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have told me that something is going to happen to you; and I think you

ought to know it。  I daren't say any more;〃 and he vanished into the


At that moment I caught sight of Retief riding to and fro and shouting

out orders。  Going to him; I caught him by the sleeve; saying:

〃Commandant; listen to me。〃

〃Well; what is it now; nephew? 〃 he asked absently。

I told him what Wood had said; adding that I also was uneasy; I did not

know why。

〃Oh!〃 he answered with impatience; 〃this is all hailstones and burnt

grass〃 (meaning that the one would melt and the other blow away; or in

our English idiom; stuff and rubbish)。  〃Why are you always trying to

scare me with your fancies; Allan?  Dingaan is our friend; not our

enemy。  So let us take the gifts that fortune gives us and be thankful。 

Come; march。〃

This he said about eight o'clock in the morning。

We strolled through the gates of the Great Kraal; most of the Boers;

who; as usual; had piled their arms under the two milk trees; lounging

along in knots of four or five; laughing and chatting as they went。  I

have often thought since; that although every one of them there; except

myself; was doomed within an hour to have taken the dreadful step from

time into eternity; it seems strange that advancing fate should have

thrown no shadow on their hearts。  On the contrary; they were quite gay;

being extremely pleased at the successful issue of their mission and the

prospect of an immediate return to their wives and children。  Even

Retief was gay; for I heard him joking with his companions about myself

and my 〃white…bread…week;〃 or honeymoon; which; he said; was drawing

very near。

As we went; I noticed that most of the regiments who had performed the

great military dances before us on the previous day were gone。  Two;

however; remainedthe Ischlangu Inhlope; that is the 〃White Shields;〃

who were a corps of veterans wearing the ring on their heads; and the

Ischlangu Umnyama; that is the 〃Black Shields;〃 who were all of them

young men without rings。  The 〃White Shields〃 were ranged along the

fence of the great open place to our left; and the 〃Black Shields〃 were

similarly placed to our right; each regiment numbering about fifteen

hundred men。  Except for their kerries and dancing…sticks they were


Presently we reached the head of the dancing ground; and found Dingaan

seated in his chair with two of his great indunas; Umhlela and Tambusa;

squatting on either side of him。  Behind him; standing in and about the

entrance to the labyrinth through which the king had come; were other

indunas and captains。  On arriving in front of Dingaan we saluted him;

and he acknowledged the salutation with pleasant words and smiles。  Then

Retief; two or three of the other Boers; Thomas Halstead and I went

forward; whereon the treaty was produced again and identified as the

same document that we had seen on the previous day。

At the foot of it someoneI forget whowrote in Dutch; 〃De merk van

Koning Dingaan〃 'that is; The mark of King Dingaan。'  In the space left

between the words 〃merk〃 and 〃van〃 Dingaan made a cross with a pen that

was given to him; Thomas Halstead holding his hand and showing him what

to do。

After this; three of his indunas; or great councillors; who were named

Nwara; Yuliwana and Manondo; testified as witnesses for the Zulus; and

M。 Oosthuyzen; A。 C。 Greyling and B。 J。 Liebenberg; who were standing

nearest to Retief; as witnesses for the Boers。

This done; Dingaan ordered one of his isibongos; or praisers; to run to

and fro in front of the regiments and others there assembled; and

proclaim that he had granted Natal to the Boers to be their property for

ever; information which the Zulus received with shouts。  Then Dingaan

asked Retief if he would not eat; and large trenchers of boiled beef

were brought out and handed round。  This; however; the Boers refused;

