on liberty-及27准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
body察from the country in which they first grew up察while察now that
they have been chased into a solitary recess in the midst of a desert
many in this country openly declare that it would be right only
that it is not convenient to send an expedition against them察and
compel them by force to conform to the opinions of other people。 The
article of the Mormonite doctrine which is the chief provocative to
the antipathy which thus breaks through the ordinary restraints of
religious tolerance察is its sanction of polygamy察which察though
permitted to Mahomedans察and Hindoos察and Chinese察seems to excite
unquenchable animosity when practised by persons who speak English and
profess to be a kind of Christians。 No one has a deeper disapprobation
than I have of this Mormon institution察both for other reasons察and
because察far from being in any way countenanced by the principle of
liberty察it is a direct infraction of that principle察being a mere
riveting of the chains of one half of the community察and an
emancipation of the other from reciprocity of obligation towards them。
Still察it must be remembered that this relation is as much voluntary
on the part of the women concerned in it察and who may be deemed the
sufferers by it察as is the case with any other form of the marriage
institution察and however surprising this fact may appear察it has its
explanation in the common ideas and customs of the world察which
teaching women to think marriage the one thing needful察make it
intelligible that many woman should prefer being one of several wives
to not being a wife at all。 Other countries are not asked to recognise
such unions察or release any portion of their inhabitants from their
own laws on the score of Mormonite opinions。 But when the dissentients
have conceded to the hostile sentiments of others far more than
could justly be demanded察when they have left the countries to which
their doctrines were unacceptable察and established themselves in a
remote corner of the earth察which they have been the first to render
habitable to human beings察it is difficult to see on what principles
but those of tyranny they can be prevented from living there under
what laws they please察provided they commit no aggression on other
nations察and allow perfect freedom of departure to those who are
dissatisfied with their ways。
A recent writer察in some respects of considerable merit察proposes
to use his own words not a crusade察but a civilisade察against this
polygamous community察to put an end to what seems to him a
retrograde step in civilisation。 It also appears so to me察but I am
not aware that any community has a right to force another to be
civilised。 So long as the sufferers by the bad law do not invoke
assistance from other communities察I cannot admit that persons
entirely unconnected with them ought to step in and require that a
condition of things with which all who are directly interested
appear to be satisfied察should be put an end to because it is a
scandal to persons some thousands of miles distant察who have no part
or concern in it。 Let them send missionaries察if they please察to
preach against it察and let them察by any fair means of which silencing
the teachers is not one察oppose the progress of similar doctrines
among their own people。 If civilisation has got the better of
barbarism when barbarism had the world to itself察it is too much to
profess to be afraid lest barbarism察after having been fairly got
under察should revive and conquer civilisation。 A civilisation that can
thus succumb to its vanquished enemy察must first have become so
degenerate察that neither its appointed priests and teachers察nor
anybody else察has the capacity察or will take the trouble察to stand
up for it。 If this be so察the sooner such a civilisation receives
notice to quit the better。 It can only go on from bad to worse
until destroyed and regenerated like the Western Empire by energetic
Chapter 5。
THE PRINCIPLES asserted in these pages must be more generally
admitted as the basis for discussion of details察before a consistent
application of them to all the various departments of government and
morals can be attempted with any prospect of advantage。 The few
observations I propose to make on questions of detail are designed
to illustrate the principles察rather than to follow them out to
their consequences。 I offer察not so much applications察as specimens of
application察which may serve to bring into greater clearness the
meaning and limits of the two maxims which together form the entire
doctrine of this Essay察and to assist the judgment in holding the
balance between them察in the cases where it appears doubtful which
of them is applicable to the case。
The maxims are察first察that the individual is not accountable to
society for his actions察in so far as these concern the interests of
no person but himself。 Advice察instruction察persuasion察and
avoidance by other people if thought necessary by them for their own
good察are the only measures by which society can justifiably express
its dislike or disapprobation of his conduct。 Secondly察that for
such actions as are prejudicial to the interests of others察the
individual is accountable察and may be subjected either to social or to
legal punishment察if society is of opinion that the one or the other
is requisite for its protection。
In the first place察it must by no means be supposed察because damage
or probability of damage察to the interests of others察can alone
justify the interference of society察that therefore it always does
justify such interference。 In many cases察an individual察in pursuing a
legitimate object察necessarily and therefore legitimately causes
pain or loss to others察or intercepts a good which they had a
reasonable hope of obtaining。 Such oppositions of interest between
individuals often arise from bad social institutions察but are
unavoidable while those institutions last察and some would be
unavoidable under any institutions。 Whoever succeeds in an overcrowded
profession察or in a competitive examination察whoever is preferred to
another in any contest for an object which both desire察reaps
benefit from the loss of others察from their wasted exertion and
their disappointment。 But it is察by common admission察better for the
general interest of mankind察that persons should pursue their
objects undeterred by this sort of consequences。 In other words
society admits no right察either legal or moral察in the disappointed
competitors to immunity from this kind of suffering察and feels
called on to interfere察only when means of success have been
employed which it is contrary to the general interest to
permit´ namely察fraud or treachery察and force。
Again察trade is a social act。 Whoever undertakes to sell any
description of goods to the public察does what affects the interest
of other persons察and of society in general察and thus his conduct
in principle察comes within the jurisdiction of society此accordingly
it was once held to be the duty of governments察in all cases which
were considered of importance察to fix prices察and regulate the
processes of manufacture。 But it is now recognised察though not till
after a long struggle察that both the cheapness and the good quality of
commodities are most effectually provided for by leaving the producers
and sellers perfectly free察under the sole check of equal freedom to
the buyers for supplying themselves elsewhere。 This is the so´called
doctrine of Free Trade察which rests on grounds different from
though equally solid with察the principle of individual liberty
asserted in this Essay。 Restrictions on trade察or on production for
purposes of trade察are indeed restraints察and all restraint察qua
restraint察is an evil此but the restraints in question affect only that
part of conduct which society is competent to restrain察and are
wrong solely because they do not really produce the results which it
is desired to produce by them。 As the principle of individual
liberty is not involved in the doctrine of Free Trade察so neither is
it in most of the questions which arise respecting the limits of
that doctrine察as察for example察what amount of public control is
admissible for the prevention of fraud by adulteration察how far
sanitary precautions察or arrangements to protect workpeople employed
in dangerous occupations察should be enforced on employers。 Such
questions involve considerations of liberty察only in so far as leaving
people to themselves is always better察caeteris paribus察than
controlling them此but that they may be legitimately controlled for
these ends is in