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robert louis stevenson-第26节

小说: robert louis stevenson 字数: 每页4000字

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done; only new ground would be got for holding that  Stevenson; instead of; as has been said; 〃seeing only the visible  world;〃 was; in truth; a mystical moralist; once and always; whose  thoughts ran all too easily into parable and fable; and who;  indeed; never escaped wholly from that atmosphere; even when  writing of things and characters that seemed of themselves to be  wholly outside that sphere。  This was the tendency; indeed; that  militated against the complete detachment in his case from moral  problems and mystical thought; so as to enable him to paint; as it  were; with a free hand exactly as he saw; and most certainly not  that he saw only the visible world。  The mystical element is not  directly favourable to creative art。  You see in Tolstoy how it  arrests and perplexes … how it lays a disturbing check on real  presentation … hindering the action; and is not favourable to the  loving and faithful representation; which; as Goethe said; all true  and high art should be。  To some extent you see exactly the same  thing in Nathaniel Hawthorne as in Tolstoy。  Hawthorne's  preoccupations in this way militated against his character…power;  his healthy characters who would never have been influenced as he  describes by morbid ones yet are not only influenced according to  him; but suffer sadly。  Phoebe Pyncheon in THE HOUSE OF THE SEVEN  GABLES; gives sunshine to poor Hepzibah Clifford; but is herself  never merry again; though joyousness was her natural element。  So;  doubtless; it would have been with Pansie in DOCTOR DOLLIVER; as  indeed it was with Zenobia and with the hero in the MARBLE FAUN。   〃We all go wrong;〃 said Hawthorne; 〃by a too strenuous resolution  to go right。〃  Lady Byron was to him an intolerably irreproachable  person; just as Stevenson felt a little of the same towards  Thoreau; notwithstanding that he was the 〃sunnily…ascetic;〃 the  asceticism and its corollary; as he puts it:  the passion for  individual self…improvement was alien in a way to Stevenson。  This  is the position of the casuistic mystic moralist and not of the man  who sees only the visible world。

Mr Baildon says:

〃Stevenson has many of the things that are wanting or defective in  Scott。  He has his philosophy of life; he is beyond remedy a  moralist; even when his morality is of the kind which he happily  calls 'tail foremost;' or as we may say; inverted morality。   Stevenson is; in fact; much more of a thinker than Scott; and he is  also much more of the conscious artist; questionable advantage as  that sometimes is。  He has also a much cleverer; acuter mind than  Scott; also a questionable advantage; as genius has no greater  enemy than cleverness; and there is really no greater descent than  to fall from the style of genius to that of cleverness。  But  Stevenson was too critical and alive to misuse his cleverness; and  it is generally employed with great effect as in the diabolical  ingenuities of a John Silver; or a Master of Ballantrae。  In one  sense Stevenson does not even belong to the school of Scott; but  rather to that of Poe; Hawthorne; and the Brontes; in that he aims  more at concentration and intensity; than at the easy; quiet  breadth of Scott。〃

If; indeed; it should not here have been added that Stevenson's  theory of life and conduct was not seldom too insistent for free  creativeness; for dramatic freedom; breadth and reality。

Now here I humbly think Mr Baldion errs about the cleverness when  he criticises Stevenson for the FAUX PAS artistically of resorting  to the piratic filibustering and the treasure…seeking at the close  of THE MASTER OF BALLANTRAE; he only tells and tells plainly how  cleverness took the place of genius there; as indeed it did in not  a few cases … certainly in some points in the Dutch escapade in  CATRIONA and in not a few in DR JEKYLL AND MR HYDE。  The fault of  that last story is simply that we seem to hear Stevenson chuckling  to himself; 〃Ah; now; won't they all say at last how clever I am。〃   That too mars the MERRY MEN; whoever wrote them or part wrote them;  and PRINCE OTTO would have been irretrievably spoiled by this self… conscious sense of cleverness had it not been for style and  artifice。  In this incessant 〃see how clever I am;〃 we have another  proof of the abounding youthfulness of R。 L。 Stevenson。  If; as Mr  Baildon says (p。 30); he had true child's horror of being put in  fine clothes in which one must sit still and be good; PRINCE OTTO  remains attractive in spite of some things and because of his fine  clothes。  Neither Poe nor Hawthorne could have fallen to the  piracy; and treasure…hunting of THE MASTER OF BALLANTRAE。

