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the red one-第10节

小说: the red one 字数: 每页4000字

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〃'She's come to do light housekeeping for you;' Seth grinned。  I

let him rave; though afterwards I kept him throwing in the coal too

fast to work his mouth very much。  Why; say; when I got to the spot

where I picked her up; and stopped the train for her to get off;

she just flopped down on her knees; got a hammerlock with her arms

around my knees; and cried all over my shoes。  What was I to do?〃

With no perceptible movement that I was aware of; Mrs。 Jones

advertised her certitude of knowledge of what SHE would have done。

〃And the moment we pulled into Quito; she did what she'd done

before … vanished。  Sarah never believes me when I say how relieved

I felt to be quit of her。  But it was not to be。  I got to my 'dobe

house and managed a cracking fine dinner my cook had ready for me。

She was mostly Spiggoty and half Indian; and her name was Paloma。 …

Now; Sarah; haven't I told you she was older'n a grandmother; and

looked more like a buzzard than a dove?  Why; I couldn't bear to

eat with her around where I could look at her。  But she did make

things comfortable; and she was some economical when it came to


〃That afternoon; after a big long siesta; what'd I find in the

kitchen; just as much at home as if she belonged there; but that

blamed Indian girl。  And old Paloma was squatting at the girl's

feet and rubbing the girl's knees and legs like for rheumatism;

which I knew the girl didn't have from the way I'd sized up the

walk of her; and keeping time to the rubbing with a funny sort of

gibberish chant。  And I let loose right there and then。  As Sarah

knows; I never could a…bear women around the house … young;

unmarried women; I mean。  But it was no go!  Old Paloma sided with

the girl; and said if the girl went she went; too。  Also; she

called me more kinds of a fool than the English language has

accommodation for。  You'd like the Spanish lingo; Sarah; for

expressing yourself in such ways; and you'd have liked old Paloma;

too。  She was a good woman; though she didn't have any teeth and

her face could kill a strong man's appetite in the cradle。

〃I gave in。  I had to。  Except for the excuse that she needed

Vahna's help around the house (which she didn't at all); old Paloma

never said why she stuck up for the girl。  Anyway; Vahna was a

quiet thing; never in the way。  And she never gadded。  Just sat in…

doors jabbering with Paloma and helping with the chores。  But I

wasn't long in getting on to that she was afraid of something。  She

would look up; that anxious it hurt; whenever anybody called; like

some of the boys to have a gas or a game of pedro。  I tried to worm

it out of Paloma what was worrying the girl; but all the old woman

did was to look solemn and shake her head like all the devils in

hell was liable to precipitate a visit on us。

〃And then one day Vahna had a visitor。  I'd just come in from a run

and was passing the time of day with her … I had to be polite; even

if she had butted in on me and come to live in my house for keeps …

when I saw a queer expression come into her eyes。  In the doorway

stood an Indian boy。  He looked like her; but was younger and

slimmer。  She took him into the kitchen and they must have had a

great palaver; for he didn't leave until after dark。  Inside the

week he came back; but I missed him。  When I got home; Paloma put a

fat nugget of gold into my hand; which Vahna had sent him for。  The

blamed thing weighed all of two pounds and was worth more than five

hundred dollars。  She explained that Vahna wanted me to take it to

pay for her keep。  And I had to take it to keep peace in the house。

〃Then; after a long time; came another visitor。  We were sitting

before the fire … 〃

〃Him and the hussy;〃 quoth Mrs。 Jones。

〃And Paloma;〃 he added quickly。

〃Him and his cook and his light housekeeper sitting by the fire;〃

she amended。

〃Oh; I admit Vahna did like me a whole heap;〃 he asserted

recklessly; then modified with a pang of caution:  〃A heap more

than was good for her; seeing that I had no inclination her way。

〃Well; as I was saying; she had another visitor。  He was a lean;

tall; white…headed old Indian; with a beak on him like an eagle。

He walked right in without knocking。  Vahna gave a little cry that

was half like a yelp and half like a gasp; and flumped down on her

knees before me; pleading to me with deer's eyes and to him with

the eyes of a deer about to be killed that don't want to be killed。

Then; for a minute that seemed as long as a life…time; she and the

old fellow glared at each other。  Paloma was the first to talk; in

his own lingo; for he talked back to her。  But great Moses; if he

wasn't the high and mighty one!  Paloma's old knees were shaking;

