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can refuse to come out of the house to…morrow morning until you are

quite sure。  And now let us eat some supper; for we shall not make

matters better by going hungry。  Hans; bring the food。〃

So we ate; or made pretence to eat; and I; being thirsty; drank two cups

of the black coffee dashed with spirit to serve as milk。  After this I

grew strangely sleepy。  The last thing I remember was Marie looking at

me with her beautiful eyes; that were fullah! so full of tender love;

and kissing me again and again upon the lips。

I dreamed all sorts of dreams; rather pleasant dreams on the whole。 

Then I woke up by degrees to find myself in an earthen pit shaped like a

bottle and having the remains of polished sides to it。  It made me think

of Joseph who was let down by his brethren into a well in the desert。 

Now; who on earth could have let me down into a well; especially as I

had no brethren?  Perhaps I was not really in a well。  Perhaps this was

a nightmare。  Or I might be dead。  I began to remember that there were

certain good reasons why I should be dead。  Only; onlywhy should they

have buried me in woman's clothes as I seemed to wear?

And what was that noise that had wakened me?

It could not be the trump of doom; unless the trumping of doom went off

like a double…barrelled gun。

I began to try to climb out of my hole; but as it was nine feet deep and

bottle…shaped; which the light flowing in from the neck showed; I found

this impossible。  Just as I was giving up the attempt; a yellow face

appeared in that neck; which looked to me like the face of Hans; and an

arm was projected downwards。

〃Jump; if you are awake; baas;〃 said a voicesurely it was the voice of

Hans〃and I will pull you out。〃

So I jumped; and caught the arm above the wrist。  Then the owner of the

arm pulled desperately; and the end of it was that I succeeded in

gripping the edge of the bottle…like hole; and; with the help of the

arm; in dragging myself out。

〃Now; baas;〃 said Hans; for it _was_ Hans; 〃run; run before the Boers

catch you。〃

〃What Boers?〃 I asked; sleepily; 〃and how can I run with these things

flapping about my legs?〃

Then I looked about me; and; although the dawn was only just breaking;

began to recognise my surroundings。  Surely this was the Prinsloos'

house to my right; and that; faintly seen through the mist about a

hundred paces away; was Marie's and my own。  There seemed to be

something going on yonder which excited my awakening curiosity。  I could

see figures moving in an unusual manner; and desired to know what they

were doing。  I began to walk towards them; and Hans; for his part; began

to try to drag me in an opposite direction; uttering all sorts of

gibberish as to the necessity of my running away。  But I would not be

dragged; indeed; I struck at him; until at last; with an exclamation of

despair; he let go of me and vanished。

So I went on alone。  I came to my house; or what I thought resembled it;

and there saw a figure lying on its face on the ground some ten or

fifteen yards to the right of the doorway; and noted abstractedly that

it was dressed in my clothes。  The Vrouw Prinsloo; in her absurd night

garments; was waddling towards the figure; and a little way off stood

Hernan Pereira; apparently in the act of reloading a double…barrelled

gun。  Beyond; staring at him; stood the lantern…faced Henri Marais;

pulling at his long beard with one hand and holding a rifle in the

other。  Behind were two saddled horses in the charge of a raw Kaffir;

who looked on stupidly。

The Vrouw Prinsloo reached the body that lay upon the ground dressed in

what resembled my clothes; and bending down her stout shape with an

effort; turned it over。  She glared into its face and then began to


〃Come here; Henri Marais;〃 she shrieked; 〃come; see what your beloved

nephew has done!  You had a daughter who was all your life to you; Henri

Marais。  Well; come; look at her after your beloved nephew has finished

his work with her!〃

Henri Marais advanced slowly like one who does not understand。  He stood

over the body on the ground; and looked down upon it through the morning


Then suddenly he went mad。  His broad hat fell from his head; and his

long hair seemed to stand up。  Also his beard grew big and bristled like

the feathers of a bird in frosty weather。  He turned on Hernan Pereira。 

〃You devil!〃 he shouted; and his voice sounded like the roar of a wild

beast; 〃you devil; you have murdered my daughter!  Because you could not

get Marie for yourself; you have murdered her。  Well; I will pay you


Without more ado he lifted his gun and fired straight at Hernan Pereira;

