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robert louis stevenson-第28节

小说: robert louis stevenson 字数: 每页4000字

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us。  He did his painstaking  work conscientiously; thoughtfully; he erased; he revised; and he  was hard to satisfy。  In short; it was his weird … and he could not  resist it … to set style and form before fire and spirit。〃


MORE unfortunate still; as disturbing and prejudicing a sane and  true and disinterested view of Stevenson's claims; was that article  of his erewhile 〃friend;〃 Mr W。 E。 Henley; published on the  appearance of the MEMOIR by Mr Graham Balfour; in the PALL MALL  MAGAZINE。  It was well that Mr Henley there acknowledged frankly  that he wrote under a keen sense of 〃grievance〃 … a most dangerous  mood for the most soberly critical and self…restrained of men to  write in; and that most certainly Mr W。 E。 Henley was not … and  that he owned to having lost contact with; and recognition of the  R。 L。 Stevenson who went to America in 1887; as he says; and never  came back again。  To do bare justice to Stevenson it is clear that  knowledge of that later Stevenson was essential … essential whether  it was calculated to deepen sympathy or the reverse。  It goes  without saying that the Louis he knew and hobnobbed with; and  nursed near by the Old Bristo Port in Edinburgh could not be the  same exactly as the Louis of Samoa and later years … to suppose so;  or to expect so; would simply be to deny all room for growth and  expansion。  It is clear that the W。 E。 Henley of those days was not  the same as the W。 E。 Henley who indited that article; and if  growth and further insight are to be allowed to Mr Henley and be  pleaded as his justification CUM spite born of sense of grievance  for such an onslaught; then clearly some allowance in the same  direction must be made for Stevenson。  One can hardly think that in  his case old affection and friendship had been so completely  submerged; under feelings of grievance and paltry pique; almost  always bred of grievances dwelt on and nursed; which it is  especially bad for men of genius to acknowledge; and to make a  basis; as it were; for clearer knowledge; insight; and judgment。   In other cases the pleading would simply amount to an immediate and  complete arrest of judgment。  Mr Henley throughout writes as though  whilst he had changed; and changed in points most essential; his  erewhile friend remained exactly where he was as to literary  position and product … the Louis who went away in 1887 and never  returned; had; as Mr W。 E。 Henley; most unfortunately for himself;  would imply; retained the mastery; and the Louis who never came  back had made no progress; had not added an inch; not to say a  cubit; to his statue; while Mr Henley remained IN STATU QUO; and  was so only to be judged。  It is an instance of the imperfect  sympathy which Charles Lamb finely celebrated … only here it is  acknowledged; and the 〃imperfect sympathy〃 pled as a ground for  claiming the full insight which only sympathy can secure。  If Mr  Henley was fair to the Louis he knew and loved; it is clear that he  was and could only be unjust to the Louis who went away in 1887 and  never came back。

〃At bottom Stevenson was an excellent fellow。  But he was of his  essence what the French call PERSONNEL。  He was; that is;  incessantly and passionately interested in Stevenson。  He could not  be in the same room with a mirror but he must invite its  confidences every time he passed it; to him there was nothing  obvious in time and eternity; and the smallest of his discoveries;  his most trivial apprehensions; were all by way of being  revelations; and as revelations must be thrust upon the world; he  was never so much in earnest; never so well pleased (this were he  happy or wretched); never so irresistible as when he wrote about  himself。  WITHAL; IF HE WANTED A THING; HE WENT AFTER IT WITH AN  ENTIRE CONTEMPT OF CONSEQUENCES。  FOR THESE; INDEED; THE SHORTER  CATECHISM WAS EVER PREPARED TO ANSWER; SO THAT WHETHER HE DID WELL  OR ILL; HE WAS SAFE TO COME OUT UNABASHED AND CHEERFUL。〃

Notice here; how undiscerning the mentor becomes。  The words put in  〃italics;〃 unqualified as they are; would fit and admirably cover  the character of the greatest criminal。  They would do as they  stand; for Wainwright; for Dr Dodd; for Deeming; for Neil Cream;  for Canham Read; or for Dougal of Moat Farm fame。  And then the  touch that; in the Shorter Catechism; Stevenson would have found a  cover or justification for it somehow!  This comes of writing under  a keen sense of grievance; and how could this be truly said of one  who was 〃at bottom an excellent fellow。〃  W。 Henley's ethics are  about as clear…obscure as is his reading of character。  Listen to  him once again … more directly on the literary point。

