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the mahatma and the hare-第12节

小说: the mahatma and the hare 字数: 每页4000字

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at all likely to tread the Road for many years to come。 I had gathered
that he was comparatively young; and although I had argued otherwise
with the Hare; had concluded therefore that he would continue to live
his happy earth life until old age brought him to a natural end。 Hence
my obtuseness。

The man was drifting towards me thoughtfully; evidently much
bewildered by his new surroundings but not in the least afraid。 Indeed
there none are afraid; when they glide from their death…beds to the
Road they leave fear behind them with the other terrors of our mortal

Presently he became conscious of the presence of the Hare; and
thoughts passed through his mind which of course I could read。

〃My word!〃 he said to himself; 〃things are better than I hoped。
There's a hare; and where there are hares there must be hunting and
shooting。 Oh! if only I had a gun; or the ghost of a gun!〃

Then an idea struck him。 He lifted his hunting…crop and hurled it at
the Hare。

As it was only the shadow of a crop of course it could hurt nothing。
Still it went through the shadow of the Hare and caused it to twist
round like lightning。

〃That was a good shot anyway;〃 he reflected; with a satisfied smile。

By now the Hare had seen him。

〃/The Red…faced Man!/〃 it exclaimed; 〃Grampus himself!〃 and it turned
to flee away。

〃Don't be frightened;〃 I cried; 〃he can't hurt you; nothing can hurt
you here。〃

The Hare halted and sat up。 〃No;〃 it said; 〃I forgot。 But you saw; he
tried to。 Now; Mahatma; you will understand what a bloodthirsty brute
he is。 Even after I am dead he has tried to kill me again。〃

〃Well; and why not?〃 interrupted the Man。 〃What are hares for except
to be killed?〃

〃There; Mahatma; you hear him。 Look at me; Man; who am I?〃

So he looked at the Hare and the Hare looked at him。 Presently his
face grew puzzled。

〃By Jingo!〃 he said slowly; 〃you are uncommonly likeyou /are/ that
accursed witch of a hare which cost me my life。 There are the white
marks on your back; and there is the grey splotch on your ear。 Oh! if
only I had a guna real gun!〃

〃You would shoot me; wouldn't you; or try to?〃 said the Hare。 〃Well;
you haven't and you can't。 You say I cost you your life。 What do you
mean? It was my life that was sacrificed; not yours。〃

〃Indeed;〃 answered the Man; 〃I thought you got away。 Never saw any
more of you after you jumped through the French window。 Never had
time。 The last thing I remember is her Ladyship screaming like a mad
cockatoo; yes; and abusing me as though I were a pickpocket; with the
drawing…room all on fire。 Then something happened; and down I went
among the broken china and hit my head against the leg of a table。
Next came a kind of whirling blackness and I woke up here。〃

〃A fit or a stroke;〃 I suggested。

〃Both; I think; sir。 The fit firstI have had 'em before; and the
stroke afterwardsagainst the leg of the table。 Anyway they finished
me between them; thanks to that little beast。〃

Then it was that I saw a very strange thing; a hare in a rage。 It
seemed to go mad; of course I mean spiritually mad。 Its eyes flashed
fire; it opened its mouth and shut it after the fashion of a
suffocating fish。 At last it spoke in its own wayI cannot stop to
explain in further detail the exact manner of speech or rather of its
equivalent upon the Road。

〃Man; Man;〃 it exclaimed; 〃you say that I finished you。 But what did
you do to me? You shot me。 Look at the marks upon my back。 You coursed
me with your running dogs。 You hunted me with your hounds。 You dragged
me out of the sea into which I swam to escape you by death; and threw
me living to the pack;〃 and the Hare stopped exhausted by its own

〃Well;〃 replied the Man coolly; 〃and suppose I; or my people; did;
what of it? Why shouldn't I? You were a beast; I was a man with
dominion over you。 You can read all about that in the Book of

〃I never heard of the Book of Genesis;〃 said the Hare; 〃but what does
dominion mean? Does this Book of Genesis say that it means the right
to torment that which is weaker than the tormentor?〃

〃All you animals were made for us to eat;〃 commented the Man; avoiding
an answer to the direct question。

〃Very good;〃 answered the Hare; 〃let us suppose that we /were/ given
you to eat。 Was it in order to eat me that you came out against me
with guns; then with dogs that run by sight; and then with dogs that
run by smell?〃

