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one of the colleges; but after a while appeared in the lecture…room

quite drunk and lost his employment。  The same thing happened in other

towns; till at last he drifted to distant Maraisfontein; where his

employer tolerated his weakness for the sake of the intellectual

companionship for which something in his own nature seemed to crave。 

Also; he looked upon him as a compatriot in distress; and a great bond

of union between them was their mutual and virulent hatred of England

and the English; which in the case of Monsieur Leblanc; who in his youth

had fought at Waterloo and been acquainted with the great Emperor; was

not altogether unnatural。

Henri Marais's case was different; but of that I shall have more to say


〃Ah; Marie;〃 said her father; speaking in Dutch; 〃so you have found him

at last;〃 and he nodded towards me; adding: 〃You should be flattered;

little man。  Look you; this missie has been sitting for two hours in the

sun waiting for you; although I told her you would not arrive much

before ten o'clock; as your father the predicant said you would

breakfast before you started。  Well; it is natural; for she is lonely

here; and you are of an age; although of a different race〃; and his face

darkened as he spoke the words。

〃Father;〃 answered Marie; whose blushes I could see even in the shadow

of her cap; 〃I was not sitting in the sun; but under the shade of a

peach tree。  Also; I was working out the sums that Monsieur Leblanc set

me on my slate。  See; here they are;〃 and she held up the slate; which

was covered with figures; somewhat smudged; it is true; by the rubbing

of my stiff hair and of her cap。

Then Monsieur Leblanc broke in; speaking in French; of which; as it

chanced I understood the sense; for my father had grounded me in that

tongue; and I am naturally quick at modern languages。  At any rate; I

made out that he was asking if I was the little 〃cochon d'anglais;〃 or

English pig; whom for his sins he had to teach。  He added that he judged

I must be; as my hair stuck up on my headI had taken off my hat out of

politenessas it naturally would do on a pig's back。

This was too much for me; so; before either of the others could speak; I

answered in Dutch; for rage made me eloquent and bold:

〃Yes; I am he; but; mynheer; if you are to be my master; I hope you will

not call the English pigs any more to me。〃

〃Indeed; gamin〃 (that is; little scamp); 〃and pray; what will happen if

I am so bold as to repeat that truth?〃

〃I think; mynheer;〃 I replied; growing white with rage at this new

insult; 〃the same that has happened to yonder buck;〃 and I pointed to

the klipspringer behind Hans's saddle。  〃I mean that I shall shoot you。〃

〃Peste!  Au moins il a du courage; cet enfant〃 (At least the child is

plucky); exclaimed Monsieur Leblanc; astonished。  From that moment; I

may add; he respected me; and never again insulted my country to my


Then Marais broke out; speaking in Dutch that I might understand:

〃It is you who should be called pig; Leblanc; not this boy; for; early

as it is; you have been drinking。  Look! the brandy bottle is half

empty。  Is that the example you set to the young?  Speak so again and I

turn you out to starve on the veld。  Allan Quatermain; although; as you

may have heard; I do not like the English; I beg your pardon。  I hope

you will forgive the words this sot spoke; thinking that you did not

understand;〃 and he took off his hat and bowed to me quite in a grand

manner; as his ancestors might have done to a king of France。

Leblanc's face fell。  Then he rose and walked away rather unsteadily; as

I learned afterwards; to plunge his head in a tub of cold water and

swallow a pint of new milk; which were his favourite antidotes after too

much strong drink。  At any rate; when he appeared again; half an hour

later; to begin out lesson; he was quite sober; and extremely polite。

When he had gone; my childish anger being appeased; I presented the Heer

Marais with my father's compliments; also with the buck and the birds;

whereof the latter seemed to please him more than the former。  Then my

saddle…bags were taken to my room; a little cupboard of a place next to

that occupied by Monsieur Leblanc; and Hans was sent to turn the horses

out with the others belonging to the farm; having first knee…haltered

them tightly; so that they should not run away home。

This done; the Heer Marais showed me the room in which we were to have

our lessons; one of the 〃sitkammer〃; or sitting chambers; whereof;

