robert louis stevenson-第3节
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clear and keen it some of its tones; had a wonderful power of inflection and variation; and when he came to stand in the place of Silver you could almost have imagined you saw the great one…legged John Silver; joyous…eyed; on the rolling sea。 Yes; to read it in print was good; but better yet to hear Stevenson read it。
WHEN I left Braemar; I carried with me a considerable portion of the MS。 of TREASURE ISLAND; with an outline of the rest of the story。 It originally bore the odd title of THE SEA…COOK; and; as I have told before; I showed it to Mr Henderson; the proprietor of the YOUNG FOLKS' PAPER; who came to an arrangement with Mr Stevenson; and the story duly appeared in its pages; as well as the two which succeeded it。
Stevenson himself in his article in THE IDLER for August 1894 (reprinted in MY FIRST BOOK volume and in a late volume of the EDINBURGH EDITION) has recalled some of the circumstances connected with this visit of mine to Braemar; as it bore on the destination of TREASURE ISLAND:
〃And now; who should come dropping in; EX MACHINA; but Dr Japp; like the disguised prince; who is to bring down the curtain upon peace and happiness in the last act; for he carried in his pocket; not a horn or a talisman; but a publisher; in fact; ready to unearth new writers for my old friend Mr Henderson's YOUNG FOLKS。 Even the ruthlessness of a united family recoiled before the extreme measure of inflicting on our guest the mutilated members of THE SEA…COOK; at the same time; we would by no means stop our readings; and accordingly the tale was begun again at the beginning; and solemnly redelivered for the benefit of Dr Japp。 From that moment on; I have thought highly of his critical faculty; for when he left us; he carried away the manuscript in his portmanteau。
〃TREASURE ISLAND … it was Mr Henderson who deleted the first title; THE SEA…COOK … appeared duly in YOUNG FOLKS; where it figured in the ignoble midst without woodcuts; and attracted not the least attention。 I did not care。 I liked the tale myself; for much the same reason as my father liked the beginning: it was my kind of picturesque。 I was not a little proud of John Silver also; and to this day rather admire that smooth and formidable adventurer。 What was infinitely more exhilarating; I had passed a landmark。 I had finished a tale and written The End upon my manuscript; as I had not done since THE PENTLAND RISING; when I was a boy of sixteen; not yet at college。 In truth; it was so by a lucky set of accidents: had not Dr Japp come on his visit; had not the tale flowed from me with singular ease; it must have been laid aside; like its predecessors; and found a circuitous and unlamented way to the fire。 Purists may suggest it would have been better so。 I am not of that mind。 The tale seems to have given much pleasure; and it brought (or was the means of bringing) fire; food; and wine to a deserving family in which I took an interest。 I need scarcely say I mean my own。〃
He himself gives a goodly list of the predecessors which had found a circuitous and unlamented way to the fire
〃As soon as I was able to write; I became a good friend to the paper…makers。 Reams upon reams must have gone to the making of RATHILLET; THE PENTLAND RISING; THE KING'S PARDON (otherwise PARK WHITEHEAD); EDWARD DAVEN; A COUNTRY DANCE; and A VENDETTA IN THE WEST。 RATHILLET was attempted before fifteen; THE VENDETTA at twenty…nine; and the succession of defeats lasted unbroken till I was thirty…one。〃
Another thing I carried from Braemar with me which I greatly prize … this was a copy of CHRISTIANITY CONFIRMED BY JEWISH AND HEATHEN TESTIMONY; by Mr Stevenson's father; with his autograph signature and many of his own marginal notes。 He had thought deeply on many subjects … theological; scientific; and social … and had recorded; I am afraid; but the smaller half of his thoughts and speculations。 Several days in the mornings; before R。 L。 Stevenson was able to face the somewhat 〃snell〃 air of the hills; I had long walks with the old gentleman; when we also had long talks on many subjects … the liberalising of the Scottish Church; educational reform; etc。; and; on one occasion; a statement of his reason; because of the subscription; for never having become an elder。 That he had in some small measure enjoyed my society; as I certainly had much enjoyed his; was borne out by a letter which I received from the son in reply to one I had written; saying that surely his father had never meant to present me at the last moment on my leaving by coach with that volume; with his name on it; and with pencilled notes here and there; but had merely given it me to read and return。 In the circumstances I may perhaps be excused quoting from a letter dated Castleton of Braemar; September 1881; in illustration of what I have said …