〃Far behind Scott in the power of instinctive; irreflective;  spontaneous creation of character; Stevenson tells his story with  more art and with a firmer grip on his reader。〃  And that is  exactly what I; wishing to do all I dutifully can for Stevenson;  cannot see。  His genius is in nearly all cases pulled up or spoiled  by his all too conscious cleverness; and at last we say; 〃Oh  Heavens! if he could and would but let himself go or forget himself  what he might achieve。〃  But he doesn't … never does; and therefore  remains but a second…rate creator though more and more the stylist  and the artist。  This is more especially the case at the very  points where writers like Scott would have risen and roused all the  readers' interest。  When Stevenson reaches such points; he is  always as though saying 〃See now how cleverly I'll clear that old  and stereotyped style of thing and do something NEW。〃  But there  are things in life and human nature; which though they are old are  yet ever new; and the true greatness of a writer can never come  from evading or looking askance at them or trying to make them out  something else than what they really are。  No artistic aim or  ambition can suffice to stand instead of them or to refine them  away。  That way lies only cold artifice and frigid lacework; and  sometimes Stevenson did go a little too much on this line。


THE unity in Stevenson's stories is generally a unity of subjective  impression and reminiscence due; in the first place; to his quick;  almost abnormal boyish reverence for mere animal courage; audacity;  and doggedness; and; in the second place; to his theory of life;  his philosophy; his moral view。  He produces an artificial  atmosphere。  Everything then has to be worked up to this … kept  really in accordance with it; and he shows great art in the doing  of this。  Hence; though; a quaint sense of sameness; of artificial  atmosphere … at once really a lack of spontaneity and of freedom。   He is freest when he pretends to nothing but adventure … when he  aims professedly at nothing save to let his characters develop  themselves by action。  In this respect the most successful of his  stories is yet TREASURE ISLAND; and the least successful perhaps  CATRIONA; when just as the ambitious aim compels him to pause in  incident; the first…person form creates a cold stiffness and  artificiality alien to the full impression he would produce upon  the reader。  The two stories he left unfinished promised far  greater things in this respect than he ever accomplished。  For it  is an indisputable fact; and indeed very remarkable; that the  ordinary types of men and women have little or no attraction for  Stevenson; nor their commonplace passions either。  Yet precisely  what his art wanted was due infusion of this very interest。   Nothing else will supply the place。  The ordinary passion of love  to the end he SHIES; and must invent no end of expedients to supply  the want。  The devotion of the ordinary type; as Thomas Hardy has  over and over exhibited it; is precisely what Stevenson wants; to  impart to his novels the full sense of reality。  The secret of  morals; says Shelley; is a going out of self。  Stevenson was only  on the way to secure this grand and all…sufficing motive。  His  characters; in a way; are all already like himself; romantic; but  the highest is when the ordinary and commonplace is so apprehended  that it becomes romantic; and may even; through the artist's deeper  perception and unconscious grasp and vision; take the hand of  tragedy; and lose nothing。  The very atmosphere Stevenson so loved  to create was in itself alien to this; and; so far as he went; his  most successful revelations were but records of his own  limitations。  It is something that he was to the end so much the  youth; with fine impulses; if sometimes with sympathies  misdirected; and that; too; in such a way as to render his work  cold and artificial; else he might have turned out more of the  Swift than of the Sterne or Fielding。  Prince Otto and Seraphina  are from this cause mainly complete failures; alike from the point  of view of nature and of art; and the Countess von Rosen is not a  complete failure; and would perhaps have been a bit of a success;  if only she had made Prince Otto come nearer to losing his virtue。   The most perfect in style; perhaps; of all Stevenson's efforts it  is yet most out of nature and truth; … a farce; felt to be  disguised only when read in a certain mood; and this all the more  for its perfections; just as Stevenson would have

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