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a girl of the limberlost-第70节

小说: a girl of the limberlost 字数: 每页4000字

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〃I can't help worrying!〃 cried Philip。  〃I can think of

fifty things that may happen to her when she thinks she

is safe。  This is distracting!  First; I am going to run

up to see my father。  Then; I'll let you know what we

have decided。  Is there anything I can do for you?〃

〃Nothing!〃 said Mrs。 Comstock。

But the desire to do something for him was so strong

with her she scarcely could keep her lips closed or her

hands quiet。  She longed to tell him what Edith Carr had

said; how it had affected Elnora; and to comfort him as she

felt she could。  But loyalty to the girl held her。  If Elnora

truly felt that she could not decide until Edith Carr was

convinced; then Edith Carr would have to yield or triumph。 

It rested with Philip。  So Mrs。 Comstock kept silent; while

Philip took the night limited; a bitterly disappointed man。

By noon the next day he was in his father's offices。  They had

a long conference; but did not arrive at much until the elder

Ammon suggested sending for Polly。  Anything that might have

happened could be explained after Polly had told of the

private conference between Edith and Elnora。

〃Talk about lovely woman!〃 cried Philip Ammon。  〃One would

think that after such a dose as Edith gave me; she would

be satisfied to let me go my way; but no!  Not caring for

me enough herself to save me from public disgrace; she must

now pursue me to keep any other woman from loving me。 

I call that too much!  I am going to see her; and I want

you to go with me; father。〃

〃Very well;〃 said Mr。 Ammon; 〃I will go。〃

When Edith Carr came into her reception…room that

afternoon; gowned for conquest; she expected only Philip;

and him penitent。  She came hurrying toward him; smiling;

radiant; ready to use every allurement she possessed; and

paused in dismay when she saw his cold face and his father。 

〃Why; Phil!〃 she cried。  〃When did you come home?〃

〃I am not at home;〃 answered Philip。  〃I merely ran up

to see my father on business; and to inquire of you what

it was you said to Miss Comstock yesterday that caused

her to disappear before I could return to the Limberlost。〃

〃Miss Comstock disappear!  Impossible!〃 cried Edith Carr。 

〃Where could she go?〃

〃I thought perhaps you could answer that; since it was

through you that she went。〃

〃Phil; I haven't the faintest idea where she is;〃 said the

girl gently。

〃But you know perfectly why she went!  Kindly tell me that。〃

〃Let me see you alone; and I will。〃

〃Here and now; or not at all。〃


〃What did you say to the girl I love?〃

Then Edith Carr stretched out her arms。

〃Phil; I am the girl you love!〃 she cried。  〃All your

life you have loved me。  Surely it cannot be all gone in

a few weeks of misunderstanding。  I was jealous of her! 

I did not want you to leave me an instant that night for any

other girl living。  That was the moth I was representing。 

Every one knew it!  I wanted you to bring it to me。 

When you did not; I knew instantly it had been for her

that you worked last summer; she who suggested my

dress; she who had power to take you from me; when I

wanted you most。  The thought drove me mad; and I said

and did those insane things。  Phil; I beg your pardon! 

I ask your forgiveness。  Yesterday she said that you had

told her of me at once。  She vowed both of you had been

true to me and Phil; I couldn't look into her eyes and not

see that it was the truth。  Oh; Phil; if you understood how

I have suffered you would forgive me。  Phil; I never knew

how much I cared for you!  I will do anythinganything!〃

〃Then tell me what you said to Elnora yesterday that

drove her; alone and friendless; into the night; heaven

knows where!〃

〃You have no thought for any one save her?〃

〃Yes;〃 said Philip。  〃I have。  Because I once loved you;

and believed in you; my heart aches for you。  I will gladly

forgive anything you ask。  I will do anything you want;