〃MY DEAR DR JAPP; … My father has gone; but I think I may take it upon me to ask you to keep the book。 Of all things you could do to endear yourself to me you have done the best; for; from your letter; you have taken a fancy to my father。
〃I do not know how to thank you for your kind trouble in the matter of THE SEA…COOK; but I am not unmindful。 My health is still poorly; and I have added intercostal rheumatism … a new attraction; which sewed me up nearly double for two days; and still gives me 'a list to starboard' … let us be ever nautical。 。 。 。 I do not think with the start I have; there will be any difficulty in letting Mr Henderson go ahead whenever he likes。 I will write my story up to its legitimate conclusion; and then we shall be in a position to judge whether a sequel would be desirable; and I myself would then know better about its practicability from the story…telling point of view。 … Yours very sincerely; ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON。〃
A little later came the following:…
〃MY DEAR DR JAPP; … Herewith go nine chapters。 I have been a little seedy; and the two last that I have written seem to me on a false venue; hence the smallness of the batch。 I have now; I hope; in the three last sent; turned the corner; with no great amount of dulness。
〃The map; with all its names; notes; soundings; and things; should make; I believe; an admirable advertisement for the story。 Eh?
〃I hope you got a telegram and letter I forwarded after you to Dinnat。 … Believe me; yours very sincerely; ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON。〃
In the afternoon; if fine and dry; we went walking; and Stevenson would sometimes tell us stories of his short experience at the Scottish Bar; and of his first and only brief。 I remember him contrasting that with his experiences as an engineer with Bob Bain; who; as manager; was then superintending the building of a breakwater。 Of that time; too; he told the choicest stories; and especially of how; against all orders; he bribed Bob with five shillings to let him go down in the diver's dress。 He gave us a splendid description … finer; I think; than even that in his MEMORIES … of his sensations on the sea…bottom; which seems to have interested him as deeply; and suggested as many strange fancies; as anything which he ever came across on the surface。 But the possibility of enterprises of this sort ended … Stevenson lost his interest in engineering。
Stevenson's father had; indeed; been much exercised in his day by theological questions and difficulties; and though he remained a staunch adherent of the Established Church of Scotland he knew well and practically what is meant by the term 〃accommodation;〃 as it is used by theologians in reference to creeds and formulas; for he had over and over again; because of the strict character of the subscription required from elders of the Scottish Church declined; as I have said; to accept the office。 In a very express sense you could see that he bore the marks of his past in many ways … a quick; sensitive; in some ways even a fantastic…minded man; yet with a strange solidity and common…sense amid it all; just as though ferns with the veritable fairies' seed were to grow out of a common stone wall。 He looked like a man who had not been without sleepless nights … without troubles; sorrows; and perplexities; and even yet; had not wholly risen above some of them; or the results of them。 His voice was 〃low and sweet〃 … with just a possibility in it of rising to a shrillish key。 A sincere and faithful man; who had walked very demurely through life; though with a touch of sudden; bright; quiet humour and fancy; every now and then crossing the grey of his characteristic pensiveness or melancholy; and drawing effect from it。 He was most frank and genial with me; and I greatly honour his memory。 (2)
Thomas Stevenson; with a strange; sad smile; told me how much of a disappointment; in the first stage; at all events; Louis (he always called his son Louis at home); had caused him; by failing to follow up his profession at the Scottish Bar。 How much he had looked forward; after the engineering was abandoned; to his devoting himself to the work of the P