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he must not kill an Englishman; and therefore he wished to spare me;

although one of your people; Hernan Pereira; had whispered to him that I

ought to be killed。  Yet I say outright that I think you are foolish to

visit this king with so large a force。  Still; I am ready to do so

myself with one or two others。  Let me go; then; and try to persuade him

to sign this treaty as to the land。  If I am killed or fail; you can

follow after me and do better。〃

〃Allemachte!〃 exclaimed Retief; 〃that is a fair offer。  But how do I

know; nephew; that when we came to read the treaty we should not find

that it granted all the land to you English and not to us Boers?  No;

no; don't look angry。  That was not a right thing to say; for you are

honest whatever most of your blood may be。  Nephew Allan; you who are a

brave man; are afraid of this journey。  Now; why is that; I wonder?  Ah!

I have it。  I had forgotten。  You are to be married to…morrow morning to

a very pretty girl; and it is not natural that you should wish to spend

the next fortnight in Zululand。  Don't you see; brothers; he wants to

get out of it because he is going to be married; as it is natural that

he should; and therefore he tries to frighten us all?  When we were

going to be married; should we have wished to ride away at once to visit

some stinking savage?  Ach! I am glad I thought of that just as I was

beginning to turn his gloomy colour; like a chameleon on a black hat;

for it explains everything;〃 and he struck his thigh with his big hand

and burst into a roar of laughter。

All the company of Boers who stood around began to laugh also;

uproariously; for this primitive joke appealed to them。  Moreover; their

nerves were strained; they also dreaded this expedition; and therefore

they were glad to relieve themselves in bucolic merriment。  Everything

was clear to them now。  Feeling myself in honour bound to go on the

embassy; as I was their only interpreter; I; artful dog; was trying to

play upon their fears in order to prevent it from starting; so that I

might have a week or two of the company of my new…wed wife。  They saw

and appreciated the joke。

〃He's slim; this little Englishman;〃 shouted one。

〃Don't be angry with him。  We should have done as much ourselves;〃

replied another。

〃Leave him behind;〃 said a third。  〃Even the Zulus do not send a

new…married man on service。〃  Then they smacked me on the back; and

hustled me in their rude; kindly manner; till at length I fell into a

rage and hit one of them on the nose; at which he only laughed the

louder; although I made it bleed。

〃See here; friends;〃 I said; as soon as silence was restored; 〃married

or no; whoever does not ride to Dingaan; I ride to him; although it is

against my judgment。  Let those laugh loudest who laugh last。〃

〃Good!〃 cried one; 〃if you set the pace we shall soon be home again;

Allan Quatermain。  Who would not with Marie Marais at the end of the


Then; followed by their rough and mocking laughter; I broke away from

them; and took refuge in my wagon; little guessing that all this talk

would be brought up against me on a day to come。

In a certain class of uneducated mind foresight is often interpreted as

guilty knowledge。



I was awakened on my wedding morning by the crash and bellowing of a

great thunderstorm。  The lightning flashed fearfully all about us;

killing two oxen quite near to my wagon; and the thunder rolled and

echoed till the very earth seemed to shake。  Then came a wail of cold

wind; and after that the swish of torrential rain。  Although I was well

accustomed to such natural manifestations; especially at this season of

the year; I confess that these sights and sounds did not tend to raise

my spirits; which were already lower than they should have been on that

eventful day。  Hans; however; who arrived to help me put on my best

clothes for the ceremony; was for once consoling。

〃Don't look sick; baas;〃 he said; 〃for if there is storm in the morning;