except to resume our former relations。  That is impossible。 

It is hopeless and useless to ask it。〃

〃You truly mean that!〃


〃Then find out from her what I said!〃

〃Come; father;〃 said Philip; rising。

〃You were going to show Miss Comstock's letter to

Edith!〃 suggested Mr。 Ammon。

〃I have not the slightest interest in Miss Comstock's

letter;〃 said Edith Carr。

〃You are not even interested in the fact that she says

you are not responsible for her going; and that I am to call

on you and be friends with you?〃

〃That is interesting; indeed!〃 sneered Miss Carr。

She took the letter; read and returned it。

〃She has done what she could for my cause; it seems;〃

she said coldly。  〃How very generous of her!  Do you

propose calling out Pinkertons and instituting a

general search?〃

〃No;〃 replied Philip。  〃I simply propose to go back to

the Limberlost and live with her mother; until Elnora

becomes convinced that I am not courting you; and never

shall be。  Then; perhaps; she will come home to us。 

Good…bye。  Good luck to you always!〃




Many people looked; a few followed; when Edith Carr

slowly came down the main street of Mackinac; pausing

here and there to note the glow of colour in one small

booth after another; overflowing with gay curios。 

That street of packed white sand; winding with the

curves of the shore; outlined with brilliant shops;

and thronged with laughing; bare…headed people in outing

costumes was a picturesque and fascinating sight。 

Thousands annually made long journeys and paid exorbitant

prices to take part in that pageant。

As Edith Carr passed; she was the most distinguished

figure of the old street。  Her clinging black gown was

sufficiently elaborate for a dinner dress。  On her head was

a large; wide; drooping…brimmed black hat; with immense

floating black plumes; while on the brim; and among the

laces on her breast glowed velvety; deep red roses。 

Some way these made up for the lack of colour in her cheeks

and lips; and while her eyes seemed unnaturally bright;

to a close observer they appeared weary。  Despite the

effort she made to move lightly she was very tired;

and dragged her heavy feet with an effort。

She turned at the little street leading to the dock; and

went to meet the big lake steamer ploughing up the Straits

from Chicago。  Past the landing place; on to the very end

of the pier she went; then sat down; leaned against a dock

support and closed her tired eyes。  When the steamer

came very close she languidly watched the people lining

the railing。  Instantly she marked one lean anxious face

turned toward hers; and with a throb of pity she lifted a

hand and waved to Hart Henderson。  He was the first

man to leave the boat; coming to her instantly。  She spread

her trailing skirts and motioned him to sit beside her。 

Silently they looked across the softly lapping water。 

At last she forced herself to speak to him。

〃Did you have a successful trip?〃

〃I accomplished my purpose。〃

〃You didn't lose any time getting back。〃

〃I never do when I am coming to you。〃

〃Do you want to go to the cottage for anything?〃


〃Then let us sit here and wait until the Petoskey

steamer comes in。  I like to watch the boats。 

Sometimes I study the faces; if I am not too tired。〃

〃Have you seen any new types to…day?〃

She shook her head。  〃This has not been an easy day; Hart。〃

〃And it's going to be worse;〃 said Henderson bitterly。 

〃There's no use putting it off。  Edith; I saw some one to…day。〃

〃You should have seen thousands;〃 she said lightly。

〃I did。  But of them all; only one will be of interest to you。〃

〃Man or woman?〃



〃Lake Shore private hospital。〃

〃An accident?〃

〃No。  Nervous and physical breakdown。〃

〃Phil said he was going back to the Limberlost。〃

〃He went。  He was there three weeks; but the strain

broke him。  He has an old letter in his hands that he has

handled until it is ragged。  He held it up to me and said: 

〃You can see for yourself that she says she will be well and

happy; but we can't know until we see her again; and that

may never be。  She may have gone too near that place her

father went down; some of that Limberlost gang may have

found her in the forest; she may lie dead in some city

morgue this instant; waiting for me to find her body。〃

〃Hart!  For pity sake stop!〃

〃I can't;〃 cried Henderson desperately。  〃I am forced

to tell you。  They are fighting brain fever。  He did go

back to the swamp and he prowled it night and day。 

The days down there are hot now; and the nights wet with

dew and cold。  He paid no attention and forgot his food。 

A fever started and his uncle brought him home。 

They've never had a word f

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