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at nightfall; for; having little or no artificial light; we went to rest

with the sun; or shortly after it。  Sweet; indeed; was that

companionship of perfect trust and love; so sweet; that even after all

these years I do not care to dwell upon the holy memory of those blessed


So soon as the surviving Boers began to recover by the help of my stores

and medicines and the meat which I shot in plenty; of course great

discussions arose as to our future plans。  First it was suggested that

we should trek to Lorenzo Marquez; and wait for a ship there to take us

down to Natal; for none of them would hear of returning beggared to the

Cape to tell the story of their failure and dreadful bereavements。  I

pointed out; however; that no ship might come for a long while; perhaps

for one or two years; and that Lorenzo Marquez and its neighborhood

seemed to be a poisonous place to live in!

The next idea was that we should stop where we were; one which I rather

welcomed; as I should have been glad to abide in peace with Marie until

the six months of probation had gone by。

However; in the end this was rejected for many good reasons。  Thus half

a score of white people; of whom four were members of a single family;

were certainly not strong enough to form a settlement; especially as the

surrounding natives might become actively hostile at any moment。  Again;

the worst fever season was approaching; in which we should very possibly

all be carried off。  Further; we had no breeding cattle or horses; which

would not live in this veld; and only the ammunition and goods that I

had brought with me。

So it was clear that but one thing remained to be done; namely; to trek

back to what is now the Transvaal territory; or; better still; to Natal;

for this route would enable us to avoid the worst of the mountains。 

There we might join some other party of the emigrant Boersfor choice;

that of Retief; of whose arrival over the Drakensberg I was able to tell


That point settled; we made our preparations。  To begin with; I had only

enough oxen for two wagons; whereas; even if we abandoned the rest of

them; we must take at least four。  Therefore; through my Kaffirs; I

opened negotiations with the surrounding natives; who; when they heard

that I was not a Boer and was prepared to pay for what I bought; soon

expressed a willingness to trade。  Indeed; very shortly we had quite a

market established; to which cattle were brought that I bargained for

and purchased; giving cloth; knives; hoes; and the usual Kaffir goods in

payment for the same。

Also; they brought mealies and other corn; and oh! the delight with

which those poor people; who for months and months had existed upon

nothing but flesh…meat; ate of this farinaceous food。  Never shall I

forget seeing Marie and the surviving children partake of their first

meal of porridge; and washing the sticky stuff down with draughts of

fresh; sugared milk; for with the oxen I had succeeded in obtaining two

good cows。  It is enough to say that this change of diet soon completely

re…established their health; and made Marie more beautiful than she had

ever been before。

Having got the oxen; the next thing was to break them to the yoke; for;

although docile creatures enough; they had never even seen a wagon。 

This proved a long and difficult process; involving many trial trips;

moreover; the selected wagons; one of which had belonged to Pereira;

must be mended with very insufficient tools and without the help of a

forge。  Indeed; had it not chanced that Hans; the Hottentot; had worked

for a wagon…maker at some indefinite period of his career; I do not

think that we could have managed the job at all。

It was while we were busy with these tasks that some news arrived which

was unpleasing enough to everyone; except perhaps to Henri Marais。  I

was engaged on a certain evening in trying to make sixteen of the Kaffir

cattle pull together in the yoke; instead of tying themselves into a

double knot and over…setting the wagon; when Hans; who was helping me;

suddenly called out:

〃Look! baas; here comes one of my brothers;〃 or; in other words; a


Following the line of his hand; I saw a thin and wretched creature; clad

only in some rags and the remains of a big hat with the crown out;

staggering towards us between the trees。

〃Why!〃 exclaimed Marie in a startled voice; for; as usual; she was at my

side; 〃it is Klaus; one of my cousin Hernan's after…riders。〃

〃So long as it is not your cousin Hernan himself; I do not care;〃 I


Presently the poor; starved 〃Totty〃 arrived; and throwing himself down;

begged for food。  A cold shoulder of buck was given to him; which he

devoured; holding it in both hands and tearing off great lumps of flesh

with his teeth like a wild beast。

When at last he was satisfied; Marais; who had come up with the other

Boers; asked him whence he came and what was his news of his master。

〃Out of the bush;〃 he answered; 〃and my news of the baas is that he is

dead。  At least; I left him so ill that I suppose he must be dead by


〃Why did you leave him if he was ill?〃 asked Marais。

〃Because he told me to; baas; that I might find help; for we were

starving; having fired our last bullet。〃

〃Is he alone; then?〃

〃Yes; yes; except for the wild beasts and the vultures。  A lion ate the

other man; his servant; a long while ago。〃

〃How far is he off?〃 asked Marais again。

〃Oh; baas; about five hours' journey on horseback on a good road。〃 (This

would be some thirty…five miles。)

Then he told this story: Pereira with his two Hottentot servants; he

mounted and they on foot; had traversed about a hundred miles of rough

country in safety; when at night a lion killed and carried off one of

the Hottentots; and frightened away the horse; which was never seen

again。  Pereira and Klaus proceeded on foot till they came to a great

river; on the banks of which they met some Kaffirs; who appear to have

been Zulus on outpost duty。  These men demanded their guns and

ammunition to take to their king; and; on Pereira refusing to give them

up; said that they would kill them both in the morning after they had

made him instruct them in the use of the guns by beating him with


In the night a storm came on; under cover of which Pereira and Klaus

escaped。  As they dared not go forward for fear lest they should fall

into the hands of the Zulus; they fled back northwards; running all

night; only to find in the morning that they had lost their way in the

bush。  This had happened nearly a month beforeor; at any rate; Klaus

thought so; for no doubt the days went very slowlyduring which time

they had wandered about; trying to shape some sort of course by the sun

with the object of returning to the camp。  They met no man; black or

white; and supported themselves upon game; which they shot and ate raw

or sun…dried; till at length all their powder was done and they threw

away their heavy roers; which they could no longer carry。

It was at this juncture that from the top of a tall tree Klaus saw a

certain koppie a long way off; which he recognised as being within

fifteen miles or so of Marais's camp。  By now they were starving; only

Klaus was the stronger of the two; for he found and devoured some

carrion; a dead hyena I think it was。  Pereira also tried to eat this

horrible food; but; not having the stomach of a Hottentot; the first

mouthful of it made him dreadfully ill。  They sought shelter in a cave

on the bank of a stream; where grew water…cresses and other herbs; such

as wild asparagus。  Here it was that Pereira told Klaus to try to make

his way back to the camp; and; should he find anyone alive there; to

bring him succour。

So Klaus went; taking the remaining leg of the hyena with him; and on

the afternoon of the second day arrived as has been told。



Now; when the Hottentot's story was finished a discussion arose。  Marais

said that someone must go to see whether his nephew still lived; to

which the other Boers replied 〃Ja〃 in an indifferent voice。  Then the

Vrouw Prinsloo took up her parable。

She remarked; as she had done before; that in her judgment Hernan

Pereira was 〃a stinkcat and a sneak;〃 who had tried to desert them in

their trouble; and by the judgment of a just God had got into trouble

himself。  Personally; she wished that the lion had taken him instead of

the worthy Hottentot; although it gave her a higher opinion of lions to

conclude that it had not done so; because if it did it thought it would

have been poisoned。  Well; her view was that it would be just as well to

let that traitor lie upon the bed which he had made。  Moreover;

doubtless by now he was dead; so what was the good of bothering about


These sentiments appeared 

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