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robert louis stevenson-第9节

小说: robert louis stevenson 字数: 每页4000字

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n had gone West in search of health among the  bleak hill summits … 'on the Canadian border of New York State;  very unsettled and primitive and cold。'  He had made the voyage in  an ocean tramp; the LUDGATE HILL; the sort of craft which any  person not a born child of the sea would shun in horror。   Stevenson; however; had 'the finest time conceivable on board the  〃strange floating menagerie。〃'〃  Thus he describes it in a letter  to Mr Henry James:

〃Stallions and monkeys and matches made our cargo; and the vast  continent of these incongruities rolled the while like a haystack;  and the stallions stood hypnotised by the motion; looking through  the port at our dinner…table; and winked when the crockery was  broken; and the little monkeys stared at each other in their cages;  and were thrown overboard like little bluish babies; and the big  monkey; Jacko; scoured about the ship and rested willingly in my  arms; to the ruin of my clothing; and the man of the stallions made  a bower of the black tarpaulin; and sat therein at the feet of a  raddled divinity; like a picture on a box of chocolates; and the  other passengers; when they were not sick; looked on and laughed。   Take all this picture; and make it roll till the bell shall sound  unexpected notes and the fittings shall break loose in our  stateroom; and you have the voyage of the LUDGATE HILL。  She  arrived in the port of New York without beer; porter; soda…water;  curacoa; fresh meat; or fresh water; and yet we lived; and we  regret her。〃

He discovered this that there is no joy in the Universe comparable  to life on a villainous ocean tramp; rolling through a horrible sea  in company with a cargo of cattle。

〃I have got one good thing of my sea voyage; it is proved the sea  agrees heartily with me; and my mother likes it; so if I get any  better; or no worse; my mother will likely hire a yacht for a month  or so in the summer。  Good Lord! what fun!  Wealth is only useful  for two things:  a yacht and a string quartette。  For these two I  will sell my soul。  Except for these I hold that 700 pounds a year  is as much as anybody can possibly want; and I have had more; so I  know; for the extra coins were of no use; excepting for illness;  which damns everything。  I was so happy on board that ship; I could  not have believed it possible; we had the beastliest weather; and  many discomforts; but the mere fact of its being a tramp ship gave  us many comforts。  We could cut about with the men and officers;  stay in the wheel…house; discuss all manner of things; and really  be a little at sea。  And truly there is nothing else。  I had  literally forgotten what happiness was; and the full mind … full of  external and physical things; not full of cares and labours; and  rot about a fellow's behaviour。  My heart literally sang; I truly  care for nothing so much as for that。

〃To go ashore for your letters and hang about the pier among the  holiday yachtsmen … that's fame; that's glory … and nobody can take  it away。〃

At Saranac Lake the Stevensons lived in a 〃wind…beleaguered hill… top hat…box of a house;〃 which suited the invalid; but; on the  other hand; invalided his wife。  Soon after getting there he  plunged into THE MASTER OF BALLANTRAE。

〃No thought have I now apart from it; and I have got along up to  page ninety…two of the draught with great interest。  It is to me a  most seizing tale:  there are some fantastic elements; the most is  a dead genuine human problem … human tragedy; I should say rather。   It will be about as long; I imagine; as KIDNAPPED。 。 。 。 I have  done most of the big work; the quarrel; duel between the brothers;  and the announcement of the death to Clementina and my Lord …  Clementina; Henry; and Mackellar (nicknamed Squaretoes) are really  very fine fellows; the Master is all I know of the devil; I have  known hints of him; in the world; but always cowards:  he is as  bold as a lion; but with the same deadly; causeless duplicity I  have watched with so much surprise in my two cowards。  'Tis true; I  saw a hint of the same nature in another man who was not a coward;  but he had other things to attend to; the Master has nothing else  but his devilry。〃

His wife grows seriously ill; and Stevenson has to turn to  household work。

〃Lloyd and I get breakfast; I have now; 10。15; just got the dishes  washed and the kitchen all clean; and sit down to give you as much  news as I have spirit for; after such an engagement。  Glass is a  thing that really breaks my spirit; and I do not like to fail; and  with glass I cannot reach the work of my high calling … the  artist's。〃

