whom you make a rhetorician must either know the nature of the just and unjust already察or he must be taught by you。   Gor。 Certainly。   Soc。 Well察and is not he who has learned carpentering a carpenter拭  Gor。 Yes。   Soc。 And he who has learned music a musician拭  Gor。 Yes。   Soc。 And he who has learned medicine is a physician察in like manner拭He who has learned anything whatever is that which his knowledge makes him。   Gor。 Certainly。   Soc。 And in the same way察he who has learned what is just is just拭  Gor。 To be sure。   Soc。 And he who is just may be supposed to do what is just拭  Gor。 Yes。   Soc。 And must not the just man always desire to do what is just拭  Gor。 That is clearly the inference。   Soc。 Surely察then察the just man will never consent to do injustice拭  Gor。 Certainly not。   Soc。 And according to the argument the rhetorician must be a just man拭  Gor。 Yes。   Soc。 And will therefore never be willing to do injustice拭  Gor。 Clearly not。   Soc。 But do you remember saying just now that the trainer is not to be accused or banished if the pugilist makes a wrong use of his pugilistic art察and in like manner察if the rhetorician makes a bad and unjust use of rhetoric察that is not to be laid to the charge of his teacher察who is not to be banished察but the wrong´doer himself who made a bad use of his rhetoric´he is to be banished´was not that said拭  Gor。 Yes察it was。   Soc。 But now we are affirming that the aforesaid rhetorician will never have done injustice at all拭  Gor。 True。   Soc。 And at the very outset察Gorgias察it was said that rhetoric treated of discourse察not like arithmeticАabout odd and even察but about just and unjust拭Was not this said拭  Gor。 Yes。   Soc。 I was thinking at the time察when I heard you saying so察that rhetoric察which is always discoursing about justice察could not possibly be an unjust thing。 But when you added察shortly afterwards察that the rhetorician might make a bad use of rhetoric I noted with surprise the inconsistency into which you had fallen察and I said察that if you thought察as I did察that there was a gain in being refuted察there would be an advantage in going on with the question察but if not察I would leave off。 And in the course of our investigations察as you will see yourself察the rhetorician has been acknowledged to be incapable of making an unjust use of rhetoric察or of willingness to do injustice。 By the dog察Gorgias察there will be a great deal of discussion察before we get at the truth of all this。   Polus。 And do even you察Socrates察seriously believe what you are now saying about rhetoric拭What because Gorgias was ashamed to deny that the rhetorician knew the just and the honourable and the good察and admitted that to any one who came to him ignorant of them he could teach them察and then out of this admission there arose a contradiction´the thing which you dearly love察and to which not he察but you察brought the argument by your captious questions´do you seriously believe that there is any truth in all this殖АFor will any one ever acknowledge that he does not know察or cannot teach察the nature of justice拭The truth is察that there is great want of manners in bringing the argument to such a pass。   Soc。 Illustrious Polus察the reason why we provide ourselves with friends and children is察that when we get old and stumble察a younger generation may be at hand to set us on our legs again in our words and in our actions此and now察if I and Gorgias are stumbling察here are you who should raise us up察and I for my part engage to retract any error into which you may think that I have fallen´upon one condition此  Pol。 What condition拭  Soc。 That you contract察Polus察the prolixity of speech in which you indulged at first。   Pol。 What do you mean that I may not use as many words as I please拭  Soc。 Only to think察my friend察that having come on a visit to Athens察which is the most free´spoken state in Hellas察you when you got there察and you alone察should be deprived of the power of speech´that would be hard indeed。 But then consider my case此shall not I be very hardly used察if察when you are making a long oration察and refusing to answer what you are asked察I am compelled to stay and listen to you察and may not go away拭I say rather察if you have a real interest in the argument察or察to repeat my former expression察have any desire to set it on its legs察take back any statement which you please察and in your turn ask and answer察like myself and Gorgias´refute and be refuted此for I suppose that you would claim to know what Gorgias knows´would you not拭  Pol。 Yes。   Soc。 And you察like him察invite any one to ask you about anything which he pleases察and you will know how to answer him拭  Pol。 To be sure。   Soc。 And now察which will you do察ask or answer拭  Pol。 I will ask察and do you answer me察Socrates察the same question which Gorgias察as you suppose察is unable to answer此What is rhetoric拭  Soc。 Do you mean what sort of an art拭  Pol。 Yes。   Soc。 To say the truth察Polus察it is not an art at all察in my opinion。   Pol。 Then what察in your opinion察is rhetoric拭  Soc。 A thing which察as I was lately reading in a book of yours察you say that you have made an art。   Pol。 What thing拭  Soc。 I should say a sort of experience。   Pol。 Does rhetoric seem to you to be an experience拭  Soc。 That is my view察but you may be of another mind。   Pol。 An experience in what拭  Soc。 An experience in producing a sort of delight and gratification。   Pol。 And if able to gratify others察must not rhetoric be a fine thing拭  Soc。 What are you saying察Polus拭Why do you ask me whether rhetoric is a fine thing or not察when I have not as yet told you what rhetoric is拭  Pol。 Did I not hear you say that rhetoric was a sort of experience拭  Soc。 Will you察who are so desirous to gratify others察afford a slight gratification to me拭  Pol。 I will。   Soc。 Will you ask me察what sort of an art is cookery拭  Pol。 What sort of an art is cookery拭  Soc。 Not an art at all察Polus。   Pol。 What then拭  Soc。 I should say an experience。   Pol。 In what拭I wish that you would explain to me。   Soc。 An experience in producing a sort of delight and gratification察Polus。   Pol。 Then are cookery and rhetoric the same拭  Soc。 No察they are only different parts of the same profession。   Pol。 Of what profession拭  Soc。 I am afraid that the truth may seem discourteous察and I hesitate to answer察lest Gorgias should imagine that I am mak

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