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the home book of verse-1-第73节

小说: the home book of verse-1 字数: 每页4000字

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Soft and warm and full to the brim …

Vetches leaned over it purple; and dim;

With buttercup buds to follow。

I pray you hear my song of a nest;

For it is not long: …

You shall never light in a summer quest

The bushes among …

Shall never light on a prouder sitter;

A fairer nestful; nor ever know

A softer sound than their tender twitter;

That wind…like did come and go。

I had a nestful once of my own;

Ah; happy; happy I!

Right dearly I loved them; but when they were grown

They spread out their wings to fly …

Oh; one after one they flew away

Far up to the heavenly blue;

To the better country; the upper day;

And … I wish I was going too。

I pray you what is the nest to me;

My empty nest?

And what is the shore where I stood to see

My boat sail down to the west?

Can I call that home where I anchor yet;

Though my good man has sailed?

Can I call that home where my nest was set;

Now all its hope hath failed?

Nay; but the port where my sailor went;

And the land where my nestlings be:

There is the home where my thoughts are sent

The only home for me …

Ah me!

Jean Ingelow '1820…1897'


My heart; I cannot still it;

Nest that had song…birds in it;

And when the last shall go;

The dreary days; to fill it;

Instead of lark or linnet;

Shall whirl dead leaves and snow。

Had they been swallows only;

Without the passion stronger

That skyward longs and sings; …

Woe's me; I shall be lonely

When I can feel no longer

The impatience of their wings!

A moment; sweet delusion;

Like birds the brown leaves hover;

But it will not be long

Before their wild confusion

Fall wavering down to cover

The poet and his song。

James Russell Lowell '1819…1891'



Happy those early days; when I

Shined in my Angel…infancy!

Before I understood this place

Appointed for my second race;

Or taught my soul to fancy aught

But a white; celestial thought;

When yet I had not walked above

A mile or two from my first Love;

And looking back; at that short space;

Could see a glimpse of His bright face;

When on some gilded cloud or flower

My gazing soul would dwell an hour;

And in those weaker glories spy

Some shadows of eternity;

Before I taught my tongue to wound

My Conscience with a sinful sound;

Or had the black art to dispense

A several sin to every sense;

But felt through all this fleshly dress

Bright shoots of everlastingness。

O how I long to travel back;

And tread again that ancient track!

That I might once more reach that plain

Where first I left my glorious train;

From whence the enlightened spirit sees

That shady City of Palm…trees。

But ah! my soul with too much stay

Is drunk; and staggers in the way!

Some men a forward motion love;

But I by backward steps would move;

And; when this dust falls to the urn;

In that state I came; return。

Henry Vaughan '1622…1695' 


Look in my face; my name is Might…have…been;

I am also called No…more; Too…late; Farewell;

Unto thine ear I hold the dead…sea shell

Cast up thy Life's foam…fretted feet between;

Unto thine eyes the glass where that is seen

Which had Life's form and Love's; but by my spell

Is now a shaken shadow intolerable;

Of ultimate things unuttered the frail screen。

Mark me; how still I am!  But should there dart

One moment through thy soul the soft surprise

Of that winged Peace which lulls the breath of sighs; …

Then shalt thou see me smile; and turn apart

Thy visage to mine ambush at thy heart

Sleepless with cold commemorative eyes。

Dante Gabriel Rossetti '1828…1882'


When to the garden of untroubled thought

I came of late; and saw the open door;

And wished again to enter; and explore

The sweet; wild ways with stainless bloom inwrought;

And bowers of innocence with beauty fraught;

It seemed some purer voice must speak before

I dared to tread that garden loved of yore;

That Eden lost unknown and found unsought。

Then just within the gate I saw a child; …

A stranger…child; yet to my heart most dear; …

Who held his hands to me and softly smiled

With eyes that knew no shade of sin or fear;

〃Come in;〃 he said; 〃and play awhile with me;

I am the little child you used to be。〃

Henry Van Dyke '1852…1933'


