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弌傍 on liberty 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

individuals to regulate by mutual agreement such things as regard them

jointly察and regard no persons but themselves。 This question

presents no difficulty察so long as the will of all the persons

implicated remains unaltered察but since that will may change察it is

often necessary察even in things in which they alone are concerned

that they should enter into engagements with one another察and when

they do察it is fit察as a general rule察that those engagements should

be kept。 Yet察in the laws察probably察of every country察this general

rule has some exceptions。 Not only persons are not held to engagements

which violate the rights of third parties察but it is sometimes

considered a sufficient reason for releasing them from an

engagement察that it is injurious to themselves。 In this and most other

civilised countries察for example察an engagement by which a person

should sell himself察or allow himself to be sold察as a slave察would be

null and void察neither enforced by law nor by opinion。 The ground

for thus limiting his power of voluntarily disposing of his own lot in

life察is apparent察and is very clearly seen in this extreme case。

The reason for not interfering察unless for the sake of others察with

a person's voluntary acts察is consideration for his liberty。 His

voluntary choice is evidence that what he so chooses is desirable

or at least endurable察to him察and his good is on the whole best

provided for by allowing him to take his own means of pursuing it。 But

by selling himself for a slave察be abdicates his liberty察he

foregoes any future use of it beyond that single act。 He therefore

defeats察in his own case察the very purpose which is the

justification of allowing him to dispose of himself。 He is no longer

free察but is thenceforth in a position which has no longer the

presumption in its favour察that would be afforded by his voluntarily

remaining in it。 The principle of freedom cannot require that he

should be free not to be free。 It is not freedom to be allowed to

alienate his freedom。 These reasons察the force of which is so

conspicuous in this peculiar case察are evidently of far wider

application察yet a limit is everywhere set to them by the

necessities of life察which continually require察not indeed that we

should resign our freedom察but that we should consent to this and

the other limitation of it。 The principle察however察which demands

uncontrolled freedom of action in all that concerns only the agents

themselves察requires that those who have become bound to one

another察in things which concern no third party察should be able to

release one another from the engagement此and even without such

voluntary release there are perhaps no contracts or engagements

except those that relate to money or money's worth察of which one can

venture to say that there ought to be no liberty whatever of


  Baron Wilhelm von Humboldt察in the excellent essay from which I have

already quoted察states it as his conviction察that engagements which

involve personal relations or services should never be legally binding

beyond a limited duration of time察and that the most important of

these engagements察marriage察having the peculiarity that its objects

are frustrated unless the feelings of both the parties are in

harmony with it察should require nothing more than the declared will of

either party to dissolve it。 This subject is too important察and too

complicated察to be discussed in a parenthesis察and I touch on it

only so far as is necessary for purposes of illustration。 If the

conciseness and generality of Baron Humboldt's dissertation had not

obliged him in this instance to content himself with enunciating his

conclusion without discussing the premises察he would doubtless have

recognised that the question cannot be decided on grounds so simple as

those to which he confines himself。 When a person察either by express

promise or by conduct察has encouraged another to rely upon his

continuing to act in a certain way´ to build expectations and

calculations察and stake any part of his plan of life upon that

supposition´ a new series of moral obligations arises on his part

towards that person察which may possibly be overruled察but cannot be

ignored。 And again察if the relation between two contracting parties

has been followed by consequences to others察if it has placed third

parties in any peculiar position察or察as in the case of marriage

has even called third parties into existence察obligations arise on the

part of both the contracting parties towards those third persons

the fulfilment of which察or at all events the mode of fulfilment察must

be greatly affected by the continuance or disruption of the relation

between the original parties to the contract。 It does not follow

nor can I admit察that these obligations extend to requiring the

fulfilment of the contract at all costs to the happiness of the

reluctant party察but they are a necessary element in the question察and

even if察as Von Humboldt maintains察they ought to make no difference

in the legal freedom of the parties to release themselves from the

engagement and I also hold that they ought not to make much

difference察they necessarily make a great difference in the moral

freedom。 A person is bound to take all these circumstances into

account before resolving on a step which may affect such important

interests of others察and if he does not allow proper weight to those

interests察he is morally responsible for the wrong。 I have made

these obvious remarks for the better illustration of the general

principle of liberty察and not because they are at all needed on the

particular question察which察on the contrary察is usually discussed as

if the interest of children was everything察and that of grown

persons nothing。

  I have already observed that察owing to the absence of any recognised

general principles察liberty is often granted where it should be

withheld察as well as withheld where it should be granted察and one of

the cases in which察in the modern European world察the sentiment of

liberty is the strongest察is a case where察in my view察it is

altogether misplaced。 A person should be free to do as he likes in his

own concerns察but he ought not to be free to do as he likes in

acting for another察under the pretext that the affairs of the other

are his own affairs。 The State察while it respects the liberty of

each in what specially regards himself察is bound to maintain a

vigilant control over his exercise of any power which it allows him to

possess over others。 This obligation is almost entirely disregarded in

the case of the family relations察a case察in its direct influence on

human happiness察more important than all others taken together。 The

almost despotic power of husbands over wives needs not be enlarged

upon here察because nothing more is needed for the complete removal

of the evil than that wives should have the same rights察and should

receive the protection of law in the same manner察as all other

persons察and because察on this subject察the defenders of established

injustice do not avail themselves of the plea of liberty察but stand

forth openly as the champions of power。 It is in the case of

children that misapplied notions of liberty are a real obstacle to the

fulfilment by the State of its duties。 One would almost think that a

man's children were supposed to be literally察and not

metaphorically察a part of himself察so jealous is opinion of the

smallest interference of law with his absolute and exclusive control

over them察more jealous than of almost any interference with his own

freedom of action此so much less do the generality of mankind value

liberty than power。 Consider察for example察the case of education。 Is

it not almost a self´evident axiom察that the State should require

and compel the education察up to a certain standard察of every human

being who is born its citizen拭Yet who is there that is not afraid

to recognise and assert this truth拭Hardly any one indeed will deny

that it is one of the most sacred duties of the parents or察as law

and usage now stand察the father察after summoning a human being into

the world察to give to that being an education fitting him to perform

his part well in life towards others and towards himself。 But while

this is unanimously declared to be the father's duty察scarcely

anybody察in this country察will bear to hear of obliging him to perform

it。 Instead of his being required to make any exertion or sacrifice

for securing education to his child察it is left to his choice to

accept it or not when it is provided gratis It still remains

unrecognised察that to bring a child into existence without a fair

prospect of being able察not only to provide food for

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