a vindication of the rights of woman-第47节
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The memory is loaded with unintelligible words; to make a show of; without the understanding's acquiring any distinct ideas: but only that education deserves emphatically to be termed cultivation of mind; which teaches young people how to begin to think。 The imagination should not be allowed to debauch the understanding before it gained strength; or vanity will become the forerunner of vice: for every way of exhibiting the acquirements of a child is injurious to its moral character。 How much time is lost in teaching them to recite what they do not understand! whilst; seated on benches; all in their best array; the mammas listen with astonishment to the parrot…like prattle; uttered in solemn cadences; with all the pomp of ignorance and folly。 Such exhibitions only serve to strike the spreading fibres of vanity through the whole mind; for they neither teach children to speak fluently; nor behave gracefully。 So far from it; that these frivolous pursuits might comprehensively be termed the study of affectation: for we now rarely see a simple; bashful boy; though few people of taste were ever disgusted by that awkward sheepishness so natural to the age; which schools and an early introduction into society; have changed into impudence and apish grimace。 Yet; how can these things be remedied whilst schoolmasters depend entirely on parents for a subsistence; and when so many rival schools hang out their lures to catch the attention of vain fathers and mothers; whose parental affection only leads them to wish; that their children should outshine those of their neighbours? Without great good luck; a sensible; conscientious man; would starve before he could raise a school; if he disdained to bubble weak parents; by practising the secret tricks of the craft。 In the best regulated schools; however; where swarms are not crammed together many bad habits must be acquired; but; at common schools; the body; heart; and understanding; are equally stunted; for parents are often only in quest of the cheapest school; and the master could not live; if he did not take a much greater number than he could manage himself; nor will the scanty pittance; allowed for each child; permit him to hire ushers sufficient to assist in the discharge of the mechanical part of the business。 Besides; whatever appearance the house and garden may make; the children do not enjoy the comforts of either; for they are continually reminded; by irksome restrictions; that they are not at home; and the state…rooms; garden; etc。 must be kept in order for the recreation of the parents; who; of a Sunday; visit the school; and are impressed by the very parade that renders the situation of their children uncomfortable。 With what disgust have I heard sensible women; for girls are more restrained and cowed than boys; speak of the wearisome confinement which they endured at school。 Not allowed; perhaps; to step out of one broad walk in a superb garden; and obliged to pace with steady deportment stupidly backwards and forwards; holding up their heads; and turning out their toes; with shoulders braced back; instead of bounding; as nature directs to complete her own design; in the various attitudes so conducive to health。 The pure animal spirits; which make both mind and body shoot out; and unfold the tender blossoms of hope are turned sour; and vented in vain wishes; or pert repinings; that contract the faculties and spoil the temper; else they mount to the brain and sharpening the understanding before it gains proportionable strength; produce that pitiful cunning which disgracefully characterizes the female mindand I fear will ever characterize it whilst women remain the slaves of power! The little respect which the male world pay to chastity is; I am persuaded; the grand source of many of the physical and moral evils that torment mankind; as well as of the vices and follies that degrade and destroy women; yet at school; boys infallibly lose that decent bashfulness; which might have ripened into modesty at home。 I have already animadverted on the bad habits which females acquire when they are shut up together; and I think that the observation may fairly be extended to the other sex; till the natural inference is drawn which I have had in view throughoutthat to improve both sexes they ought; not only in private families; but in public schools; to be educated together。 If marriage be the cement of society; mankind should all be educated after the same model; or the intercourse of the sexes will never deserve the name of fellowship; nor will women ever fulfil the peculiar duties of their sex; till they become enlightened citizens; till they become free; by being enabled to earn their own subsistence; independent of men; in the same manner; I mean; to prevent misconstruction; as one man is independent of another。 Nay; marriage will never be held sacred till women by being brought up with men; are prepared to be their companions; rather than their mistresses; for the mean doublings of cunning will ever render them contemptible; whilst oppression renders them timid。 So convinced am I of this truth; that I will venture to predict; that virtue will never prevail in society till the virtues of both sexes are founded on reason; and; till the affection common to both are allowed to gain their due strength by the discharge of mutual duties。 Were boys and girls permitted to pursue the same studies together; those graceful decencies might early be inculcated which produce modesty; without those sexual distinctions that taint the mind。 Lessons of politeness; and that formulary of decorum; which treads on the heels of falsehood; would be rendered useless by habitual propriety of behaviour。 Not; indeed put on for visiters like the courtly robe of politeness; but the sober effect of cleanliness of mind。 Would not this simple elegance of sincerity be a chaste homage paid to domestic affections; far surpassing the meretricious compliments that shine with false lustre in the heartless intercourse of fashionable life? But; till more understanding preponderate in society; there will ever be a want of heart and taste; and the harlot's rouge will supply the place of that celestial suffusion which only virtuous affections can give to the face。 Gallantry; and what is called love; may subsist without simplicity of character; but the main pillars of friendship; are respect and confidenceesteem is never founded on it cannot tell what。 A taste for the fine arts requires great cultivation; but not more than a taste for the virtuous affections: and both suppose that enlargement of mind which opens so many sources of mental pleasure。 Why do people hurry to noisy scenes and crowded circles? I should answer; because they want activity of mind; because they have not cherished the virtues of the heart。 They only; therefore; see and feel in the gross; and continually pine after variety; finding every thing that is simple; insipid。 This argument may be carried further than philosophers are aware of; for if nature destined woman; in particular; for the discharge of domestic duties; she made her susceptible of the attached affections in a great degree。 Now women are notoriously fond of pleasure; and naturally must be so; according to my definition; because they cannot enter into the minutiae of domestic taste; lacking judgment the foundation of all taste。 For the understanding; in spite of sensual cavillers; reserves to itself the privilege of conveying pure joy to the heart。 With what a languid yawn have I seen an admirable poem thrown down; that a man of true taste returns to; again and again with rapture; and; whilst melody has almost suspended respiration; a lady has asked me where I bought my gown。 I have seen also an eye glanced coldly over a most exquisite picture; rest; sparkling with pleasure; on a caricature rudely sketched; and whilst some terrific feature in nature has spread a sublime stillness through my soul; I have been desired to observe the pretty tricks of a lap…dog; that my perverse fate forced me to travel with。 Is it surprising; that such a tasteless being should rather caress this dog than her children? Or; that she should prefer the rant of flattery to the simple accents of sincerity? To illustrate this remark I must be allowed to observe; that men of the first genius; and most cultivated minds; have appeared to have the highest relish for the simple beauties of nature; and they must have forcibly felt; what they have so well described; the charm; which natural affections; and unsophisticated feelings spread round the human character。 It is this power of looking into the heart; and responsively vibrating with each emotion; that enables the poet to personify each passion; and the painter to sketch with a pencil of fire。 True taste is ever the work of the understanding employed in observing natural effects; and till women have more understanding; it is vain to expect them to possess domestic taste。 Their lively senses will ever be at work to harden their hearts; and the emotions struck out of them will continue to be vivid and transitory; unless a proper education stores their minds with knowledge。 It is the want of domestic taste; and not the acquirement of knowledge; that takes women out of t