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was called Jane。

〃Well;〃 said the Vrouw Prinsloo; 〃and what is your news; young man?〃

〃My news; aunt;〃 I answered; 〃is that one hour before sundown to…day I

have to shoot vultures on the wing against the lives of all of you。 

This you owe to that false…hearted hound Hernan Pereira; who told

Dingaan that I am a magician。  Now Dingaan would prove it。  He thinks

that only by magic can a man shoot soaring vultures with a bullet; and

as he is determined to kill you all; except perhaps Marie; in the form

of a bet he has set me a task which he believes to be impossible。  If I

fail; the bet is lost; and so are your lives。  If I succeed I think your

lives will be spared; since Kambula there tells me that the king always

makes it a point of honour to pay his bets。  Now you have the truth; and

I hope you like it;〃 and I laughed bitterly。

When I had finished a perfect storm of execration broke from the Boers。 

If curses could have killed Pereira; surely he would have died upon the

spot; wherever he might be。  Only two of them were silent; Marie; who

turned very pale; poor girl; and her father。  Presently one of them; I

think it was Meyer; rounded on him viciously and asked him what he

thought now of that devil; his nephew。

〃I think there must be some mistake;〃 answered Marais quietly; 〃since

Hernan cannot have wished that we should all be put to death。〃

〃No;〃 shouted Meyer; 〃but he wished that Allan Quatermain should; which

is just as bad; and now it has come about that once more our lives

depend upon this English boy。〃

〃At any rate;〃 replied Marais; looking at me oddly; 〃it seems that he is

not to be killed; whether he shoots the vultures or misses them。〃

〃That remains to be proved; mynheer;〃 I answered hotly; for the

insinuation stung me。  〃But please understand that if all of you; my

companions; are to be slaughtered; and Marie is to be put among this

black brute's women; as he threatens; I have no wish to live on。〃

〃My God! does he threaten that?〃 said Marais。  〃Surely you must have

misunderstood him; Allan。〃

〃Do you think that I should lie to you on such a matter〃 I began。

But; before I could proceed; the Vrouw Prinsloo thrust herself between

us; crying:

〃Be silent; you; Marais; and you too; Allan。  Is this a time that you

should quarrel and upset yourself; Allan; so that when the trial comes

you will shoot your worst and not your best?  And is this a time; Henri

Marais; that you should throw insults at one on whom all our lives hang;

instead of praying for God's vengeance upon your accursed nephew?  Come;

Allan; and take food。  I have fried the liver of that heifer which the

king sent us; it is ready and very good。  After you have eaten it you

must lie down and sleep a while。〃

Now among the household of the Reverend Mr。 Owen was an English boy

called William Wood; who was not more than twelve or fourteen years of

age。  This lad knew both Dutch and Zulu; and acted as interpreter to the

Owen family during the absence on a journey of a certain Mr。 Hulley; who

really filled that office。  While this conversation was taking place in

Dutch he was engaged in rendering every word of it into English for the

benefit of the clergyman and his family。  When Mr。 Owen understood the

full terror of the situation; he broke in saying:

