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historical lecturers and essays-第13节

小说: historical lecturers and essays 字数: 每页4000字

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friends and predecessors; slain in the world…old fight of Ormuzd

against Ahrimanlight against darkness; order against disorder。

Confusedly they fought; and sometimes ill:   but their corpses piled

the breach and filled the trench for us; and over their corpses we

step on to what should be to us an easy victorywhat may be to us;

yet; a shameful ruin。

For if we be; as we are wont to boast; the salt of the earth and the

light of the world; what if the salt should lose its savour?  What

if the light which is in us should become darkness?  For myself;

when I look upon the responsibilities of the free nations of modern

times; so far from boasting of that liberty in which I delightand

to keep which I freely; too; could dieI rather say; in fear and

trembling; God help us on whom He has laid so heavy a burden as to

make us free; responsible; each individual of us; not only to

ourselves; but to Him and all mankind。  For if we fall we shall fall

I know not whither; and I dare not think。

How those old despotisms; the mighty empires of old time; fell; we

know; and we can easily explain。  Corrupt; luxurious; effeminate;

eaten out by universal selfishness and mutual fear; they had at last

no organic coherence。  The moral anarchy within showed through; at

last burst through; the painted skin of prescriptive order which

held them together。  Some braver and abler; and usually more

virtuous people; often some little; hardy; homely mountain tribe;

saw that the fruit was ripe for gathering; and; caring naught for

superior numbersand saying with German Alaric when the Romans

boasted of their numbers; 〃The thicker the hay the easier it is

mowed〃struck one brave blow at the huge inflated wind…bagas

Cyrus and his handful of Persians struck at the Medes; as Alexander

and his handful of Greeks struck afterwards at the Persiansand

behold; it collapsed upon the spot。  And then the victors took the

place of the conquered; and became in their turn an aristocracy; and

then a despotism; and in their turn rotted down and perished。  And

so the vicious circle repeated itself; age after age; from Egypt and

Assyria to Mexico and Peru。

And therefore; we; free peoples as we are; have need to watch; and

sternly watch; ourselves。  Equality of some kind or other is; as I

said; our natural and seemingly inevitable goal。  But which

equality?  For there are twoa true one and a false; a noble and a

base; a healthful and a ruinous。  There is the truly divine

equality; and there is the brute equality of sheep and oxen; and of

flies and worms。  There is the equality which is founded on mutual

envy。  The equality which respects others; and the equality which

asserts itself。  The equality which longs to raise all alike; and

the equality which desires to pull down all alike。  The equality

which says:   Thou art as good as I; and it may be better too; in

the sight of God。  And the equality which says:   I am as good as

thou; and will therefore see if I cannot master thee。

Side by side; in the heart of every free man; and every free people;

are the two instincts struggling for the mastery; called by the same

name; but bearing the same relation to each other as Marsyas to

Apollo; the Satyr to the God。  Marsyas and Apollo; the base and the

noble; are; as in the old Greek legend; contending for the prize。

And the prize is no less a one than all free people of this planet。

In proportion as that nobler idea conquers; and men unite in the

equality of mutual respect and mutual service; they move one step

farther towards realising on earth that Kingdom of God of which it

is written:   〃The despots of the nations exercise dominion over

them; and they that exercise authority over them are called

benefactors。  But he that will be great among you let him be the

servant of all。〃

And in proportion as that base idea conquers; and selfishness; not

self…sacrifice; is the ruling spirit of a State; men move on; one

step forward; towards realising that kingdom of the devil upon

earth; 〃Every man for himself and the devil take the hindmost。〃

Only; alas! in that evil equality of envy and hate; there is no

hindmost; and the devil takes them all alike。

And so is a period of discontent; revolution; internecine anarchy;

followed by a tyranny endured; as in old Rome; by men once free;

because tyranny will at least do for them what they were too lazy

and greedy and envious to do for themselves。

And all because they have forgot

What 'tis to be a manto curb and spurn。

The tyrant in us:   the ignobler self

Which boasts; not loathes; its likeness to the brute;

And owns no good save ease; no ill save pain;

No purpose; save its share in that wild war

In which; through countless ages; living things

Compete in internecine greed。  Ah; loving God;

Are we as creeping things; which have no lord?

That we are brutes; great God; we know too well;

Apes daintier…featured; silly birds; who flaunt

Their plumes; unheeding of the fowler's step;

Spiders; who catch with paper; not with webs;

Tigers; who slay with cannon and sharp steel;

Instead of teeth and claws:… all these we are。

Are we no more than these; save in degree?

Mere fools of nature; puppets of strong lusts;

Taking the sword; to perish by the sword

Upon the universal battle…field;

Even as the things upon the moor outside?

The heath eats up green grass and delicate herbs;

The pines eat up the heath; the grub the pine;

The finch the grub; the hawk the silly finch;

And man; the mightiest of all beasts of prey;

Eats what he lists。  The strong eat up the weak;

The many eat the few; great nations; small;

And he who cometh in the name of all

Shall; greediest; triumph by the greed of all;

And; armed by his own victims; eat up all。

While ever out of the eternal heavens

Looks patient down the great magnanimous God;

Who; Master of all worlds; did sacrifice

All to Himself?  Nay:   but Himself to all;

Who taught mankind; on that first Christmas Day;

What 'tis to be a manto give; not take;

To serve; not rule; to nourish; not devour;

To lift; not crush; if need; to die; not live。

〃He that cometh in the name of all〃the popular military despot

the 〃saviour of his country〃he is our internecine enemy on both

sides of the Atlantic; whenever he risesthe inaugurator of that

Imperialism; that Caesarism into which Rome sank; when not her

liberties merely; but her virtues; were decaying out of herthe

sink into which all wicked States; whether republics or monarchies;

are sure to fall; simply because men must eat and drink for to…

morrow they die。  The Military and Bureaucratic Despotism which

keeps the many quiet; as in old Rome; by PANEM ET CIRCENSESbread

and gamesor; if need be; Pilgrimages; that the few may make money;

eat; drink; and be merry; as long as it can last。  That; let it ape

as it mayas did the Caesars of old Rome at firstas another

Emperor did even in our own daysthe forms of dead freedom; really

upholds an artificial luxury by brute force; and consecrates the

basest of all aristocracies; the aristocracy of the money…bag; by

the divine sanction of the bayonet。

That at all risks; even at the price of precious blood; the free

peoples of the earth must ward off from them; for; makeshift and

stop…gap as it is; it does not even succeed in what it tries to do。

It does not last。  Have we not seen that it does not; cannot last?

How can it last?  This falsehood; like all falsehoods; must collapse

at one touch of Ithuriel's spear of truth and fact。  And …

〃Then saw I the end of these men。  Namely; how Thou dost set them in

slippery places; and casteth them down。  Suddenly do they perish;

and come to a fearful end。  Yea; like as a dream when one awaketh;

so shalt Thou make their image to vanish out of the city。〃

Have we not seen that too; though; thank God; neither in England nor

in the United States?

And then?  What then?  None knows; and none can know。

The future of France and Spain; the future of the Tropical Republics

of Spanish America; is utterly blank and dark; not to be prophesied;

I hold; by mortal man; simply because we have no like cases in the

history of the past whereby to judge the tendencies of the present。

Will they revive?  Under the genial influences of free institutions

will t

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