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an unsocial socialist-第27节

小说: an unsocial socialist 字数: 每页4000字

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any good purpose; but he did not want to say so; lest he should
acquire a reputation for impiety and lose his practice。 He
believed that the general practitioner who attended the family;
and had called him in when the case grew serious; had treated
Henrietta unskilfully; but professional etiquette bound him so
strongly that; sooner than betray his colleague's inefficiency;
he would have allowed him to decimate London。

〃One word more;〃 said Trefusis。 〃Did she know that she was

〃No。 I considered it best that she should not be informed of her
danger。 She passed away without any apprehension。〃

〃Then one can think of it with equanimity。 She dreaded death;
poor child。 The wonder is that there was not enough folly in the
household to prevail against your good sense。〃

The physician bowed and took his leave; esteeming himself
somewhat fortunate in escaping without being reproached for his
humanity in having allowed Henrietta to die unawares。

A moment later the general practitioner entered。 Trefusis; having
accompanied the consulting physician to the door; detected the
family doctor in the act of pulling a long face just outside it。
Restraining a desire to seize him by the throat; he seated
himself on the edge of the table and said cheerfully:

〃Well; doctor; how has the world used you since we last met?〃

The doctor was taken aback; but the solemn disposition of his
features did not relax as he almost intoned: 〃Has Sir Francis
told you the sad news; Mr。 Trefusis?〃

〃Yes。 Frightful; isn't it? Lord bless me; we're here to…day and
gone to…morrow。〃

〃True; very true!〃

〃Sir Francis has a high opinion of you。〃

The doctor looked a little foolish。 〃Everything was done that
could be done; Mr。 Trefusis; but Mrs。 Jansenius was very anxious
that no stone should be left unturned。 She was good enough to say
that her sole reason for wishing me to call in Sir Francis was
that you should have no cause to complain。〃


〃An excellent mother! A sad event for her! Ah; yes; yes! Dear me!
A very sad event!〃

〃Most disagreeable。 Such a cold day too。 Pleasanter to be in
heaven than here in such weather; possibly。〃

〃Ah!〃 said the doctor; as if much sound comfort lay in that。 〃I
hope so; I hope so; I do not doubt it。 Sir Francis did not permit
us to tell her; and I; of course; deferred to him。 Perhaps it was
for the best。〃

〃You would have told her; then; if Sir Francis had not objected?〃

〃Well; there are; you see; considerations which we must not
ignore in our profession。 Death is a serious thing; as I am sure
I need not remind you; Mr。 Trefusis。 We have sometimes higher
duties than indulgence to the natural feelings of our patients。〃

〃Quite so。 The possibility of eternal bliss and the probability
of eternal torment are consolations not to be lightly withheld
from a dying girl; eh? However; what's past cannot be mended。 I
have much to be thankful for; after all。 I am a young man; and
shall not cut a bad figure as a widower。 And now tell me; doctor;
am I not in very bad repute upstairs?〃

〃Mr。 Trefusis! Sir! I cannot meddle in family matters。 I
understand my duties and never over step them。〃 The doctor;
shocked at last; spoke as loftily as he could。

〃Then I will go and see Mr。 Jansenius;〃 said Trefusis; getting
off the table。

〃Stay; sir! One moment。 I have not finished。 Mrs。 Jansenius has
asked me to askI was about to say that I am not speaking now as
the medical adviser of this family; but although an old
friendandahem! Mrs。 Jansenius has asked me to askto request
you to excuse Mr。 Jansenius; as he is prostrated by grief; and
is; as I canas a medical manassure you; unable to see anyone。
She will speak to you herself as soon as she feels able to do
soat some time this evening。 Meanwhile; of course; any orders
you may giveyou must be fatigued by your journey; and I always
recommend people not to fast too long; it produces an acute form
of indigestionany orders you may wish to give will; of course;
be attended to at once。〃

〃I think;〃 said Trefusis; after a moment's reflection; 〃I will
order a hansom。〃

〃There is no ill…feeling;〃 said the doctor; who; as a slow man;
was usually alarmed by prompt decisions; even when they seemed
wise to him; as this one did。 〃I hope you have not gathered from
anything I have said〃

