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弌傍 on liberty 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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rejected by the present。

  The objection likely to be made to this argument would probably take

some such form as the following。 There is no greater assumption of

infallibility in forbidding the propagation of error察than in any

other thing which is done by public authority on its own judgment

and responsibility。 Judgment is given to men that they may use it。

Because it may be used erroneously察are men to be told that they ought

not to use it at all拭To prohibit what they think pernicious察is not

claiming exemption from error察but fulfilling the duty incumbent on

them察although fallible察of acting on their conscientious

conviction。 If we were never to act on our opinions察because those

opinions may be wrong察we should leave all our interests uncared

for察and all our duties unperformed。 An objection which applies to all

conduct can be no valid objection to any conduct in particular。 It

is the duty of governments察and of individuals察to form the truest

opinions they can察to form them carefully察and never impose them

upon others unless they are quite sure of being right。 But when they

are sure such reasoners may say察it is not conscientiousness but

cowardice to shrink from acting on their opinions察and allow doctrines

which they honestly think dangerous to the welfare of mankind

either in this life or in another察to be scattered abroad without

restraint察because other people察in less enlightened times察have

persecuted opinions now believed to be true。 Let us take care察it

may be said察not to make the same mistake此but governments and nations

have made mistakes in other things察which are not denied to be fit

subjects for the exercise of authority此they have laid on bad taxes

made unjust wars。 Ought we therefore to lay on no taxes察and察under

whatever provocation察make no wars拭Men察and governments察must act

to the best of their ability。 There is no such thing as absolute

certainty察but there is assurance sufficient for the purposes of human

life。 We may察and must察assume our opinion to be true for the guidance

of our own conduct此and it is assuming no more when we forbid bad

men to pervert society by the propagation of opinions which we

regard as false and pernicious。

  I answer察that it is assuming very much more。 There is the

greatest difference between presuming an opinion to be true

because察with every opportunity for contesting it察it has not been

refuted察and assuming its truth for the purpose of not permitting

its refutation。 Complete liberty of contradicting and disproving our

opinion is the very condition which justifies us in assuming its truth

for purposes of action察and on no other terms can a being with human

faculties have any rational assurance of being right。

  When we consider either the history of opinion察or the ordinary

conduct of human life察to what is it to be ascribed that the one and

the other are no worse than they are拭Not certainly to the inherent

force of the human understanding察for察on any matter not self´evident

there are ninety´nine persons totally incapable of judging of it for

one who is capable察and the capacity of the hundredth person is only

comparative察for the majority of the eminent men of every past

generation held many opinions now known to be erroneous察and did or

approved numerous things which no one will now justify。 Why is it

then察that there is on the whole a preponderance among mankind of

rational opinions and rational conduct拭If there really is this

preponderance´ which there must be unless human affairs are察and have

always been察in an almost desperate state´ it is owing to a quality

of the human mind察the source of everything respectable in man

either as an intellectual or as a moral being察namely察that his errors

are corrigible。 He is capable of rectifying his mistakes察by

discussion and experience。 Not by experience alone。 There must be

discussion察to show how experience is to be interpreted。 Wrong

opinions and practices gradually yield to fact and argument察but facts

and arguments察to produce any effect on the mind察must be brought

before it。 Very few facts are able to tell their own story察without

comments to bring out their meaning。 The whole strength and value

then察of human judgment察depending on the one property察that it can be

set right when it is wrong察reliance can be placed on it only when the

means of setting it right are kept constantly at hand。 In the case

of any person whose judgment is really deserving of confidence察how

has it become so拭Because he has kept his mind open to criticism of

his opinions and conduct。 Because it has been his practice to listen

to all that could be said against him察to profit by as much of it as

was just察and expound to himself察and upon occasion to others察the

fallacy of what was fallacious。 Because he has felt察that the only way

in which a human being can make some approach to knowing the whole

of a subject察is by hearing what can be said about it by persons of

every variety of opinion察and studying all modes in which it can be

looked at by every character of mind。 No wise man ever acquired his

wisdom in any mode but this察nor is it in the nature of human

intellect to become wise in any other manner。 The steady habit of

correcting and completing his own opinion by collating it with those

of others察so far from causing doubt and hesitation in carrying it

into practice察is the only stable foundation for a just reliance on

it此for察being cognisant of all that can察at least obviously察be

said against him察and having taken up his position against all

gainsayers´ knowing that he has sought for objections and

difficulties察instead of avoiding them察and has shut out no light

which can be thrown upon the subject from any quarter´ he has a right

to think his judgment better than that of any person察or any

multitude察who have not gone through a similar process。

  It is not too much to require that what the wisest of mankind察those

who are best entitled to trust their own judgment察find necessary to

warrant their relying on it察should be submitted to by that

miscellaneous collection of a few wise and many foolish individuals

called the public。 The most intolerant of churches察the Roman Catholic

Church察even at the canonisation of a saint察admits察and listens

patiently to察a ;devil's advocate。; The holiest of men察it appears

cannot be admitted to posthumous honours察until all that the devil

could say against him is known and weighed。 If even the Newtonian

philosophy were not permitted to be questioned察mankind could not feel

as complete assurance of its truth as they now do。 The beliefs which

we have most warrant for have no safeguard to rest on察but a

standing invitation to the whole world to prove them unfounded。 If the

challenge is not accepted察or is accepted and the attempt fails察we

are far enough from certainty still察but we have done the best that

the existing state of human reason admits of察we have neglected

nothing that could give the truth a chance of reaching us此if the

lists are kept open察we may hope that if there be a better truth察it

will be found when the human mind is capable of receiving it察and in

the meantime we may rely on having attained such approach to truth

as is possible in our own day。 This is the amount of certainty

attainable by a fallible being察and this the sole way of attaining it。

  Strange it is察that men should admit the validity of the arguments

for free discussion察but object to their being ;pushed to an extreme;

not seeing that unless the reasons are good for an extreme case

they are not good for any case。 Strange that they should imagine

that they are not assuming infallibility察when they acknowledge that

there should be free discussion on all subjects which can possibly

be doubtful察but think that some particular principle or doctrine

should be forbidden to be questioned because it is so certain察that

is察because they are certain that it is certain。 To call any

proposition certain察while there is any one who would deny its

certainty if permitted察but who is not permitted察is to assume that we

ourselves察and those who agree with us察are the judges of certainty

and judges without hearing the other side。

  In the present age´ which has been described as ;destitute of

faith察but terrified at scepticism;´ in which people feel sure察not

so much that their opinions are true察as that they should not know

what to do without them´ the claims of an opinion to be protected

from public attack are rested not so much on its truth察as on its

importance to society。 There are察it is alleged察certain beliefs so

useful察not to say indispensable察to well´being that it is as much the

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