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a girl of the limberlost-第73节

小说: a girl of the limberlost 字数: 每页4000字

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children; possibly my mother; with no one; might like to

see me。  I know I want to see her; and you had told me to

so often; I just sent for her。  Oh; I do hope she comes! 

I want her to see this lovely place。〃

〃I have been wondering what you thought of Mackinac;〃

said Freckles。

〃Oh; it is a perfect picture; all of it!  I should like to

hang it on the wall; so I could see it whenever I wanted to;

but it isn't real; of course; it's nothing but a picture。〃

〃These people won't agree with you;〃 smiled Freckles。

〃That isn't necessary;〃 retorted Elnora。  〃They know

this; and they love it; but you and I are acquainted with

something different。  The Limberlost is life。  Here it is

a carefully kept park。  You motor; sail; and golf; all so

secure and fine。  But what I like is the excitement of

choosing a path carefully; in the fear that the quagmire

may reach out and suck me down; to go into the swamp

naked…handed and wrest from it treasures that bring me

books and clothing; and I like enough of a fight for things

that I always remember how I got them。  I even enjoy

seeing a canny old vulture eyeing me as if it were saying: 

‘Ware the sting of the rattler; lest I pick your bones as I

did old Limber's。' I like sufficient danger to put an edge

on life。  This is so tame。  I should have loved it when all

the homes were cabins; and watchers for the stealthy

Indian canoes patrolled the shores。  You wait until

mother comes; and if my violin isn't angry with me for

leaving it; to…night we shall sing you the Song of

the Limberlost。  You shall hear the big gold bees over the

red; yellow; and purple flowers; bird song; wind talk; and

the whispers of Sleepy Snake Creek; as it goes past you。 

You will know!〃  Elnora turned to Freckles。

He nodded。  〃Who better?〃 he asked。  〃This is secure

while the children are so small; but when they grow larger;

we are going farther north; into real forest; where they can

learn self…reliance and develop backbone。〃

Elnora laid away the violin。  〃Come along; children;〃

she said。  〃We must get at that backbone business at once。 

Let's race to the playhouse。〃

With the brood at her heels Elnora ran; and for an hour

lively sounds stole from the remaining spot of forest on the

Island; which lay beside the O'More cottage。  Then Terry

went to the playroom to bring Alice her doll。  He came

racing back; dragging it by one leg; and crying: 

〃There's company!  Someone has come that mamma and papa

are just tearing down the house over。  I saw through

the window。〃

〃It could not be my mother; yet;〃 mused Elnora。  〃Her boat

is not due until twelve。  Terry; give Alice that doll〃

〃It's a man…person; and I don't know him; but my

father is shaking his hand right straight along; and my

mother is running for a hot drink and a cushion。  It's a

kind of a sick person; but they are going to make him well

right away; any one can see that。  This is the best place。

I'll go tell him to come lie on the pine needles in the sun

and watch the sails go by。  That will fix him!〃

〃Watch sails go by;〃 chanted Little Brother。  〃'A fix him! 

