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the home book of verse-1-第37节

小说: the home book of verse-1 字数: 每页4000字

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Till life's poor transient night is spent;

Respecting in each other's case

The gifts of nature and of grace。

Those Christians best deserve the name

Who studiously make peace their aim;

Peace both the duty and the prize

Of him that creeps and him that flies。

William Cowper '1731…1808'


From 〃Adela Cathcart〃

〃Good morrow; my lord!〃 in the sky alone;

Sang the lark; as the sun ascended his throne。

〃Shine on me; my lord; I only am come;

Of all your servants; to welcome you home。

I have flown right up; a whole hour; I swear;

To catch the first shine of your golden hair。〃

〃Must I thank you; then;〃 said the king; 〃Sir Lark;

For flying so high and hating the dark?

You ask a full cup for half a thirst:

Half was love of me; and half love to be first。

There's many a bird makes no such haste;

But waits till I come: that's as much to my taste。〃

And King Sun hid his head in a turban of cloud;

And Sir Lark stopped singing; quite vexed and cowed;

But he flew up higher; and thought; 〃Anon

The wrath of the king will be over and gone;

And his crown; shining out of its cloudy fold;

Will change my brown feathers to a glory of gold。〃

So he flew … with the strength of a lark he flew;

But; as he rose; the cloud rose too;

And not one gleam of the golden hair

Came through the depths of the misty air;

Till; weary with flying; with sighing sore;

The strong sun…seeker could do no more。

His wings had had no chrism of gold:

And his feathers felt withered and worn and old;

He faltered; and sank; and dropped like a stone。

And there on her nest; where he left her; alone

Sat his little wife on her little eggs;

Keeping them warm with wings and legs。

Did I say alone?  Ah; no such thing!

Full in her face was shining the king。

〃Welcome; Sir Lark! You look tired;〃 said he;

〃Up is not always the best way to me。

While you have been singing so high and away;

I've been shining to your little wife all day。〃

He had set his crown all about the nest;

And out of the midst shone her little brown breast;

And so glorious was she in russet gold;

That for wonder and awe Sir Lark grew cold。

He popped his head under her wing; and lay

As still as a stone; till King Sun was away。

George Macdonald '1824…1905'



It was a merry time

When Jenny Wren was young;

So neatly as she danced;

And so sweetly as she sung;

Robin Redbreast lost his heart:

He was a gallant bird;

He doffed his hat to Jenny;

And thus to her he said: …

〃My dearest Jenny Wren;

If you will but be mine;

You shall dine on cherry pie;

And drink nice currant wine。

I'll dress you like a Goldfinch;

Or like a Peacock gay;

So if you'll have me; Jenny;

Let us appoint the day。〃

Jenny blushed behind her fan;

And thus declared her mind:

〃Then let it be to…morrow; Bob;

I take your offer kind …

Cherry pie is very good!

So is currant wine!

But I will wear my brown gown;

And never dress too fine。〃

Robin rose up early

At the break of day;

He flew to Jenny Wren's house;

To sing a roundelay。

He met the Cock and Hen;

And bid the Cock declare;

This was his wedding…day

With Jenny Wren; the fair。

The Cock then blew his horn;

To let the neighbors know;

This was Robin's wedding…day;

And they might see the show。

And first came Parson Rook;

With his spectacles and band;

And one of Mother Hubbard's books

He held within his hand。

Then followed him the Lark;

For he could sweetly sing;

And he was to be clerk

At Cock Robin's wedding。

He sang of Robin's love

For little Jenny Wren;

And when he came unto the end;

Then he began again。

Then came the bride and bridegroom;

Quite plainly was she dressed;

And blushed so much; her cheeks were

As red as Robin's breast。

But Robin cheered her up;

〃My pretty Jen;〃 said he;

〃We're going to be married

And happy we shall be。〃

The Goldfinch came on next;

To give away the bride;

The Linnet; being bride's maid;

Walked by Jenny's side;

And; as she was a…walking;

She said; 〃Upon my word;

I think that your Cock Robin

Is a very pretty bird。〃

The Bulfinch walked by Robin;

And thus to him did say;

〃Pray; mark; friend Robin Redbreast;