〃To tell the truth; his books are none of mine; I mean that if I  wanted reading; I do not go for it to the EDINBURGH EDITION。  I am  not interested in remarks about morals; in and out of letters。  I  HAVE LIVED A FULL AND VARIED LIFE; and my opinions are my own。  SO;  IF I CRAVE THE ENCHANTMENT OF ROMANCE; I ASK IT OF BIGGER MEN THAN  HE; AND OF BIGGER BOOKS THAN HIS:  of ESMOND (say) and GREAT  EXPECTATIONS; of REDGAUNTLET and OLD MORTALITY; OF LA REINE MARGOT  and BRAGELONNE; of DAVID COPPERFIELD and A TALE OF TWO CITIES;  while if good writing and some other things be in my appetite; are  there not always Hazlitt and Lamb … to say nothing of that globe of  miraculous continents; which is known to us as Shakespeare?  There  is his style; you will say; and it is a fact that it is rare; and  IN THE LAST times better; because much simpler than in the first。   But; after all; his style is so perfectly achieved that the  achievement gets obvious:  and when achievement gets obvious; is it  not by way of becoming uninteresting?  And is there not something  to be said for the person who wrote that Stevenson always reminded  him of a young man dressed the best he ever saw for the Burlington  Arcade? (10)  Stevenson's work in letters does not now take me  much; and I decline to enter on the question of his immortality;  since that; despite what any can say; will get itself settled soon  or late; for all time。  No … when I care to think of Stevenson it  is not of R。 L。 Stevenson … R。 L。 Stevenson; the renowned; the  accomplished … executing his difficult solo; but of the Lewis that  I knew and loved; and wrought for; and worked with for so long。   The successful man of letters does not greatly interest me。  I read  his careful prayers and pass on; with the certainty that; well as  they read; they were not written for print。  I learn of his  nameless prodigalities; and recall some instances of conduct in  another vein。  I remember; rather; the unmarried and irresponsible  Lewis; the friend; the comrade; the CHARMEUR。  Truly; that last  word; French as it is; is the only one that is worthy of him。  I  shall ever remember him as that。  The impression of his writings  disappears; the impression of himself and his talk is ever a  possession。 。 。 。 Forasmuch as he was primarily a talker; his  printed works; like these of others after his kind; are but a sop  for posterity。  A last dying speech and confession (as it were) to  show that not for nothing were they held rare fellows in their  day。〃

Just a month or two before Mr Henley's self…revealing article  appeared in the PALL MALL MAGAZINE; Mr Chesterton; in the DAILY  NEWS; with almost prophetic forecast; had said:

〃Mr Henley might write an excellent study of Stevenson; but it  would only be of the Henleyish part of Stevenson; and it would show  a distinct divergence from the finished portrait of Stevenson;  which would be given by Professor Colvin。〃

And it were indeed hard to reconcile some things here with what Mr  Henley set down of individual works many times in the SCOTS AND  NATIONAL OBSERVER; and elsewhere; and in literary judgments as in  some other things there should; at least; be general consistency;  else the search for an honest man in the late years would be yet  harder than it was when Diogenes looked out from his tub!

Mr James Douglas; in the STAR; in his half…playful and suggestive  way; chose to put it as though he regarded the article in the PALL  MALL MAGAZINE as a hoax; perpetrated by some clever; unscrupulous  writer; intent on provoking both Mr Henley and his friends; and  Stevenson's friends and admirers。  This called forth a letter from  one signing himself 〃A Lover of R。 L。 Stevenson;〃 which is so good  that we must give it here。


SIR … I fear that; despite the charitable scepticism of Mr Douglas;  there is no doubt that Mr Henley is the perpetrator of the  saddening Depreciation of Stevenson which has been published over  his name。

What openings there are for reprisals let Mr Henley's conscience  tell him; but permit me to remind him of two or three things which  R。 L。 Stevenson has written concerning W。 E。 Henley。

First this scene in the infirmary at Edinburgh:

〃(Leslie) Stephen and I sat on a couple of chairs; and the poor  fellow (Henley) sat up in his bed with his hair and beard all  tangled; and talked as cheerfully as if he had been in a king's  palace; or the great King's palace of the blue air。  He has taught  h

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