Elnora fix him; won't you?〃

〃I don't know about that;〃 answered Elnora。  〃What sort

of person is he; Terry?〃

〃A beautiful white person; but my father is going to

‘colour him up;' I heard him say so。  He's just out of the

hospital; and he is a bad person; 'cause he ran away from

the doctors and made them awful angry。  But father

and mother are going to doctor him better。  I didn't know

they could make sick people well。〃

〃'Ey do anyfing!〃 boasted Little Brother。

Before Elnora missed her; Alice; who had gone to

investigate; came flying across the shadows and through the

sunshine waving a paper。  She thurst it into Elnora's hand。

〃There is a man…persona stranger…person!〃 she shouted。 

〃But he knows you!  He sent you that!  You are to be

the doctor!  He said so!  Oh; do hurry!  I like him heaps!〃

Elnora read Edith Carr's telegram to Philip Ammon

and understood that he had been ill; that she had been

located by Edith who had notified him。  In so doing

she had acknowledged defeat。  At last Philip was free。 

Elnora looked up with a radiant face。

〃I like him ‘heaps' myself!〃 she cried。  〃Come on

children; we will go tell him so。〃

Terry and Alice ran; but Elnora had to suit her steps

to Little Brother; who was her loyal esquire; and would

have been heartbroken over desertion and insulted at

being carried。  He was rather dragged; but he was

arriving; and the emergency was great; he could see that。 

〃She's coming!〃 shouted Alice。

〃She's going to be the doctor!〃 cried Terry。

〃She looked just like she'd seen angels when she read

the letter;〃 explained Alice。

〃She likes you ‘heaps!'  She said so!〃 danced Terry。 

〃Be waiting!  Here she is!〃

Elnora helped Little Brother up the steps; then deserted

him and came at a rush。  The stranger…person stood

holding out trembling arms。

〃Are you sure; at last; runaway?〃 asked Philip Ammon。

〃Perfectly sure!〃 cried Elnora。

〃Will you marry me now?〃

〃This instant!  That is; any time after the noon boat

comes in。〃

〃Why such unnecessary delay?〃 demanded Ammon。

〃It is almost September;〃 explained Elnora。  〃I sent

for mother three days ago。  We must wait until she comes;

and we either have to send for Uncle Wesley and Aunt

Margaret; or go to them。  I couldn't possibly be married

properly without those dear people。〃

〃We will send;〃 decided Ammon。  〃The trip will be

a treat for them。  O'More; would you get off a message

at once?〃

Every one met the noon boat。  They went in the motor

because Philip was too weak to walk so far。  As soon as

people could be distinguished at all Elnora and Philip

sighted an erect figure; with a head like a snowdrift。 

When the gang…plank fell the first person across it was

a lean; red…haired boy of eleven; carrying a violin in

one hand and an enormous bouquet of yellow marigolds and

purple asters in the other。  He was beaming with broad

smiles until he saw Philip。  Then his expression changed。

〃Aw; say!〃 he exclaimed reproachfully。  〃I bet you

Aunt Margaret is right。  He is going to be your beau!〃

Elnora stooped to kiss Billy as she caught her mother。

〃There; there!〃 cried Mrs。 Comstock。  〃Don't knock

my headgear into my eye。  I'm not sure I've got either

hat or hair。  The wind blew like bizzem coming up the river。〃

She shook out her skirts; straightened her hat; and

came forward to meet Philip; who took her into his arms

and kissed her repeatedly。  Then he passed her along to

Freckles and the Angel to whom her greetings were mingled

with scolding and laughter over her wind…blown hair。

〃No doubt I'm a precious spectacle!〃 she said to the Angel。 

〃I saw your pa a little before I started; and he sent you

a note。  It's in my satchel。  He said he was coming up

next week。  What a lot of people there are in this world! 

And what on earth are all of them laughing about? 

Did none of them ever hear of sickness; or sorrow;

or death?  Billy; don't you go to playing Indian or

chasing woodchucks until you get out of those clothes。 

I promised Margaret I'd bring back that suit good as new。〃

Then the O'More children came crowding to meet Elnora's mother。

〃Merry Christmas!〃 cried Mrs。 Comstock; gathering

them in。  〃Got everything right here but the tree; and

there seems to be plenty of them a little higher up。 

If this wind would stiffen just enough more to blow away

the people; so one could see this place; I believe it would

be right decent looking。〃

〃See here;〃 whispered Elnora to Philip。  〃You must

fix this with Billy。  I can't have his trip spoiled。〃

〃Now; here is where I dust the rest of 'em!〃 complacently

remarked Mrs。 Comstock; as she climbed into the motor car

for her first ride; in company with Philip and Little Brother。 

〃I have been the one to trudge the roads and hop out of the

way of these things for quite a spell。〃

She sat very erect as the car rolled into the broad main

avenue; where only stray couples were walking。  Her eyes

began to twinkle and gleam。  Suddenly she leaned forward

and touched the driver on the shoulder。

〃Young man;〃 she said; 〃just you toot that horn suddenly

and shave close enough a few of those people; so that I

can see how I look when I leap for ragweed and snake fences。〃

The amazed chauffeur glanced questioningly at Philip

who slightly nodded。  A second later there was a quick

〃honk!〃 and a swerve at a corner。  A man engrossed

in conversation grabbed the woman to whom he was talking

and dashed for the safety of a lawn。  The woman

tripped in her skirts; and as she fell the man caught and

dragged her。  Both of them turned red faces to the car

and berated the driver。  Mrs。 Comstock laughed in

unrestrained enj

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