〃If you were to be killed and eaten; why should you not be killed in
one of these ways; Hare?〃

〃Why should I be killed in those ways; Man; when others more merciful
were to your hand? Indeed; why should I be killed at all? Moreover; if
you wished to satisfy your hunger with my body; why at the last was I
thrown to the dogs to devour?〃

〃I don't quite know; Hare。 Never looked at the matter in that light
before。 Butah! I've got you now;〃 he added triumphantly。 〃If it
hadn't been for me you never would have lived。 You see /I/ gave you
the gift of life。 Therefore; instead of grumbling; you should be very
much obliged to me。 Don't you understand? I preserved hares; so that
without me you would never have been a hare。 Isn't that right; Mr。
Mr。I am sorry I have forgotten your name;〃 he added; turning towards

〃Mahatma;〃 I said。

〃Oh! yes; I remember it nowMr。ahMr。 Hatter。〃

〃There is something in the argument;〃 I replied cautiously; 〃but let
us hear our friend's answer。〃

〃Answermy answer! Well; here it is。 What are you; Man; who dare to
say that you give life or withhold it? You a Lord of life; /you!/ I
tell you that I know little; yet I am sure that you or those like you
have no more power to create life than the world we have left has to
bid the stars to shine。 If the life must come; it will come; and if it
cannot fulfil itself as a hare; then it will appear as something else。
If you say that you create life; I; the poor beast which you tortured;
tell you that you are a presumptuous liar。〃

〃You dare to lecture me;〃 said the Man; 〃me; the heir of all the ages;
as the poet called me。 Why; you nasty little animal; do you know that
I have killed hundreds like you; and;〃 he added; with a sudden
afflatus of pride; 〃thousands of other creatures; such as pheasants;
to say nothing of deer and larger game? That has been my principal
occupation since I was a boy。 I may say that I have lived for sport;
got very little else to show for my life; so to speak。〃

〃Oh!〃 said the Hare; 〃have you? Well; if I were you; I shouldn't boast
about it just now。 You see; we are still outside of those Gates。 Who
knows but that you will find every one of the living things you have
amused yourself by slaughtering waiting for you within them; each
praying for justice to its Maker and your own?〃

〃My word!〃 said the Man; 〃what a horrible notion; it's like a bad

He reflected a little; then added; 〃Well; if they do; I've got my
answer。 I killed them for food; man must live。 Millions of pheasants
are sold to be eaten every year at a much smaller price than they cost
to breed。 What do you say to that; Mr。 Hatter? Finishes him; I think。〃

〃I'm not arguing;〃 I replied。 〃Ask the Hare。〃

〃Yes; ask me; Man; and although you are repeating yourself; I'll
answer with another question; knowing that here you must tell the
truth。 Did you really rear us all for food? Was it for this that you
kept your keepers; your running dogs and your hunting dogs; that you
might kill poor defenceless beasts and birds to fill men's stomachs?
If this was so; I have nothing more to say。 Indeed; if our deaths or
sufferings at their hands really help men in any way; I have nothing
more to say。 I admit that you are higher and stronger than we are; and
have a right to use us for your own advantage; or even to destroy us
altogether if we harm you。〃

The Man pondered; then replied sullenly

〃You know very well that it was not so。 I did not rear up pheasants
and hares merely to eat them or that others might eat them。 Something
forces me to tell you that it was in order that I might enjoy myself
by showing my skill in shooting them; or to have the pleasure and
exercise of hunting them to death。 Still;〃 he added defiantly; 〃I who
am a Christian man maintain that my religion perfectly justified me in
doing all these things; and that no blame attaches to me on this

〃Very good;〃 said the Hare; 〃now we have a clear issue。 Friend
Mahatma; when those Gates open presently what happens beyond them?〃

〃I don't know;〃 I answered; 〃I have never been there; at least not
that I can remember。〃

〃Still; friend Mahatma; is it not said that yonder lives some Power
which judges righteously and declares what is true and what is false?〃

〃I have heard so; Hare。〃

〃Very well; Man; I lay my cause before that Powerdo you the same。 If
I am wrong I will go back to earth to be tortured by you and yours
again。 If; however; I am right; you shall abide the judgment of the
Power; and I ask that It will make of youa hunted hare!〃

Now when he heard these awful wordsfor they were awfulno less; the
Red…faced Man grew much disturbed。 He hummed and he hawed; and shifted
his feet about。 At last he said

〃You must admit that while you 

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