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robert falconer-第4节

小说: robert falconer 字数: 每页4000字

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to hae't?'

'Has he had eneuch already; do ye think; Meg?'

'I dinna ken aboot eneuch; mem; that's ill to mizzer; but I dinna

think he's had ower muckle。'

'Weel; lat him tak' it。  But dinna lat him sit doon。'

'Verra weel; mem;' said Meg; and departed。

'What gars Mr。 Lumley say 'at my gran'father was the blin' piper o'

Portcloddie?  Can ye tell me; Miss Naper?' asked Robert。

'Whan said he that; Robert?'

'Jist as I cam in。'

Miss Napier rang the bell。  Another maid appeared。

'Sen' Meg here direckly。'

Meg came; her eyes full of interrogation。

'Dinna gie Lumley a drap。  Set him up to insult a young gentleman at

my door…cheek!  He s' no hae a drap here the nicht。  He 's had ower

muckle; Meg; already; an' ye oucht to hae seen that。'

''Deed; mem; he 's had mair than ower muckle; than; for there's

anither gill ower the thrapple o' 'm。  I div my best; mem; but;

never tastin' mysel'; I canna aye tell hoo muckle 's i' the wame o'

a' body 'at comes in。'

'Ye're no fit for the place; Meg; that's a fac'。'

At this charge Meg took no offence; for she had been in the place

for twenty years。  And both mistress and maid laughed the moment

they parted company。

'Wha's this 'at's come the nicht; Miss Naper; 'at they're sae ta'en

wi'?' asked Robert。

'Atweel; I dinna ken yet。  She's ower bonnie by a' accoonts to be

gaein' about her lane (alone)。  It's a mercy the baron's no at hame。

I wad hae to lock her up wi' the forks and spunes。'

'What for that?' asked Robert。

But Miss Napier vouchsafed no further explanation。  She stuffed his

pockets with sweet biscuits instead; dismissed him in haste; and

rang the bell。

'Meg; whaur hae they putten the stranger…leddy?'

'She's no gaein' to bide at our hoose; mem。'

'What say ye; lass?  She's never gaein' ower to Lucky Happit's; is


'Ow na; mem。  She's a leddy; ilka inch o' her。  But she's some sib

(relation) to the auld captain; and she's gaein' doon the street as

sune's Caumill's ready to tak her bit boxes i' the barrow。  But I

doobt there'll be maist three barrowfu's o' them。'

'Atweel。  Ye can gang。'



Robert went out into the thin drift; and again crossing the wide

desolate…looking square; turned down an entry leading to a kind of

court; which had once been inhabited by a well…to…do class of the

townspeople; but had now fallen in estimation。  Upon a stone at the

door of what seemed an outhouse he discovered the object of his


'What are ye sittin' there for; Shargar?'

Shargar is a word of Gaelic origin; applied; with some sense of the

ridiculous; to a thin; wasted; dried…up creature。  In the present

case it was the nickname by which the boy was known at school; and;

indeed; where he was known at all。

'What are ye sittin' there for; Shargar?  Did naebody offer to tak

ye in?'

'Na; nane o' them。  I think they maun be a' i' their beds。  I'm most

dreidfu' cauld。'

The fact was; that Shargar's character; whether by imputation from

his mother; or derived from his own actions; was none of the best。

The consequence was; that; although scarcely one of the neighbours

would have allowed him to sit there all night; each was willing to

wait yet a while; in the hope that somebody else's humanity would

give in first; and save her from the necessity of offering him a

seat by the fireside; and a share of the oatmeal porridge which

probably would be scanty enough for her own household。  For it must

be borne in mind that all the houses in the place were occupied by

poor people; with whom the one virtue; Charity; was; in a measure;

at home; and amidst many sins; cardinal and other; managed to live

in even some degree of comfort。

'Get up; than; Shargar; ye lazy beggar!  Or are ye frozen to the

door…stane?  I s' awa' for a kettle o' bilin' water to lowse ye。'

'Na; na; Bob。 I'm no stucken。  I'm only some stiff wi' the cauld;

for wow; but I am cauld!' said Shargar; rising with difficulty。 'Gie

's a haud o' yer han'; Bob。'

Robert gave him his hand; and Shargar was straightway upon his feet。

'Come awa' noo; as fest and as quaiet 's ye can。'

'What are ye gaein' to du wi' me; Bob?'

'What's that to you; Shargar?'