who sank slowly to the ground and lay there groaning。

Just then I grew aware that horsemen were advancing upon us; a great

number of horsemen; though whence they came at that time I did not know。

 One of these I recognised even in my half…drunken state; for he had

impressed himself very vividly upon my mind。  He was the dark…browed

commandant who had tried and condemned me to death。  He dismounted; and;

staring at the two figures that lay upon the ground; said in a loud and

terrible voice:

〃What is this?  Who are these men; and why are they shot?  Explain;

Henri Marais。〃

〃Men!〃 wailed Henri Marais; 〃they are not men。  One is a womanmy only

child; and the other is a devil; who; being a devil; will not die。  See!

he will not die。  Give me another gun that I may make him die。〃

The commandant looked about him wildly; and his eye fell upon the Vrouw


〃What has chanced; vrouw?〃 he asked。

〃Only this;〃 she replied in a voice of unnatural calm。  〃Your murderers

whom you set on in the name of law and justice have made a mistake。  You

told them to murder Allan Quatermain for reasons of your own。  Well;

they have murdered his wife instead。〃

Now the commandant struck his hand upon his forehead and groaned; and I;

half awakened at last; ran forward; shaking my fists and gibbering。

〃Who is that?〃 asked the commandant。  〃Is it a man or a woman?〃

〃It is a man in woman's clothing; it is Allan Quatermain;〃 answered the

vrouw; 〃whom we drugged and tried to hide from your butchers。〃

〃God above us!〃 exclaimed the commandant; 〃is this earth or hell?〃

Then the wounded Pereira raised himself upon one hand。

〃I am dying;〃 he cried; 〃my life is bleeding away; but before I die I

must speak。  All that story I told against the Englishman is false。  He

never plotted with Dingaan against the Boers。  It was I who plotted with

Dingaan。  Although I hated him because he found me out; I did not wish

Retief and our people to be killed。  But I did wish Allan Quatermain to

be killed; because he had won her whom I loved; though; as it happened;

all the others were slain; and he alone escaped。  Then I came here and

learned that Marie was his wifeyes; his wife indeedand grew mad with

hate and jealousy。  So I bore false witness against him; and; you fools;

you believed me and ordered me to shoot him who is innocent before God

and man。  Then things went wrong。  The woman tricked me againfor the

last time。  She dressed herself as the man; and in the dawnlight I was

deceived。  I killed her; her whom I love alone; and now her father; who

loved her also; has killed me。〃

By this time I understood all; for my drugged brain had awakened at

last。  I ran to the brute upon the ground; grotesque in my woman's

garments all awry; I leaped on him and stamped out the last of his life。

 Then; standing over his dead body; I shook my fists and cried:

〃Men; see what you have done。  May God pay you back all you owe her and


They dismounted; they came round me; they protested; they even wept。 

And I; I raved at them upon the one side; while the mad Henri Marais

raved upon the other; and the Vrouw Prinsloo; waving her big arms;

called down the curse of God and the blood of the innocent upon their

heads and those of their children for ever。

Then I remember no more。

When I came to myself two weeks afterwards; for I had been very ill and

in delirium; I was lying in the house of the Vrouw Prinsloo alone。  The

Boers had all gone; east and west and north and south; and the dead were

long buried。  They had taken Henri Marais with them; so I was told;

dragging him away in a bullock cart; to which he was tied; for he was

raving mad。  Afterwards he became quieter; and; indeed; lived for years;

walking about and asking all whom he met if they could lead him to

Marie。  But enough of himpoor man; poor man!

The tale which got about was that Pereira had murdered Marie out of

jealousy; and been shot by her father。  But there were so many tragic

histories in those days of war and massacre that this particular one was

soon quite forgotten; especially as those concerned in it for one reason

and another did not talk overmuch of

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