saying they had already breakfasted。  Thereon the king said that at

least they must drink; and pots of twala; or Kaffir beer; were handed

round; of which all the Boers partook。

While they were drinking; Dingaan gave Retief a message to the Dutch

farmers; to the effect that he hoped they would soon come and occupy

Natal; which henceforth was their country。  Also; black…hearted villain

that he was; that they would have a pleasant journey home。  Next he

ordered the two regiments to dance and sing war songs; in order to amuse

his guests。

This they began to do; drawing nearer as they danced。

It was at this moment that a Zulu appeared; pushing his way through the

captains who were gathered at the gate of the labyrinth; and delivered

some message to one of the indunas; who in turn passed it on to the


〃Ow! is it so?〃 said the king with a troubled look。  Then his glance

fell on me as though by accident; and he added: 〃Macumazahn; one of my

wives is taken very ill suddenly; and says she must have some of the

medicine of the white men before they go away。  Now; you tell me that

you are a new…married man; so I can trust you with my wives。  I pray you

to go and find out what medicine it is that she needs; for you can speak

our tongue。〃

I hesitated; then translated what he had said to Retief。

〃You had best go; nephew;〃 said the commandant; 〃but come back quickly;

for we ride at once。〃

Still I hesitated; not liking this business; whereon the king began to

grow angry。

〃What!〃 he said; 〃do you white men refuse me this little favour; when I

have just given you so muchyou who have wonderful medicines that can

cure the sick?〃

〃Go; Allan; go;〃 said Retief; when he understood his words; 〃or he will

grow cross and everything may be undone。〃

So; having no choice; I went through the gateway into the labyrinth。

Next moment men pounced on me; and before I could utter a word a cloth

was thrown over my mouth and tied tight behind my head。

I was a prisoner and gagged。



A tall Kaffir; one of the king's household guards; who carried an

assegai; came up to me and whispered:

〃Hearken; little Son of George。  The king would save you; if he can;

because you are not Dutch; but English。  Yet; know that if you try to

cry out; if you even struggle; you die;〃 and he lifted the assegai so as

to be ready to plunge it through my heart。

Now I understood; and a cold sweat broke out all over me。  My companions

were to be murdered; every one!  Oh! gladly would I have given my life

to warn them。  But alas! I could not; for the cloth upon my mouth was so

thick that no sound could pass it。

One of the Zulus inserted a stick between the reeds of the fence。 

Working it to and fro sideways; he made an opening just in a line with

my eyesout of cruelty; I suppose; for now I must see everything。

For some timeten minutes; I dare saythe dancing and beer…drinking

went on。  Then Dingaan rose from his chair and shook the hand of Retief

warmly; bidding him 〃Hamba gachle;〃 that is; Depart gently; or in peace。

 He retreated towards the gate of the labyrinth; and as he went the

Boers took off their hats; waving them in the air and cheering him。  He

was almost through it; and I began to breathe again。

Doubtless I was mistaken。  After all; no treachery was intended。

In the very opening of the gate Dingaan turned; however; and said two

words in Zulu which mean:

〃Seize them!〃

Instantly the warriors; who had now danced quite close and were waiting

for these words; rushed upon the Boers。  I heard Thomas Halstead call

out in English:

〃We are done for;〃 and then add in Zulu; 〃Let me speak to the king!〃

Dingaan heard also; and waved his hand to show that he refused to

listen; and as he did so shouted thrice :

〃Bulala abatagati!〃 that is; Slay the wizards!

I saw poor Halstead draw his knife and plunge it into a Zulu who was

near him。  The man fell; and again he struck at another soldier; cutting

his throat。  The Boers also drew their knivesthose of them who had

timeand tried to defend themselves against these black devils; who

rushed on them in swarms。  I heard afterwards that they succeeded in

killing six or eight of them and wounding perhaps a score。  But it was

soon over; for what could men armed only with pocket…knives do against

such a multitude?

Presently; amidst a hideous tumult of shouts; groans; curses; prayers

for mercy; and Zulu battle cries; the Boers were all struck downyes;

even the two little lads and the Hottentot servants。  Then they were

dragged away; still living; by the soldiers; their heels trailing on the

ground; just as wounded worms or insects are dragged by the black ants。

Dingaan was standing by me now; laughing; his fat face working


〃Come; Son of George;〃 he said; 〃and let us see the end of these

traitors to your sovereign。〃

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