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the home book of verse-1-第76节

小说: the home book of verse-1 字数: 每页4000字

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I have been laughing; I have been carousing;

Drinking late; sitting late; with my bosom cronies; …

All; all are gone; the old familiar faces。

I loved a Love once; fairest among women:

Closed are her doors on me; I must not see her; …

All; all are gone; the old familiar faces。

I have a friend; a kinder friend has no man:

Like an ingrate; I left my friend abruptly;

Left him; to muse on the old familiar faces。

Ghost…like; I paced round the haunts of my childhood。

Earth seemed a desert I was bound to traverse;

Seeking to find the old familiar faces。

Friend of my bosom; thou more than a brother;

Why wert not thou born in my father's dwelling?

So might we talk of the old familiar faces … 

How some they have died; and some they have left me;

And some are taken from me; all are departed; …

All; all are gone; the old familiar faces。

Charles Lamb '1775…1834'


Oft in the stilly night;

Ere Slumber's chain hath bound me;

Fond memory brings the light

Of other days around me:

The smiles; the tears;

Of boyhood's years;

The words of love then spoken;

The eyes that shone;

Now dimmed and gone;

The cheerful hearts now broken!

Thus in the stilly night;

Ere Slumber's chain hath bound me;

Sad Memory brings the light

Of other days around me。

When I remember all

The friends; so linked together;

I've seen around me fall;

Like leaves in wintry weather;

I feel like one

Who treads alone

Some banquet…hall deserted;

Whose lights are fled;

Whose garlands dead;

And all but he departed!

Thus in the stilly night;

Ere Slumber's chain hath bound me;

Sad Memory brings the light

Of other days around me。

Thomas Moore '1779…1852'


From 〃The Princess〃

Tears; idle tears; I know not what they mean;

Tears from the depth of some divine despair

Rise in the heart and gather to the eyes;

In looking on the happy Autumn…fields;

And thinking of the days that are no more。

Fresh as the first beam glittering on a sail;

That brings our friends up from the underworld;

Sad as the last which reddens over one

That sinks with all we love below the verge;

So sad; so fresh; the days that are no more。

Ah; sad and strange as in dark summer dawns

The earliest pipe of half…awakened birds

To dying ears; when unto dying eyes

The casement slowly grows a glimmering square;

So sad; so strange; the days that are no more。

Dear as remembered kisses after death;

And sweet as those by hopeless fancy feigned

On lips that are for others; deep as love;

Deep as first love; and wild with all regret;

O Death in Life; the days that are no more!

Alfred Tennyson '1809…1892'


〃。 。 。 the name

Which from their lips seemed a caress。〃

            … Miss Milford's 〃Dramatic Scenes〃

I have a name; a little name;

Uncadenced for the ear;

Unhonored by ancestral claim;

Unsanctified by prayer and psalm

The solemn font anear。

It never did to pages wove

For gay romance belong;

It never dedicate did move

As 〃Sacharissa〃 unto love;

〃Orinda〃 unto song。

Though I write books; it will be read

Upon the leaves of none;

And afterward; when I am dead;

Will ne'er be graved for sight or tread;

Across my funeral…stone。

This name; whoever chance to call;

Perhaps your smile may win:

Nay; do not smile! mine eyelids fall

Over mine eyes and feel withal

The sudden tears within。

Is there a leaf; that greenly grows

Where summer meadows bloom;

But gathereth the winter snows;

And changeth to the hue of those;

If lasting till they come?

Is there a word; or jest; or game;

But time incrusteth round

With sad associate thoughts the same?