and she cringed to him like a hound dog。  And all this in my own

house!  I'd have thrown him out on his neck; only he was so old。

〃If the things he said to Vahna were as terrible as the way he

looked!  Say!  He just spit words at her!  But Paloma kept

whimpering and butting in; till something she said got across;

because his face relaxed。  He condescended to give me the once over

and fired some question at Vahna。  She hung her head; and looked

foolish; and blushed; and then replied with a single word and a

shake of the head。  And with that he just naturally turned on his

heel and beat it。  I guess she'd said 'No。'

〃For some time after that Vahna used to fluster up whenever she saw

me。  Then she took to the kitchen for a spell。  But after a long

time she began hanging around the big room again。  She was still

mighty shy; but she'd keep on following me about with those big

eyes of hers … 〃

〃The hussy!〃 I heard plainly。  But Julian Jones and I were pretty

well used to it by this time。

〃I don't mind saying that I was getting some interested myself …

oh; not in the way Sarah never lets up letting me know she thinks。

That two…pound nugget was what had me going。  If Vahna'd put me

wise to where it came from; I could say good…bye to railroading and

hit the high places for Nebraska and Sarah。

〃And then the beans were spilled 。 。 。 by accident。  Come a letter

from Wisconsin。  My Aunt Eliza 'd died and up and left me her big

farm。  I let out a whoop when I read it; but I could have canned my

joy; for I was jobbed out of it by the courts and lawyers afterward

… not a cent to me; and I'm still paying 'm in instalments。

〃But I didn't know; then; and I prepared to pull back to God's

country。  Paloma got sore; and Vahna got the weeps。  'Don't go!

Don't go!'  That was her song。  But I gave notice on my job; and

wrote a letter to Sarah here … didn't I; Sarah?

〃That night; sitting by the fire like at a funeral; Vahna really

loosened up for the first time。

〃'Don't go;' she says to me; with old Paloma nodding agreement with

her。  'I'll show you where my brother got the nugget; if you don't

go。'  'Too late;' said I。  And I told her why。

〃And told her about me waiting for you back in Nebraska;〃 Mrs。

Jones observed in cold; passionless tones。

〃Now; Sarah; why should I hurt a poor Indian girl's feelings?  Of

course I didn't。

〃Well; she and Paloma talked Indian some more; and then Vahna says:

'If you stay; I'll show you the biggest nugget that is the father

of all other nuggets。'  'How big?' I asked。  'As big as me?'  She

laughed。  'Bigger than you;' she says; 'much; much bigger。'  'They

don't grow that way;' I said。  But she said she'd seen it and

Paloma backed her up。  Why; to listen to them you'd have thought

there was millions in that one nugget。  Paloma 'd never seen it

herself; but she'd heard about it。  A secret of the tribe which she

couldn't share; being only half Indian herself。〃

Julian Jones paused and heaved a sigh。

〃And they kept on insisting until I fell for … 〃

〃The hussy;〃 said Mrs。 Jones; pert as a bird; at the ready instant。

〃'No; for the nugget。  What of Aunt Eliza's farm I was rich enough

to quit railroading; but not rich enough to turn my back on big

money … and I just couldn't help believing them two women。  Gee!  I

could be another Vanderbilt; or J。 P。 Morgan。  That's the way I

thought; and I started in to pump Vahna。  But she wouldn't give

down。  'You come along with me;' she says。  'We can be back here in

a couple of weeks with all the gold the both of us can carry。'

'We'll take a burro; or a pack…train of burros;' was my suggestion。

But nothing doing。  And Paloma agreed with her。  It was too

dangerous。  The Indians would catch us。

〃The two of us pulled out when the nights were moonlight。  We

travelled only at night; and laid up in the days。  Vahna wouldn't

let me light a fire; and I missed my coffee something fierce。  We

got up in the real high mountains of the main Andes; where the snow

on one pass gave us some trouble; but the girl knew the trails;

and; though we didn't waste any time; we were a full week

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