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robert louis stevenson-第25节

小说: robert louis stevenson 字数: 每页4000字

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FROM these sources now traced out by us … his youthfulness of  spirit; his mystical bias; and tendency to dream … symbolisms  leading to disregard of common feelings … flows too often the  indeterminateness of Stevenson's work; at the very points where for  direct interest there should be decision。  In THE MASTER OF  BALLANTRAE this leads him to try to bring the balances even as  regards our interest in the two brothers; in so far justifying from  one point of view what Mr Zangwill said in the quotation we have  given; or; as Sir Leslie Stephen had it in his second series of the  STUDIES OF A BIOGRAPHER:

〃The younger brother in THE MASTER OF BALLANTRAE; who is black… mailed by the utterly reprobate master; ought surely to be  interesting instead of being simply sullen and dogged。  In the  later adventures; we are invited to forgive him on the ground that  his brain has been affected:  but the impression upon me is that he  is sacrificed throughout to the interests of the story 'or more  strictly for the working out of the problem as originally conceived  by the author'。  The curious exclusion of women is natural in the  purely boyish stories; since to a boy woman is simply an  incumbrance upon reasonable modes of life。  When in CATRIONA  Stevenson introduces a love story; it is still unsatisfactory;  because David Balfour is so much the undeveloped animal that his  passion is clumsy; and his charm for the girl unintelligible。  I  cannot feel; to say the truth; that in any of these stories I am  really among living human beings with whom; apart from their  adventures; I can feel any very lively affection or antipathy。〃

In the EBB…TIDE it is; in this respect; yet worse:  the three  heroes choke each other off all too literally。

In his excess of impartiality he tones down the points and lines  that would give the attraction of true individuality to his  characters; and instead; would fain have us contented with his  liberal; and even over…sympathetic views of them and allowances for  them。  But instead of thus furthering his object; he sacrifices the  whole … and his story becomes; instead of a broad and faithful  human record; really a curiosity of autobiographic perversion; and  of overweening; if not extravagant egotism of the more refined; but  yet over…obtrusive kind。

Mr Baildon thus hits the subjective tendency; out of which mainly  this defect … a serious defect in view of interest … arises。

〃That we can none of us be sure to what crime we might not descend;  if only our temptation were sufficiently acute; lies at the root of  his fondness and toleration for wrong…doers (p。 74)。

Thus he practically declines to do for us what we are unwilling or  unable to do for ourselves。  Interest in two characters in fiction  can never; in this artificial way; and if they are real characters  truly conceived; be made equal; nor can one element of claim be  balanced against another; even at the beck of the greatest artist。   The common sentiment; as we have seen; resents it even as it  resents lack of guidance elsewhere。  After all; the novelist is  bound to give guidance:  he is an authority in his own world; where  he is an autocrat indeed; and can work out issues as he pleases;  even as the Pope is an authority in the Roman Catholic world:  he  abdicates his functions when he declines to lead:  we depend on him  from the human point of view to guide us right; according to the  heart; if not according to any conventional notion or opinion。   Stevenson's pause in individual presentation in the desire now to  raise our sympathy for the one; and then for the other in THE  MASTER OF BALLANTRAE; admits us too far into Stevenson's secret or  trick of affected self…withdrawal in order to work his problem and  to signify his theories; to the loss and utter confusion of his  aims from the point of common dramatic and human interest。  It is  the same in CATRIONA in much of the treatment of James Mohr or  More; it is still more so in not a little of the treatment of WEIR  OF HERMISTON and his son; though there; happily for him and for us;  there were the direct restrictions of known fact and history; and  clearly an attempt at a truer and broader human conception  unburdened by theory or egotistic conception。

Everywhere the problem due to the desire to be overjust; so to say;  emerges; and exactly in the measure it does so the source of true  dramatic directness and variety is lost。  It is just as though  Shakespeare were to invent a chorus to cry out at intervals about  Iago … 〃a villain; bad lot; you see; still there's a great deal to  be said for him … victim of inheritance; this; that and the other;  and considering everything how could you really expect anything  else now。〃  Thackeray was often weak from this same tendency … he  meant Becky Sharp to be largely excused by the reader on these  grounds; as he tries to excuse several others of his characters;  but his endeavours in this way to gloss over 〃wickedness〃 in a way;  do not succeed … the reader does not carry clear in mind as he goes  along; the suggestions Thackeray has ineffectually set out and the  〃healthy hatred of scoundrels〃 Carlyle talked about has its full  play in spite of Thackeray's suggested excuses and palliations; and  all in his own favour; too; as a story…wright。

Stevenson's constant habit of putting himself in the place of  another; and asking himself how would I have borne myself here or  there; thus limited his field of dramatic interest; where the  subject should have been made pre…eminently in aid of this effect。   Even in Long John Silver we see it; as in various others of his  characters; though there; owing to the demand for adventure; and  action contributory to it; the defect is not so emphasised。  The  sense as of a projection of certain features of the writer into all  and sundry of his important characters; thus imparts; if not an air  of egotism; then most certainly a somewhat constrained; if not  somewhat artificial; autobiographical air … in the very midst of  action; questions of ethical or casuistical character arise; all  contributing to submerging individual character and its dramatic  interests under a wave of but half…disguised autobiography。  Let  Stevenson do his very best … let him adopt all the artificial  disguises he may; as writing narrative in the first person; etc。;  as in KIDNAPPED and CATRIONA; nevertheless; the attentive reader's  mind is constantly called off to the man who is actually writing  the story。  It is as though; after all; all the artistic or  artificial disguises were a mere mask; as more than once Thackeray  represented himself; the mask partially moved aside; just enough to  show a chubby; childish kind of transformed Thackeray face below。   This belongs; after all; to the order of self…revelation though  under many disguises:  it is creation only in its manner of work;  not in its essential being … the spirit does not so to us go clean  forth of itself; it stops at home; and; as if from a remote and  shadowy cave or recess; projects its own colour on all on which it  looks。

This is essentially the character of the MYSTIC; and hence the  justification for this word as applied expressly to Stevenson by Mr  Chesterton and others。

〃The inner life like rings of light Goes forth of us; transfiguring all we see。〃

The effect of these early days; with the peculiar tint due to the  questionings raised by religious stress and strain; persists with  Stevenson; he grows; but he never escapes from that peculiar  something which tells of childish influences … of boyish  perversions and troubled self…examinations due to Shorter Catechism  … any one who would view Stevenson without thought of this; would  view him only from the outside … see him merely in dress and outer  oddities。  Here I see definite and clear heredity。  Much as he  differed from his worthy father in many things; he was like him in  this … the old man like the son; bore on him the marks of early  excesses of wistful self…questionings and painful wrestlings with  religious problems; that perpetuated themselves in a quaint kind of  self…revelation often masked by an assumed self…withdrawal or  indifference which to the keen eye only the more revealed the real  case。  Stevenson never; any more than his father; ceased to be  interested in the religious questions for which Scotland has always  had a PENCHANT … and so much is this the case that I could wish  Professor Sidney Colvin would even yet attempt to show the bearing  of certain things in that ADDRESS TO THE SCOTTISH CLERGY written  when Stevenson was yet but a young man; on all that he afterwards  said and did。  It starts in the EDINBURGH EDITION without any note;  comment; or explanation whatever; but in that respect the EDINBURGH  EDITION is not quite so complete as it might have been made。  In  view of the point now before us; it is far more important than many  of the other trifles there given; and wants explanation and its  relation to much in the novels brought out and illustrated。  Were  this adequately done; only new ground would be got for holding that  Stevenson; instead of; as has been said; 〃seein

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