And so to me my very name

Assumes a mournful sound。

My brother gave that name to me

When we were children twain;

When names acquired baptismally

Were hard to utter; as to see

That life had any pain。

No shade was on us then; save one

Of chestnuts from the hill;

And through the word our laugh did run

As part thereof: the mirth being done;

He calls me by it still。

Nay; do not smile!  I hear in it

What none of you can hear; …

The talk upon the willow seat;

The bird and wind that did repeat

Around; our human cheer。

I hear the birthday's noisy bliss

My sisters' woodland glee;

My father's praise I did not miss

When stooping down; he cared to kiss

The poet at his knee; …

And voices which; to name me; aye

Their tenderest tones were keeping; …

To some I nevermore can say

An answer till God wipes away

In heaven these drops of weeping。

My name to me a sadness wears:

No murmurs cross my mind …

Now God be thanked for these thick tears;

Which show; of those departed years;

Sweet memories left behind。

Now God be thanked for years enwrought

With love which softens yet:

Now God be thanked for every thought

Which is so tender it has caught

Earth's guerdon of regret。

Earth saddens; never shall remove

Affections purely given;

And e'en that mortal grief shall prove

The immortality of love;

And heighten it with Heaven。

Elizabeth Barrett Browning '1806…1861' 


Who reach their threescore years and ten;

As I have mine; without a sigh;

Are either more or less than men …

Not such am I。

I am not of them; life to me

Has been a strange; bewildering dream;

Wherein I knew not things that be

From things that seem。

I thought; I hoped; I knew one thing;

And had one gift; when I was young …

The impulse and the power to sing;

And so I sung。

To have a place in the high choir

Of poets; and deserve the same …

What more could mortal man desire

Than poet's fame?

I sought it long; but never found;

The choir so full was and so strong

The jubilant voices there; they drowned

My simple song。

Men would not hear me then; and now

I care not; I accept my fate;

When white hairs thatch the furrowed brow

Crowns come too late!

The best of life went long ago

From me; it was not much at best;

Only the love that young hearts know;

The dear unrest。

Back on my past; through gathering tears;

Once more I cast my eyes; and see

Bright shapes that in my better years

Surrounded me!

They left me here; they left me there;

Went down dark pathways; one by one …

The wise; the great; the young; the fair;

But I went on。

And I go on!  And bad or good;

The old allotted years of men

I have endured as best I could;

Threescore and ten!

Richard Henry Stoddard '1825…1903'


When the humid shadows hover

Over all the starry spheres;

And the melancholy darkness

Gently weeps in rainy tears;

What a bliss to press the pillow

Of a cottage…chamber bed;

And to listen to the patter

Of the soft rain overhead!

Every tinkle on the shingles

Has an echo in the heart;

And a thousand dreamy fancies

Into busy being start;

And a thousand recollections

Weave their air…threads into woof;

As I listen to the patter

Of the rain upon the roof。

Now in memory comes my mother;

As she used; in years agone;

To regard the darling dreamers

Ere she left them till the dawn;

And I feel her fond look on me;

As I list to this refrain

Which is played upon the shingles

By the patter of the rain。

Then my little seraph sister;

With her wings and waving hair;

And her star…eyed cherub brother …

A serene angelic pair …

Glide around my wakeful pillow;

With their praise or mild reproof;

As I listen to the murmur

Of the soft rain on the roof。

And another comes; to thrill me

With her eyes' delicious blue;

And I mind not; musing on her;

That her heart was all untrue:

I remember but to love her

With a passion kin to pain;

And my heart's quick pulses vibrate

To the patter of the rain。

Art hath naught of tone or cadence

That can work with such a spell

In the soul's mysterious fountains;

Whence the tears of rapture well;

As that melody of nature;

That subdued; subduing strain

Which is played upon the shingles

By the patter of the rain。

Coates Kinney '1826…1904'


Here; in my snug little fire…lit chamber;

Sit I alone:

And; as I gaze in the coals; I remember

Days long agone。

Saddening it is when the night has descended;

Thus to sit here;

Pensively musing on episodes ended

Many a year。

Still in my visions a golden…haired glory

Flits to and fro;

She whom I loved … but 'tis just the old story:

Dead; long ago。

'Tis but a wraith of love; yet I linger

(Thus passion errs);

Foolishly kissing the ring on my finger …

Once it was hers。

Nothing has changed since her spirit departed;

Here; in this room

Save I; who; weary; and half broken…hearted;

Sit in the g

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