In the midst of such domestic tasks and entanglements he writes THE  MASTER; and very characteristically gets dissatisfied with the last  parts; 〃which shame; perhaps degrade; the beginning。〃

Of Mr Kipling this is his judgment … in the year 1890:

〃Kipling is by far the most promising young man who has appeared  since … ahem … I appeared。  He amazes me by his precocity and  various endowments。  But he alarms me by his copiousness and haste。   He should shield his fire with both hands; 'and draw up all his  strength and sweetness in one ball。'  ('Draw all his strength and  all his sweetness up into one ball'?  I cannot remember Marvell's  words。)  So the critics have been saying to me; but I was never  capable of … and surely never guilty of … such a debauch of  production。  At this rate his works will soon fill the habitable  globe; and surely he was armed for better conflicts than these  succinct sketches and flying leaves of verse?  I look on; I admire;  I rejoice for myself; but in a kind of ambition we all have for our  tongue and literature I am wounded。  If I had this man's fertility  and courage; it seems to me I could heave a pyramid。

〃Well; we begin to be the old fogies now; and it was high time  SOMETHING rose to take our places。  Certainly Kipling has the  gifts; the fairy godmothers were all tipsy at his christening。   What will he do with them?〃

Of the rest of Stevenson's career we cannot speak at length; nor is  it needful。  How in steady succession came his triumphs:  came;  too; his trials from ill…health … how he spent winters at Davos  Platz; Bournemouth; and tried other places in America; and how; at  last; good fortune led him to the South Pacific。  After many  voyagings and wanderings among the islands; he settled near Apia;  in Samoa; early in 1890; cleared some four hundred acres; and built  a house; where; while he wrote what delighted the English…speaking  race; he took on himself the defence of the natives against foreign  interlopers; writing under the title A FOOTNOTE TO HISTORY; the  most powerful EXPOSE of the mischief they had done and were doing  there。  He was the beloved of the natives; as he made himself the  friend of all with whom he came in contact。  There; as at home; he  worked … worked with the same determination and in the enjoyment of  better health。  The obtaining idea with him; up to the end; as it  had been from early life; was a brave; resolute; cheerful endeavour  to make the best of it。

〃I chose Samoa instead of Honolulu;〃 he told Mr W。 H。 Trigg; who  reports the talk in CASSELLS' MAGAZINE; 〃for the simple and  eminently satisfactory reason that it is less civilised。  Can you  not conceive that it is awful fun?〃  His house was called  〃Vailima;〃 which means Five Waters in the Samoan; and indicates the  number of streams that flow by the spot。


THE Vailima Letters; written to Mr Sidney Colvin and other friends;  are in their way delightful if not inimitable:  and this; in spite  of the idea having occurred to him; that some use might hereafter  be made of these letters for publication purposes。  There is;  indeed; as little trace of any change in the style through this as  well could be … the utterly familiar; easy; almost child…like flow  remains; unmarred by self…consciousness or tendency 〃to put it on。〃

In June; 1892; Stevenson says:

〃It came over me the other day suddenly that this diary of mine to  you would make good pickings after I am dead; and a man could make  some kind of a book out of it; without much trouble。  So for God's  sake don't lose them; and they will prove a piece of provision for  'my floor old family;' as Simele calls it。〃

But their great charm remains:  they are as free and gracious and  serious and playful and informal as before。  Stevenson's traits of  character are all here:  his largeness of heart; his delicacy; his  sympathy; his fun; his pathos; his boylike frolicsomeness; his fine  courage; his love of the sea (for he was by nature a sailor); his  passion for action and adventure despite his ill…health; his great  patience with others and fine adaptability to their temper (he says  that he never gets out of temper with those he has to do with); his  unbounded; big…hearted hopefulness; and fine perseverance in face  of difficulties。  What could be better than the way in which he  tells that in January; 1892; when he had a bout of influenza and  was dictating ST IVES to his stepdaughter; Mrs Strong; he was  〃reduced to dictating to her in the deaf…and…dumb alphabet〃? … and  goes on:

〃The amanuensis has her head 

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