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robert louis stevenson-第30节

小说: robert louis stevenson 字数: 每页4000字

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 his private correspondence 'Louis。'  Mr  Henley spells it 'Lewis。'  Is this intended to say that Stevenson  took an ornamenting liberty with his own baptismal appellation?  If  so; why not say the thing and have done with it?  Or is it one of  Mr Henley's wilful ridiculosities?  It seems to stand for some sort  of meaning; and to me; at least; it offers a jarring hint of small  spitefulness which might go for nothing if it were not so well  borne out by the general tone of Mr Henley's article。  It is a  small matter enough; God knows; but it is precisely because it is  so very small that it irritates。〃


IN truth; it must indeed be here repeated that Stevenson for the  reason he himself gave about DEACON BRODIE utterly fails in that  healthy hatred of 〃fools and scoundrels〃 on which Carlyle somewhat  incontinently dilated。  Nor does he; as we have seen; draw the line  between hero and villain of the piece; as he ought to have done;  and; even for his own artistic purposes; has it too much all on one  side; to express it simply。  Art demands relief from any one phase  of human nature; more especially of that phase; and even from what  is morbid or exceptional。  Admitting that such natures; say as  Huish; the cockney; in the EBB…TIDE on the one side; and Prince  Otto on the other are possible; it is yet absolutely demanded that  they should not stand ALONE; but have their due complement and  balance present in the piece also to deter and finally to tell on  them in the action。  If 〃a knave or villain;〃 as George Eliot aptly  said; is but a fool with a circumbendibus; this not only wants to  be shown; but to have that definite human counterpart and  corrective; and this not in any indirect and perfunctory way; but  in a direct and effective sense。  It is here that Stevenson fails …  fails absolutely in most of his work; save the very latest … fails;  as has been shown; in THE MASTER OF BALLANTRAE; as it were almost  of perverse and set purpose; in lack of what one might call ethical  decision which causes him to waver or seem to waver and wobble in  his judgment of his characters or in his sympathy with them or for  them。  Thus he fails to give his readers the proper cue which was  his duty both as man and artist to have given。  The highest art and  the lowest are indeed here at one in demanding moral poise; if we  may call it so; that however crudely in the low; and however  artistically and refinedly in the high; vice should not only not be  set forth as absolutely triumphing; nor virtue as being absolutely;  outwardly; and inwardly defeated。  It is here the same in the  melodrama of the transpontine theatre as in the tragedies of the  Greek dramatists and Shakespeare。  〃The evening brings a' 'hame'〃  and the end ought to show something to satisfy the innate craving  (for it is innate; thank Heaven! and low and high alike in moments  of ELEVATED IMPRESSION; acknowledge it and bow to it) else there  can scarce be true DENOUEMENT and the sense of any moral rectitude  or law remain as felt or acknowledged in human nature or in the  Universe itself。

Stevenson's toleration and constant sermonising in the essays … his  desire to make us yield allowances all round is so far; it may be;  there in place; but it will not work out in story or play; and  declares the need for correction and limitation the moment that he  essays artistic presentation … from the point of view of art he  lacks at once artistic clearness and decision; and from the point  of view of morality seems utterly loose and confusing。  His  artistic quality here rests wholly in his style … mere style; and  he is; alas! a castaway as regards discernment and reading of human  nature in its deepest demands and laws。  Herein lies the false  strain that has spoiled much of his earlier work; which renders  really superficial and confusing and undramatic his professedly  dramatic work … which never will and never can commend the hearty  suffrages of a mixed and various theatrical audience in violating  the very first rule of the theatre; and of dramatic creation。

From another point of view this is my answer to Mr Pinero in regard  to the failure of Stevenson to command theatrical success。  He  confuses and so far misdirects the sympathies in issues which  strictly are at once moral and dramatic。

I am absolutely at one with Mr Baildon; though I reach my results  from somewhat different grounds from what he does; when he says  this about BEAU AUSTIN; and the reason of its failure … complete  failure … on the stage:

〃I confess I should have liked immensely to have seen '? to see'  this piece on the boards; for only then could one be quite sure  whether it could be made convincing to an audience and carry their  sympathies in the way the author intended。  Yet the fact that BEAU  AUSTIN; in spite of being 'put on' by so eminent an actor…manager  as Mr Beerbohm Tree; was no great success on the stage; is a fair  proof that the piece lacked some of the essentials; good or bad; of  dramatic success。  Now a drama; like a picture or a musical  composition; must have a certain unity of key and tone。  You can;  indeed; mingle comedy with tragedy as an interlude or relief from  the strain and stress of the serious interest of the piece。  But  you cannot reverse the process and mingle tragedy with comedy。   Once touch the fine spun…silk of the pretty fire…balloon of comedy  with the tragic dagger; and it falls to earth a shrivelled nothing。   And the reason that no melodrama can be great art is just that it  is a compromise between tragedy and comedy; a mixture of tragedy  with comedy and not comedy with tragedy。  So in drama; the middle  course; proverbially the safest; is in reality the most dangerous。   Now I maintain that in BEAU AUSTIN we have an element of tragedy。   The betrayal of a beautiful; pure and noble…minded woman is surely  at once the basest act a man can be capable of; and a more tragic  event than death itself to the woman。  Richardson; in CLARISSA  HARLOWE; is well aware of this; and is perfectly right in making  his DENOUEMENT tragic。  Stevenson; on the other hand; patches up  the matter into a rather tame comedy。  It is even much tamer than  it would have been in the case of Lovelace and Clarissa Harlowe;  for Lovelace is a strong character; a man who could have been put  through some crucial atonement; and come out purged and ennobled。   But Beau Austin we feel is but a frip。  He endures a few minutes of  sharp humiliation; it is true; but to the spectator this cannot but  seem a very insufficient expiation; not only of the wrong he had  done one woman; but of the indefinite number of wrongs he had done  others。  He is at once the villain and the hero of the piece; and  in the narrow limits of a brief comedy this transformation cannot  be convincingly effected。  Wrongly or rightly; a theatrical  audience; like the spectators of a trial; demand a definite verdict  and sentence; and no play can satisfy which does not reasonably  meet this demand。  And this arises not from any merely Christian  prudery or Puritanism; for it is as true for Greek tragedy and  other high forms of dramatic art。〃

The transformation of villain into hero; if possible at all; could  only be convincingly effected in a piece of wide scope; where there  was room for working out the effect of some great shock; upheaval  of the nature; change due to deep and unprecedented experiences …  religious conversion; witnessing of sudden death; providential  rescue from great peril of death; or circumstance of that kind; but  to be effective and convincing it needs to be marked and FULLY  JUSTIFIED in some such way; and no cleverness in the writer will  absolve him from deference to this great law in serious work for  presentation on the stage; if mere farces or little comedies may  seem sometimes to contravene it; yet this … even this … is only in  appearance。

True; it is not the dramatists part OF HIMSELF to condemn; or to  approve; or praise:  he has to present; and to present various  characters faithfully in their relation to each other; and their  effect upon each other。  But the moral element cannot be expunged  or set lightly aside because it is closely involved in the very  working out and presentation of these relations; and the effect  upon each other。  Character is vital。  And character; if it tells  in life; in influence and affection; must be made to tell directly  also in the drama。  There is no escape from this … none; the  dramatist is lopsided if he tries to ignore it; he is a monster if  he is wholly blind to it … like the poet in IN MEMORIAM; 〃Without a  conscience or an aim。〃  Mr Henley; in his notorious; all too  confessional; and yet rather affected article on Stevenson in the  PALL MALL MAGAZINE; has a remark which I confess astonished me … a  remark I could never forget as coming from him。  He said that he  〃had lived a very full and varied life; and had no interest in  remarks about morals。〃  〃Remarks about morals〃 are; nevertheless;  in essence; the pith of all the books to which he referred; as  those to which he turned in preference to the EDINBURGH EDITION of  R。 L。 Stevenson's works。  The moral element is implicit in the  drama

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