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robert louis stevenson-第2节

小说: robert louis stevenson 字数: 每页4000字

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〃MY DEAR SIR; … I am here as yet a fixture; and beg you to come our  way。  Would Tuesday or Wednesday suit you by any chance?  We shall  then; I believe; be empty:  a thing favourable to talks。  You get  here in time for dinner。  I stay till near the end of September;  unless; as may very well be; the weather drive me forth。 … Yours  very sincerely; ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON。〃

I accordingly went to Braemar; where he and his wife and her son  were staying with his father and mother。

These were red…letter days in my calendar alike on account of  pleasant intercourse with his honoured father and himself。  Here is  my pen…and…ink portrait of R。 L。 Stevenson; thrown down at the  time:

Mr Stevenson's is; indeed; a very picturesque and striking figure。   Not so tall probably as he seems at first sight from his extreme  thinness; but the pose and air could not be otherwise described  than as distinguished。  Head of fine type; carried well on the  shoulders and in walking with the impression of being a little  thrown back; long brown hair; falling from under a broadish…brimmed  Spanish form of soft felt hat; Rembrandtesque; loose kind of  Inverness cape when walking; and invariable velvet jacket inside  the house。  You would say at first sight; wherever you saw him;  that he was a man of intellect; artistic and individual; wholly out  of the common。  His face is sensitive; full of expression; though  it could not be called strictly beautiful。  It is longish;  especially seen in profile; and features a little irregular; the  brow at once high and broad。  A hint of vagary; and just a hint in  the expression; is qualified by the eyes; which are set rather far  apart from each other as seems; and with a most wistful; and at the  same time possibly a merry impish expression arising over that; yet  frank and clear; piercing; but at the same time steady; and fall on  you with a gentle radiance and animation as he speaks。  Romance; if  with an indescribable SOUPCON of whimsicality; is marked upon him;  sometimes he has the look as of the Ancient Mariner; and could fix  you with his glittering e'e; and he would; as he points his  sentences with a movement of his thin white forefinger; when this  is not monopolised with the almost incessant cigarette。  There is a  faint suggestion of a hair…brained sentimental trace on his  countenance; but controlled; after all; by good Scotch sense and  shrewdness。  In conversation he is very animated; and likes to ask  questions。  A favourite and characteristic attitude with him was to  put his foot on a chair or stool and rest his elbow on his knee;  with his chin on his hand; or to sit; or rather to half sit; half  lean; on the corner of a table or desk; one of his legs swinging  freely; and when anything that tickled him was said he would laugh  in the heartiest manner; even at the risk of bringing on his cough;  which at that time was troublesome。  Often when he got animated he  rose and walked about as he spoke; as if movement aided thought and  expression。  Though he loved Edinburgh; which was full of  associations for him; he had no good word for its east winds; which  to him were as death。  Yet he passed one winter as a 〃Silverado  squatter;〃 the story of which he has inimitably told in the volume  titled THE SILVERADO SQUATTERS; and he afterwards spent several  winters at Davos Platz; where; as he said to me; he not only  breathed good air; but learned to know with closest intimacy John  Addington Symonds; who 〃though his books were good; was far finer  and more interesting than any of his books。〃  He needed a good deal  of nursery attentions; but his invalidism was never obtrusively  brought before one in any sympathy…seeking way by himself; on the  contrary; a very manly; self…sustaining spirit was evident; and the  amount of work which he managed to turn out even when at his worst  was truly surprising。

His wife; an American lady; is highly cultured; and is herself an  author。  In her speech there is just the slightest suggestion of  the American accent; which only made it the more pleasing to my  ear。  She is heart and soul devoted to her husband; proud of his  achievements; and her delight is the consciousness of substantially  aiding him in his enterprises。