'Naything。  Only I wad like to ken。'

'Hae patience; and ye will ken。  Only mind ye do as I tell ye; and

dinna speik a word。'

Shargar followed in silence。

On the way Robert remembered that Miss Napier had not; after all;

given him the receipt for which his grandmother had sent him。  So he

returned to The Boar's Head; and; while he went in; left Shargar in

the archway; to shiver; and try in vain to warm his hands by the

alternate plans of slapping them on the opposite arms; and hiding

them under them。

When Robert came out; he saw a man talking to him under the lamp。

The moment his eyes fell upon the two; he was struck by a

resemblance between them。  Shargar was right under the lamp; the man

to the side of it; so that Shargar was shadowed by its frame; and

the man was in its full light。  The latter turned away; and passing

Robert; went into the inn。

'Wha's that?' asked Robert。

'I dinna ken;' answered Shargar。 'He spak to me or ever I kent he

was there; and garred my hert gie sic a loup 'at it maist fell into

my breeks。'

'And what said he to ye?'

'He said was the deevil at my lug; that I did naething but caw my

han's to bits upo' my shoothers。'

'And what said ye to that?'

'I said I wissed he was; for he wad aiblins hae some spare heat

aboot him; an' I hadna freely (quite) eneuch。'

'Weel dune; Shargar!  What said he to that?'

'He leuch; and speirt gin I wad list; and gae me a shillin'。'

'Ye didna tak it; Shargar?' asked Robert in some alarm。

'Ay did I。 Catch me no taking a shillin'!'

'But they'll haud ye till 't。'

'Na; na。  I'm ower shochlin' (in…kneed) for a sodger。  But that man

was nae sodger。'

'And what mair said he?'

'He speirt what I wad do wi' the shillin'。'

'And what said ye?'

'Ow! syne ye cam' oot; and he gaed awa'。'

'And ye dinna ken wha it was?' repeated Robert。

'It was some like my brither; Lord Sandy; but I dinna ken;' said


By this time they had arrived at Yule the baker's shop。

'Bide ye here;' said Robert; who happened to possess a few coppers;

'till I gang into Eel's。'

Shargar stood again and shivered at the door; till Robert came out

with a penny loaf in one hand; and a twopenny loaf in the other。

'Gie's a bit; Bob;' said Shargar。 'I'm as hungry as I am cauld。'

'Bide ye still;' returned Robert。 'There's a time for a' thing; and

your time 's no come to forgather wi' this loaf yet。  Does na it

smell fine?  It's new frae the bakehoose no ten minutes ago。  I ken

by the fin' (feel) o' 't。'

'Lat me fin' 't;' said Shargar; stretching out one hand; and feeling

his shilling with the other。

'Na。 Yer han's canna be clean。  And fowk suld aye eat clean; whether

they gang clean or no。'

'I'll awa' in an' buy ane oot o' my ain shillin';' said Shargar; in

a tone of resolute eagerness。

'Ye'll do naething o' the kin';' returned Robert; darting his hand

at his collar。 'Gie me the shillin'。  Ye'll want it a' or lang。'

Shargar yielded the coin and slunk behind; while Robert again led

the way till they came to his grandmother's door。

'Gang to the ga'le o' the hoose there; Shargar; and jist keek roon'

the neuk at me; and gin I whustle upo' ye; come up as quaiet 's ye

can。  Gin I dinna; bide till I come to ye。'

Robert opened the door cautiously。  It was never locked except at

night; or when Betty had gone to the well for water; or to the

butcher's or baker's; or the prayer…meeting; upon which occasions

she put the key in her pocket; and left her mistress a prisoner。  He

looked first to the right; along the passage; and saw that his

grandmother's door was shut; then across the passage to the left;

and saw that the kitchen door was likewise shut; because of the

cold; for its normal position was against the wall。  Thereupon;

closing the door; but keeping the handle in his hand; and the bolt

drawn back; he turned to the street and whistled soft and low。

Shargar had; in a moment; dragged his heavy feet; ready to part

company with their shoes at any instant; to Robert's side。  He bent

his ear to Robert's whisper。

'Gang in there; and creep like a moose to the fit o' the stair。  I

maun close the door ahin' 's;' said he; opening the door as he


'I'm fleyt (frightened); Robert。'

'Dinna be a fule。  Grannie winna bite aff yer heid。  She had ane

till her denner; the day; an' it was ill sung (singed)。'

'What ane o'?'

'A sheep's heid; ye gowk (fool)。  Gang in direckly。'

Shargar persisted no longer; but; taking about four steps a m

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