there is shine at night。〃

〃Yes;〃 I answered; speaking more to myself than to him; 〃but what will

happen between the storm of the morning and the peace of the night?〃

It was arranged that the commission; which; counting the native

after…riders; consisted of over a hundred people; among them several

boys; who were little more than children; was to ride at one hour before

noon。  Nobody could get about to make the necessary preparations until

the heavy rain had passed away; which it did a little after eight

o'clock。  Therefore when I left the wagon to eat; or try to eat some

breakfast; I found the whole camp in a state of bustle。

Boers were shouting to their servants; horses were being examined; women

were packing the saddle…bags of their husbands and fathers with spare

clothes; the pack…beasts were being laden with biltong and other

provisions; and so forth。

In the midst of all this tumult I began to wonder whether my private

business would not be forgotten; since it seemed unlikely that time

could be found for marriages。  However; about ten o'clock when; having

done everything that I had to do; I was sitting disconsolately upon my

wagon box; being too shy to mix with that crowd of busy mockers or to go

to the Prinsloos' camp to make inquiries; the vrouw herself appeared。

〃Come on; Allan;〃 she said; 〃the commandant is waiting and swearing

because you are not there。  Also; there is another waiting; and oh! she

looks lovely。  When they see her; every man in the camp will want her

for himself; whether he has got a wife or not; for in that matter;

although you mayn't think so just now; they are all the same as the

Kaffirs。  Oh! I know them; I know them; a white skin makes no


While she held forth thus in her usual outspoken fashion; the vrouw was

dragging me along by the hand; just as though I were a naughty little

boy。  Nor could I get free from that mighty grip; or; when once her

great bulk was in motion; match my weight against it。  Of course; some

of the younger Boers; who; knowing her errand; had followed her; set up

a shout of cheers and laughter; which attracted everybody to the


〃It is too late to hang back now; Englishman。〃 〃You must make the best

of a bad business。〃 〃If you wanted to change your mind; you should have

done it before;〃 men and women roared and screamed with many other such

bantering words; till at length I felt myself turn the colour of a red

vlei lily。

So we came at last to where Marie stood; the centre of an admiring

circle。  She was clothed in a soft white gown made of some simple but

becoming stuff; and she wore upon her dark hair a wreath woven by the

other maidens in the camp; a bevy of whom stood behind her。

Now we were face to face。  Our eyes met; and oh! hers were full of love

and trust。  They dazzled and bewildered me。  Feeling that I ought to

speak; and not knowing what to say; I merely stammered 〃Good morning;〃

whereon everyone broke into a roar of laughter; except Vrouw Prinsloo;

who exclaimed:

〃Did any one ever see such a fool?〃 and even Marie smiled。

Then Piet Retief appeared from somewhere dressed in tall boots and rough

riding clothes; such as the Boers wore in those days。  Handing the roer

he was carrying to one of his sons; after much fumbling he produced a

book from his pocket; in which the place was marked with a piece of


〃Now then;〃 he said; 〃be silent; all; and show respect; for remember I

am not a man just now。  I am a parson; which is quite a different thing;

and; being a commandant and a veld cornet and other officers all rolled

into one; by virtue of the law I am about to marry these young people;

so help me God。  Don't any of you witnesses ever say afterwards that

they are not rightly and soundly married; because I tell you that they

are; or will be。〃  He paused for breath; and someone said; 〃Hear; hear;〃

or its Dutch equivalent; whereon; having glared the offender into

silence; Retief proceeded:

〃Young man and young woman; what are your names?〃

〃Don't ask silly questions; commandant;〃 broke in Vrouw Prinsloo; 〃you

know their names well enough。〃

〃Of course I do; aunt;〃 he answered; 〃but for this purpose I must

pretend not to know them。  Are you better acquainted with the law than I

am?  But stay; where is the father; Henri Marais?〃

Someone thrust Marais forward; and there he stood quite silent; staring

at us with a queer look upon his face and his gun in his hand; for he;

too; was ready to ride。

〃Take away that gun;〃 said Retief; 〃it might go off and cause

disturbance or perhaps accidents;〃 and somebody obeyed。  〃Now; Henri

Marais; do you give your daughter to be married to this man?〃

〃No;〃 said Marais softly。

〃Very well; that is just like you; but it doesn't matter; for she is of

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