They then had with them a boy of eleven or twelve; Samuel Lloyd  Osbourne; to be much referred to later (a son of Mrs Stevenson by a  former marriage); whose delight was to draw the oddest; but perhaps  half intentional or unintentional caricatures; funny; in some  cases; beyond expression。  His room was designated the picture… gallery; and on entering I could scarce refrain from bursting into  laughter; even at the general effect; and; noticing this; and that  I was putting some restraint on myself out of respect for the  host's feelings; Stevenson said to me with a sly wink and a gentle  dig in the ribs; 〃It's laugh and be thankful here。〃  On Lloyd's  account simple engraving materials; types; and a small printing… press had been procured; and it was Stevenson's delight to make  funny poems; stories; and morals for the engravings executed; and  all would be duly printed together。  Stevenson's thorough enjoyment  of the picture…gallery; and his goodness to Lloyd; becoming himself  a very boy for the nonce; were delightful to witness and in degree  to share。  Wherever they were … at Braemar; in Edinburgh; at Davos  Platz; or even at Silverado … the engraving and printing went on。   The mention of the picture…gallery suggests that it was out of his  interest in the colour…drawing and the picture…gallery that his  first published story; TREASURE ISLAND; grew; as we shall see。

I have some copies of the rude printing…press productions;  inexpressibly quaint; grotesque; a kind of literary horse…play; yet  with a certain squint…eyed; sprawling genius in it; and innocent  childish Rabelaisian mirth of a sort。  At all events I cannot look  at the slight memorials of that time; which I still possess;  without laughing afresh till my eyes are dewy。  Stevenson; as I  understood; began TREASURE ISLAND more to entertain Lloyd Osbourne  than anything else; the chapters being regularly read to the family  circle as they were written; and with scarcely a purpose beyond。   The lad became Stevenson's trusted companion and collaborator …  clearly with a touch of genius。

I have before me as I write some of these funny momentoes of that  time; carefully kept; often looked at。  One of them is; 〃THE BLACK  CANYON; OR; WILD ADVENTURES IN THE FAR WEST:  a Tale of Instruction  and Amusement for the Young; by Samuel L。 Osbourne; printed by the  author; Davos Platz;〃 with the most remarkable cuts。  It would not  do some of the sensationalists anything but good to read it even at  this day; since many points in their art are absurdly caricatured。   Another is 〃MORAL EMBLEMS; A COLLECTION OF CUTS AND VERSES; by R。  L。 Stevenson; author of the BLUE SCALPER; etc。; etc。  Printers; S。  L。 Osbourne and Company; Davos Platz。〃  Here are the lines to a  rare piece of grotesque; titled A PEAK IN DARIEN …

'Broad…gazing on untrodden lands; See where adventurous Cortez stands; While in the heavens above his head; The eagle seeks its daily bread。 How aptly fact to fact replies; Heroes and eagles; hills and skies。 Ye; who contemn the fatted slave; Look on this emblem and be brave。〃

Another; THE ELEPHANT; has these lines …

〃See in the print how; moved by whim; Trumpeting Jumbo; great and grim; Adjusts his trunk; like a cravat; To noose that individual's hat; The Sacred Ibis in the distance;  Joys to observe his bold resistance。〃

R。 L。 Stevenson wrote from Davos Platz; in sending me THE BLACK  CANYON:

〃Sam sends as a present a work of his own。  I hope you feel  flattered; for THIS IS SIMPLY THE FIRST TIME HE HAS EVER GIVEN ONE  AWAY。  I have to buy my own works; I can tell you。〃

Later he said; in sending a second:

〃I own I have delayed this letter till I could forward the  enclosed。  Remembering the night at Braemar; when we visited the  picture…gallery; I hope it may amuse you:  you see we do some  publishing hereaway。〃

Delightfully suggestive and highly enjoyable; too; were the  meetings in the little drawing…room after dinner; when the  contrasted traits of father and son came into full play … when R。  L。 Stevenson would sometimes draw out a new view by bold; half… paradoxical assertion; or compel advance on the point from a new  quarter by a searching question couched in the simplest language;  or reveal his own latest conviction finally; by a few sentences as  nicely rounded off as though they had been written; while he rose  and gently moved about; as his habit was; in the course of those  more extended remarks。  Then a chapter or two of THE SEA…COOK would  be read; with due pronouncement on the main points by one or other  of the family audience。

The reading of the book is one thing。  It was quite another thing  to hear Stevenson as he stood reading it aloud; with his hand  stretched out holding the manuscript; and his body gently swaying  as a kind of rhythmical commentary on the story。  His fine voice;  clear and keen it some of its tones; had a wonderful power of  inflection

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