My thoughts by night are often filled

With visions false as fair:

For in the Past alone I build

My castles in the air。

I dwell not now on what may be;

Night shadows o'er the scene;

But still my fancy wanders free

Through that which might have been。

Thomas Love Peacock '1785…1866'


Across the fields of yesterday

He sometimes comes to me;

A little lad just back from play …

The lad I used to be。

And yet he smiles so wistfully

Once he has crept within;

I wonder if he hopes to see

The man I might have been。

Thomas S。 Jones; Jr。 '1882…1932'


Where are they gone; and do you know

If they come back at fall o' dew;

The little ghosts of long ago;

That long ago were you?

And all the songs that ne'er were sung。

And all the dreams that ne'er came true;

Like little children dying young …

Do they come back to you?

Thomas S。 Jones; Jr。 '1882…1932'


Children; do you ever;

In walks by land or sea;

Meet a little maiden

Long time lost to me?

She is gay and gladsome;

Has a laughing face;

And a heart as sunny;

And her name is Grace。

Naught she knows of sorrow;

Naught of doubt or blight;

Heaven is just above her …

All her thoughts are white。

Long time since I lost her;

That other Me of mine;

She crossed; into Time's shadow

Out of Youth's sunshine。

Now the darkness keeps her;

And; call her as I will;

The years that lie between us

Hide her from me still。

I am dull and pain…worn;

And lonely as can be …

Oh; children; if you meet her;

Send back my other Me!

Grace Denio Litchfield '1849…


Under my keel another boat

Sails as I sail; floats as I float;

Silent and dim and mystic still;

It steals through that weird nether…world;

Mocking my power; though at my will

The foam before its prow is curled;

Or calm it lies; with canvas furled。

Vainly I peer; and fain would see

What phantom in that boat may be;

Yet half I dread; lest I with ruth

Some ghost of my dead past divine;

Some gracious shape of my lost youth;

Whose deathless eyes once fixed on mine

Would draw me downward through the brine!

Arlo Bates '1850…1918'


Sing me a song of a lad that is gone;

Say; could that lad be I?

Merry of soul he sailed on a day

Over the sea to Skye。

Mull was astern; Rum on the port;

Eigg on the starboard bow;

Glory of youth glowed in his soul:

Where is that glory now?

Sing me a song of a lad that is gone;

Say; could that lad be I?

Merry of soul he sailed on a day

Over the sea to Skye。

Give me again all that was there;

Give me the sun that shone!

Give me the eyes; give me the soul;

Give me the lad that's gone!

Sing me a song of a lad that is gone;

Say; could that lad be I?

Merry of soul he sailed on a day

Over the sea to Skye。

Billow and breeze; islands and seas;

Mountains of rain and sun;

All that was good; all that was fair;

All that was me is gone。

Robert Louis Stevenson '1850…1894'


〃I'm growing old; I've sixty years;

I've labored all my life in vain。

In all that time of hopes and fears;

I've failed my dearest wish to gain。

I see full well that here below

Bliss unalloyed there is for none;

My prayer would else fulfilment know …

Never have I seen Carcassonne!

〃You see the city from the hill;

It lies beyond the mountains blue;

And yet to reach it one must still

Five long and weary leagues pursue;

And; to return; as many more。

Had but the vintage plenteous grown …

But; ah! the grape withheld its store。

I shall not look on Carcassonne!

〃They tell me every day is there

Not more or less than Sunday gay;

In shining robes and garments fair

The people walk upon their way。

One gazes there on castle walls

As grand as those of Babylon;

A bishop and two generals!

What joy to dwell in Carcassonne!

〃The vicar's right: he says that we

Are ever wayward; weak; and blind;

He tells us in his homily

Ambition ruins all mankind;

Yet could I there two days have spent;

While still the autumn sweetly shone;

Ah; me! I might have died content

When I had looked on Carcassonne。

〃Thy pardon; Father; I beseech;

In this my prayer if I offend;

One something sees beyond his reach

From childhood to his journey'

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