That Goldfinch; dressed so gay;

What though her gay apparel

Becomes her very well;

Yet Jenny's modest dress and look

Must bear away the bell。〃

The Blackbird and the Thrush;

And charming Nightingale;

Whose sweet jug sweetly echoes

Through every grove and dale;

The Sparrow and Tom Tit;

And many more; were there:

All came to see the wedding

Of Jenny Wren; the fair。

〃O then;〃 says Parson Rook;

〃Who gives this maid away?〃

〃I do;〃 says the Goldfinch;

〃And her fortune I will pay:

Here's a bag of grain of many sorts;

And other things beside;

Now happy be the bridegroom;

And happy be the bride!〃

〃And will you have her; Robin;

To be your wedded wife?〃

〃Yes; I will;〃 says Robin;

〃And love her all my life。〃

〃And will you have him; Jenny;

Your husband now to be?〃

〃Yes; I will;〃 says Jenny;

〃And love him heartily。〃

Then on her finger fair

Cock Robin put the ring;

〃You're married now;〃 says Parson Rook;

While the Lark aloud did sing:

〃Happy be the bridegroom;

And happy be the bride!

And may not man; nor bird; nor beast;

This happy pair divide。〃

The birds were asked to dine;

Not Jenny's friends alone;

But every pretty songster

That had Cock Robin known。

They had a cherry pie;

Beside some currant wine;

And every guest brought something;

That sumptuous they might dine。

Now they all sat or stood

To eat and to drink;

And every one said what

He happened to think:

They each took a bumper;

And drank to the pair:

Cock Robin; the bridegroom;

And Jenny Wren; the fair。

The dinner…things removed;

They all began to sing;

And soon they made the place

Near a mile round to ring。

The concert it was fine;

And every bird tried

Who best could sing for Robin

And Jenny Wren; the bride。

Then in came the Cuckoo and made a great rout;

He caught hold of Jenny and pulled her about。

Cock Robin was angry; and so was the Sparrow;

Who fetched in a hurry his bow and his arrow。

His aim then he took; but he took it not right;

His skill was not good; or he shot in a fright;

For the Cuckoo he missed; but Cock Robin killed! …

And all the birds mourned that his blood was so spilled。



Now ponder well; you parents dear;

These words; which I shall write;

A doleful story you shall hear;

In time brought forth to light。

A gentleman of good account

In Norfolk dwelt of late;

Who did in honor far surmount

Most men of his estate。

Sore sick was he; and like to die;

No help his life could save;

His wife by him as sick did lie;

And both possessed one grave。

No love between these two was lost;

Each was to other kind;

In love they lived; in loved they died;

And left two babes behind:

The one a fine and pretty boy;

Not passing three years old;

The other a girl more young than he;

And framed in beauty's mold。

The father left his little son;

As plainly does appear;

When he to perfect age should come;

Three hundred pounds a year。

And to his little daughter Jane

Five hundred pounds in gold;

To be paid down on marriage…day;

Which might not be controlled:

But if the children chance to die;

Ere they to age should come;

Their uncle should possess their wealth;

For so the will did run。

〃Now; brother;〃 said the dying man;

〃Look to my children dear;

Be good unto my boy and girl;

No friends else have they here:

To God and you I recommend

My children dear this day;

But little while be sure we have

Within this world to stay。

〃You must be father and mother both;

And uncle all in one;

God knows what will become of them;

When I am dead and gone。〃

With that bespake their mother dear;

〃O brother kind;〃 quoth she;

〃You are the man must bring our babes

To wealth or misery。

〃And if you keep them carefully

Then God will you reward;

But if you otherwise should deal;

God will your deeds regard。〃

With lips as cold as any stone;

They kissed their children small:

〃God bless you both; my children dear;〃

With that the tears did fall。

These speeches then their brother spake

To this sick couple there;

〃The keeping of your little ones;

Sweet sister; do not fear;

God never prosper me nor mine;

Nor aught else that I have;

If I do wrong your children dear;

When you are laid in grave。〃

The parents being dead and gone;

The children home he takes;

And brings them straight into his house;

Where much of them he makes。

He had not kept these pretty bab

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