〃Not at all; you have displayed the utmost tact。 But I think I
had better go。 Jansenius can bear death and misery with perfect
fortitude when it is on a large scale and hidden in a back slum。
But when it breaks into his own house; and attacks his
propertyhis daughter was his property until very recently he
is just the man to lose his head and quarrel with me for keeping

The doctor was unable to cope with this speech; which conveyed
vaguely monstrous ideas to him。 Seeing Trefusis about to leave;
he said in a low voice: 〃Will you go upstairs?〃

〃Upstairs! Why?〃

〃II thought you might wish to see〃 He did not finish the
sentence; but Trefusis flinched; the blank had expressed what was

〃To see something that was Henrietta; and that is a thing we must
cast out and hide; with a little superstitious mumming to save
appearances。 Why did you remind me of it?〃

〃But; sir; whatever your views may be; will you not; as a matter
of form; in deference to the feelings of the family〃

〃Let them spare their feelings for the living; on whose behalf I
have often appealed to them in vain;〃 cried Trefusis; losing
patience。 〃Damn their feelings!〃 And; turning to the door; he
found it open; and Mrs。 Jansenius there listening。

Trefusis was confounded。 He knew what the effect of his speech
must be; and felt that it would be folly to attempt excuse or
explanation。 He put his hands into his pockets; leaned against
the table; and looked at her; mutely wondering what would follow
on her part。

The doctor broke the silence by saying tremulously; 〃I have
communicated the melancholy intelligence to Mr。 Trefusis。〃

〃I hope you told him also;〃 she said sternly; 〃that; however
deficient we may be in feeling; we did everything that lay in our
power for our child。〃

〃I am quite satisfied;〃 said Trefusis。

〃No doubt you arewith the result;〃 said Mrs。 Jansenius; hardly。
〃I wish to know whether you have anything to complain of。〃


〃Please do not imply that anything has happened through our

〃What have I to complain of? She had a warm room and a luxurious
bed to die in; with the best medical advice in the world。 Plenty
of people are starving and freezing to…day that we may have the
means to die fashionably; ask THEM if they have any cause for
complaint。 Do you think I will wrangle over her body about the
amount of money spent on her illness? What measure is that of the
cause she had for complaint? I never grudged money to herhow
could I; seeing that more than I can waste is given to me for
nothing? Or how could you? Yet she had great reason to complain
of me。 You will allow that to be so。〃

〃It is perfectly true。〃

〃Well; when I am in the humor for it; I will reproach myself and
not you。〃 He paused; and then turned forcibly on her; saying;
〃Why do you select this time; of all others; to speak so bitterly
to me?〃

〃I am not aware that I have said anything to call for such a
remark。 Did YOU;〃 (appealing to the doctor) 〃hear me say

〃Mr。 Trefusis does not mean to say that you did; I am sure。 Oh;
no。 Mr。 Trefusis's feelings are naturallyare harrowed。 That is

〃My feelings!〃 cried Trefusis impatiently。 〃Do you suppose my
feelings are a trumpery set of social observances; to be harrowed
to order and exhibited at funerals? She has gone as we three
shall go soon enough。 If we were immortal; we might reasonably
pity the dead。 As we are not; we had better save our energies to
minimize the harm we are likely to do before we follow her。〃

The doctor was deeply offended by this speech; for the statement
that he should one day die seemed to him a reflection upon his
professional mastery over death。 Mrs。 Jansenius was glad to see
Trefusis confirming her bad opinion and report of him by his
conduct and language in the doctor's presence。 There was a brief
pause; and then Trefusis; too far out of sympathy with them to be
able to lead the conversation into a kinder vein; left the room。
In the act of putting on his overcoat in the hall; he hesitated;
and hung it up again irresolutely。 Suddenly he ran upstairs。 At
the sound of his steps a woman came from one of the rooms and
looked inquiringly at him。

〃Is it here?〃 he said。

〃Yes; sir;〃 she whispered。

A painful sense of constriction came in his chest; and he turned
pale and stopped with his hand on the lock。

〃Don't be afraid; sir;〃 said the woman; with an encouraging
smile。 〃She looks beautiful。〃

He looked at her with a strange grin; as if she had uttered a
ghastly but irresistible joke。 Then he went in; and; when he
reached the bed; wished he had stayed without。 He was not one of
those who; seeing little in the faces of the living miss little
in the faces of the dead。 The arrangement of the black hair on
the pillow; the soft drapery; and the flowers placed there by the
nurse to c

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