unlike most Boer stead; this house boasted two。  I remember that the

floor was made of 〃daga〃; that is; ant…heap earth mixed with cow…dung;

into which thousands of peach…stones had been thrown while it was still

soft; in order to resist footweara rude but fairly efficient

expedient; and one not unpleasing to the eye。  For the rest; there was

one window opening on to the veranda; which; in that bright climate;

admitted a shaded but sufficient light; especially as it always stood

open; the ceiling was of unplastered reeds; a large bookcase stood in

the corner containing many French works; most of them the property of

Monsieur Leblanc; and in the centre of the room was the strong; rough

table made of native yellow…wood; that once had served as a butcher's

block。  I recollect also a coloured print of the great Napoleon

commanding at some battle in which he was victorious; seated upon a

white horse and waving a field…marshal's baton over piles of dead and

wounded; and near the window; hanging to the reeds of the ceiling; the

nest of a pair of red…tailed swallows; pretty creatures that;

notwithstanding the mess they made; afforded to Marie and me endless

amusement in the intervals of our work。

When; on that day; I shuffled shyly into this homely place; and;

thinking myself alone there; fell to examining it; suddenly I was

brought to a standstill by a curious choking sound which seemed to

proceed from the shadows behind the bookcase。  Wondering as to its

cause; I advanced cautiously to discover a pink…clad shape standing in

the corner like a naughty child; with her head resting against the wall;

and sobbing slowly。

〃Marie Marais; why do you cry?〃 I asked。

She turned; tossing back the locks of long; black hair which hung about

her face; and answered:

〃Allan Quatermain; I cry because of the shame which has been put upon

you and upon our house by that drunken Frenchman。〃

〃What of that?〃 I asked。  〃He only called me a pig; but I think I have

shown him that even a pig has tusks。〃

〃Yes;〃 she replied; 〃but it was not you he meant; it was all the

English; whom he hates; and the worst of it is that my father is of his

mind。  He; too; hates the English; and; oh! I am sure that trouble will

come of his hatred; trouble and death to many。〃

〃Well; if so; we have nothing to do with it; have we?〃 I replied with

the cheerfulness of extreme youth。

〃What makes you so sure?〃 she said solemnly。  〃Hush! here comes Monsieur




I do not propose to set out the history of the years which I spent in

acquiring a knowledge of French and various other subjects; under the

tuition of the learned but prejudiced Monsieur Leblanc。  Indeed; there

is 〃none to tell; sir。〃  When Monsieur Leblanc was sober; he was a most

excellent and well…informed tutor; although one apt to digress into many

side issues; which in themselves were not uninstructive。  When tipsy; he

grew excited and harangued us; generally upon politics and religion; or

rather its reverse; for he was an advanced freethinker; although this

was a side to his character which; however intoxicated he might be; he

always managed to conceal from the Heer Marais。  I may add that a

certain childish code of honour prevented us from betraying his views on

this and sundry other matters。  When absolutely drunk; which; on an

average; was not more than once a month; he simply slept; and we did

what we pleaseda fact which our childish code of honour also prevented

us from betraying。

But; on the whole; we got on very well together; for; after the incident

of our first meeting; Monsieur Leblanc was always polite to me。   Marie

he adored; as did every one about the place; from her father down to the

meanest slave。   Need I add that I adored her more than all of them put

together; first with the love that some children have for each other;

and afterwards; as we became adult; with that wider love by which it is

at once transcended and made complete。  Strange would it have been if

this were not so; seeing that we spent nearly half of every week

practically alone together; and that; from the first; Marie; whose

nature was as open as the clear noon; never concealed her affection for

me。   True; it was a very discreet affection; almost sisterly; or even


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