〃This is not a time to eat or to sleep; but a time to pray that the

heart of the savage Dingaan may be turned。  Come; let us pray!〃

〃Yes;〃 rejoined Vrouw Prinsloo; when William Wood had translated。  〃Do

you pray; Predicant; and all the rest of you who have nothing else to

do; and while you are about it pray also that the bullets of Allan

Quatermain may not be turned。  As for me and Allan; we have other things

to see to; so you must pray a little harder to cover us as well as

yourselves。  Now you come along; nephew Allan; or that liver may be

overdone and give you indigestion; which is worse for shooting than even

bad temper。  No; not another word。  If you try to speak any more; Henri

Marais; I will box your ears;〃 and she lifted a hand like a leg of

mutton; then; as Marais retreated before her; seized me by the collar as

though I were a naughty boy and led me away to the wagons。



By the women's wagon we found the liver cooked in its frying…pan; as the

vrouw had said。  Indeed; it was just done to a turn。  Selecting a

particularly massive slice; she proceeded to take it from the pan with

her fingers in order to set it upon a piece of tin; from which she had

first removed the more evident traces of the morning meal with her

constant companion; the ancient and unwashen vatdoek。  As it chanced the

effort was not very successful; since the boiling liver fat burnt the

vrouw's fingers; causing her to drop it on the grass; and; I am sorry to

add; to swear as well。  Not to be defeated; however; having first sucked

her fingers to ease their smart; she seized the sizzling liver with the

vatdoek and deposited it upon the dirty tin。

〃There; nephew;〃 she said triumphantly; 〃there are more ways of killing

a cat than by drowning。  What a fool I was not to think of the vatdoek

at first。  Allemachte! how the flesh has burnt me; I don't suppose that

being killed would hurt much more。  Also; if the worst comes to the

worst; it will soon be over。  Think of it; Allan; by to…night I may be

an angel; dressed in a long white nightgown like those my mother gave me

when I was married; which I cut up for baby…clothes because I found them

chilly wear; having always been accustomed to sleep in my vest and

petticoat。  Yes; and I shall have wings; too; like those on a white

gander; only bigger if they are to carry _my_ weight。〃

〃And a crown of Glory;〃 I suggested。

〃Yes; of course; a crown of Gloryvery large; since I shall be a

martyr; but I hope one will only have to wear it on Sundays; as I never

could bear anything heavy on my hair; moreover; it would remind me of a

Kaffir's head…ring done in gold; and I shall have had enough of Kaffirs。

 Then there will be the harp;〃 she went on as her imagination took fire

at the prospect of these celestial delights。  〃Have you ever seen a

harp; Allan?  I haven't except that which King David carries in the

picture in the Book; which looks like a broken rimpi chair frame set up

edgeways。  As for playing the thing; they will have to teach me; that's

all; which will be a difficult business; seeing that I would sooner

listen to cats on the roof than to music; and as for making it〃

So she chattered on; as I believe with the object of diverting and

amusing me; for she was a shrewd old soul who knew how important it was

that I should be kept in an equable frame of mind at this crisis in our


Meanwhile I was doing my best with the lump of liver; that tasted

painfully of vatdoek and was gritty with sand。  Indeed; when the vrouw's

back was turned I managed to throw the most of it to Hans behind me; who

swallowed it at a gulp as a dog does; since he did not wish to be caught

chewing it。

〃God in heaven! how fast you eat; nephew;〃 said the vrouw; catching

sight of my empty tin。  Then; eyeing the voracious Hottentot

suspiciously; she added: 〃That yellow dog of yours hasn't stolen it; has

he?  If so; I'll teach him。〃

〃No; no; vrouw;〃 answered Hans in alarm。  〃No meat has passed my lips

this day; except what I licked out of the pan after breakfast。〃

〃Then; Allan; you will certainly have indigestion; which is just what I

wanted to avoid。  Have I not often told you that you should chew your

bit twenty times before you swallow; which I would do myself if I had

any back teeth left?  Here; drink this milk; it is only a little sour

and will settle your stomach;〃 and she produced a black bottle and

subjected it to the attentions of the vatdoek; growing quite angry when

I declined it and sent for water。

Next she insisted upon my getting into her own bed in the wagon to

sleep; forbidding me to smoke; which she said made the hand shake。 

Thither; then; I went; after a brief conversation with Hans; whom I

directed to clean my rifle thoroughly。  For I wished to be alone and

knew that I had little chance of solitude outside of that somewhat fusty


To tell the truth; although I shut my eyes to deceive the vrouw; who

looked in occasionally to see how I was getting on; no sleep came to me

that afternoonat least; not for a long while。  How could I sleep in

that hot place when my heart was torn with doubt and terror?  Think of

it; reader; think of it!  An hour or two; and on my skill would hang the

lives of eight white peoplemen; women; and children; and the safety or

the utter shame of the woman whom I loved and who loved me。  No; she

should be spared the worst。  I would give her my pistol; and if there

were need she would know what to do。

The fearful responsibility was more 

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