on liberty-及18准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
state of habitual rebellion against laws and ordinances察and
required to be rigorously chained up to enable the persons within
their reach to enjoy any particle of security。 In our times察from
the highest class of society down to the lowest察every one lives as
under the eye of a hostile and dreaded censorship。 Not only in what
concerns others察but in what concerns only themselves察the
individual or the family do not ask themselves´ what do I prefer拭or
what would suit my character and disposition拭or察what would allow the
best and highest in me to have fair play察and enable it to grow and
thrive拭They ask themselves察what is suitable to my position拭what
is usually done by persons of my station and pecuniary
circumstances拭or worse still what is usually done by persons of a
station and circumstances superior to mine拭I do not mean that they
choose what is customary in preference to what suits their own
inclination。 It does not occur to them to have any inclination察except
for what is customary。 Thus the mind itself is bowed to the yoke此even
in what people do for pleasure察conformity is the first thing
thought of察they like in crowds察they exercise choice only among
things commonly done此peculiarity of taste察eccentricity of conduct
are shunned equally with crimes此until by dint of not following
their own nature they have no nature to follow此their human capacities
are withered and starved此they become incapable of any strong wishes
or native pleasures察and are generally without either opinions or
feelings of home growth察or properly their own。 Now is this察or is
it not察the desirable condition of human nature
It is so察on the Calvinistic theory。 According to that察the one
great offence of man is self´will。 All the good of which humanity is
capable is comprised in obedience。 You have no choice察thus you must
do察and no otherwise此 whatever is not a duty察is a sin。; Human nature
being radically corrupt察there is no redemption for any one until
human nature is killed within him。 To one holding this theory of life
crushing out any of the human faculties察capacities察and
susceptibilities察is no evil此man needs no capacity察but that of
surrendering himself to the will of God此and if he uses any of his
faculties for any other purpose but to do that supposed will more
effectually察he is better without them。 This is the theory of
Calvinism察and it is held察in a mitigated form察by many who do not
consider themselves Calvinists察the mitigation consisting in giving
a less ascetic interpretation to the alleged will of God察asserting it
to be his will that mankind should gratify some of their inclinations
of course not in the manner they themselves prefer察but in the way
of obedience察that is察in a way prescribed to them by authority
and察therefore察by the necessary condition of the case察the same for
In some such insidious form there is at present a strong tendency to
this narrow theory of life察and to the pinched and hidebound type of
human character which it patronises。 Many persons察no doubt察sincerely
think that human beings thus cramped and dwarfed are as their Maker
designed them to be察just as many have thought that trees are a much
finer thing when clipped into pollards察or cut out into figures of
animals察than as nature made them。 But if it be any part of religion
to believe that man was made by a good Being察it is more consistent
with that faith to believe that this Being gave all human faculties
that they might be cultivated and unfolded察not rooted out and
consumed察and that he takes delight in every nearer approach made by
his creatures to the ideal conception embodied in them察every increase
in any of their capabilities of comprehension察of action察or of
enjoyment。 There is a different type of human excellence from the
Calvinistic此a conception of humanity as having its nature bestowed on
it for other purposes than merely to be abnegated。 ;Pagan
self´assertion; is one of the elements of human worth察as well as
;Christian self´denial。;* There is a Greek ideal of
self´development察which the Platonic and Christian ideal of
self´government blends with察but does not supersede。 It may be
better to be a John Knox than an Alcibiades察but it is better to be
a Pericles than either察nor would a Pericles察if we had one in these
days察be without anything good which belonged to John Knox。
* Sterling's Essays。
It is not by wearing down into uniformity all that is individual
in themselves察but by cultivating it察and calling it forth察within the
limits imposed by the rights and interests of others察that human
beings become a noble and beautiful object of contemplation察and as
the works partake the character of those who do them察by the same
process human life also becomes rich察diversified察and animating
furnishing more abundant aliment to high thoughts and elevating
feelings察and strengthening the tie which binds every individual to
the race察by making the race infinitely better worth belonging to。
In proportion to the development of his individuality察each person
becomes more valuable to himself察and is therefore capable of being
more valuable to others。 There is a greater fulness of life about
his own existence察and when there is more life in the units there is
more in the mass which is composed of them。 As much compression as
is necessary to prevent the stronger specimens of human nature from
encroaching on the rights of others cannot be dispensed with察but
for this there is ample compensation even in the point of view of
human development。 The means of development which the individual loses
by being prevented from gratifying his inclinations to the injury of
others察are chiefly obtained at the expense of the development of
other people。 And even to himself there is a full equivalent in the
better development of the social part of his nature察rendered possible
by the restraint put upon the selfish part。 To be held to rigid
rules of justice for the sake of others察develops the feelings and
capacities which have the good of others for their object。 But to be
restrained in things not affecting their good察by their mere
displeasure察develops nothing valuable察except such force of character
as may unfold itself in resisting the restraint。 If acquiesced in
it dulls and blunts the whole nature。 To give any fair play to the
nature of each察it is essential that different persons should be
allowed to lead different lives。 In proportion as this latitude has
been exercised in any age察has that age been noteworthy to
posterity。 Even despotism does not produce its worst effects察so
long as individuality exists under it察and whatever crushes
individuality is despotism察by whatever name it may be called察and
whether it professes to be enforcing the will of God or the
injunctions of men。
Having said that the individuality is the same thing with
development察and that it is only the cultivation of individuality
which produces察or can produce察well´developed human beings察I might
here close the argument此for what more or better can be said of any
condition of human affairs than that it brings human beings themselves
nearer to the best thing they can be拭or what worse can be said of any
obstruction to good than that it prevents this拭Doubtless察however
these considerations will not suffice to convince those who most need
convincing察and it is necessary further to show察that these developed
human beings are of some use to the undeveloped´ to point out to
those who do not desire liberty察and would not avail themselves of it
that they may be in some intelligible manner rewarded for allowing
other people to make use of it without hindrance。
In the first place察then察I would suggest that they might possibly
learn something from them。 It will not be denied by anybody察that
originality is a valuable element in human affairs。 There is always
need of persons not only to discover new truths察and point out when
what were once truths are true no longer察but also to commence new
practices察and set the example of more enlightened conduct察and better
taste and sense in human life。 This cannot well be gainsaid by anybody
who does not believe that the world has already attained perfection in
all its ways and practices。 It is true that this benefit is not
capable of being rendered by everybody alike此there are but few
persons察in comparison with the whole of mankind察whose experiments
if adopted by others察would be likely to be any improvement on
established practice。 But these few are the salt of the earth察without
them察human life would become a stagnant pool。 Not only is it they who