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a girl of the limberlost-第48节

小说: a girl of the limberlost 字数: 每页4000字

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to devise the wing of a moth。  If there ever was a miracle;

this whole process is one。  Now; as I understand it; this

creature is going to keep on spreading those wings; until

they grow to size and harden to strength sufficient to

bear its body。  Then it flies away; mates with its kind;

lays its eggs on the leaves of a certain tree; and the eggs

hatch tiny caterpillars which eat just that kind of leaves;

and the worms grow and grow; and take on different

forms and colours until at last they are big caterpillars

six inches long; with large horns。  Then they burrow into

the earth; build a water…proof house around themselves

from material which is inside them; and lie through rain

and freezing cold for months。  A year from egg laying they

come out like this; and begin the process all over again。 

They don't eat; they don't see distinctly; they live but

a few days; and fly only at night; then they drop off easy;

but the process goes on。〃

A shivering movement went over the moth。  The wings

drooped and spread wider。  Mrs。 Comstock sank into

soft awed tones。

〃There never was a moment in my life;〃 she said;

〃when I felt so in the Presence; as I do now。  I feel as

if the Almighty were so real; and so near; that I could

reach out and touch Him; as I could this wonderful work

of His; if I dared。  I feel like saying to Him:  ‘To the

extent of my brain power I realize Your presence; and all

it is in me to comprehend of Your power。  Help me to learn;

even this late; the lessons of Your wonderful creations。 

Help me to unshackle and expand my soul to the fullest

realization of Your wonders。  Almighty God; make me bigger;

make me broader!'〃

The moth climbed to the end of the projection; up it

a little way; then suddenly reversed its wings; turned

the hidden sides out and dropped them beside its abdomen;

like a large fly。  The upper side of the wings; thus

exposed; was far richer colour; more exquisite texture than

the under; and they slowly half lifted and drooped again。 

Mrs。 Comstock turned her face to Philip。

〃Am I an old fool; or do you feel it; too?〃 she half whispered。

〃You are wiser than you ever have been before;〃

answered he。  〃I feel it; also。〃

〃And I;〃 breathed Elnora。

The moth spread its wings; shivered them tremulously;

opening and closing them rapidly。  Philip handed the box

to Elnora。

She shook her head。

〃I can't take that one;〃 she said。  〃Give her freedom。〃

〃But; Elnora;〃 protested Mrs。 Comstock; 〃I don't want to

let her go。  She's mine。  She's the first one I ever found

this way。  Can't you put her in a big box; and let her live;

without hurting her?  I can't bear to let her go。  I want

to learn all about her。〃

〃Then watch while we gather these on the trees;〃 said Elnora。 

〃We will take her home until night and then decide what to do。 

She won't fly for a long time yet。〃

Mrs。 Comstock settled on the ground; gazing at the moth。 

Elnora and Philip went to the baited trees; placing

several large moths and a number of smaller ones in the

cyanide jar; and searching the bushes beyond where they

found several paired specimens of differing families。 

When they returned Elnora showed her mother how to

hold her hand before the moth so that it would climb upon

her fingers。  Then they started back to the cabin; Elnora

and Philip leading the way; Mrs。 Comstock followed

slowly; stepping with great care lest she stumble and

injure the moth。  Her face wore a look of comprehension;

in her eyes was an exalted light。  On she came to the blue…

bordered pool lying beside her path。

A turtle scrambled from a log and splashed into the

water; while a red…wing shouted; 〃O…ka…lee!〃 to her。 

Mrs。 Comstock paused and looked intently at the slime…

covered quagmire; framed in a flower riot and homed over

by sweet…voiced birds。  Then she gazed at the thing of

incomparable beauty clinging to her fingers and said softly: 

〃If you had known about wonders like these in the days of

your youth; Robert Comstock; could you ever have done what

you did?〃

Elnora missed her mother; and turning to look for her;

saw her standing beside the pool。  Would the old

fascination return?  A panic of fear seized the girl。 

She went back swiftly。

〃Are you afraid she is going?〃 Elnora asked。  〃If you are;

cup your other hand over her for shelter。  Carrying her

through this air and in the hot sunshine will dry her wings

and make them ready for flight very quickly。  You can't trust

her in such air and light as you can in the cool dark woods。〃

While she talked she took hold of her mother's sleeve;

anxiously smiling a pitiful little smile that Mrs。

Comstock understood。  Philip set his load at the back door;

returning to hold open the garden gate for Elnora and

Mrs。 Comstock。  He reached it in time to see them standing

together beside the pool。  The mother bent swiftly and

kissed the girl on the lips。  Philip turned and was busily

hunting moths on the raspberry bushes when they reached

the gate。  And so excellent are the rewards of attending

your own business; that he found a Promethea on a lilac

in a corner; a moth of such rare wine…coloured; velvety

shades that it almost sent Mrs。 Comstock to her knees again。 

But this one was fully developed; able to fly; and had to

be taken into the cabin hurriedly。  Mrs。 Comstock stood in

the middle of the room holding up her Regalis。

〃Now what must I do?〃 she asked。

Elnora glanced at Philip Ammon。  Their eyes met and

both of them smiled; he with amusement at the tall; spare

figure; with dark eyes and white crown; asking the childish

question so confidingly; and Elnora with pride。  She was

beginning to appreciate the character of her mother。

〃How would you like to sit and see her finish development? 

I'll get dinner;〃 proposed the girl。

After they had dined; Philip and Elnora carried the dishes

to the kitchen; brought out boxes; sheets of cork; pins;

ink; paper slips and everything necessary for mounting and

classifying the moths they had taken。  When the housework

was finished Mrs。 Comstock with her ruffle sat near;

watching and listening。  She remembered all they said

that she understood; and when uncertain she asked questions。 

Occasionally she laid down her work to straighten some

flower which needed attention or to search the garden for

a bug for the grosbeak。  In one of these absences Elnora

said to Philip:  〃These replace quite a number of the moths I

lost for the man of India。  With a week of such luck;

I could almost begin to talk college again。〃

〃There is no reason why you should not have the week

and the luck;〃 said he。  〃I have taken moths until the

middle of August; though I suspect one is more likely to

find late ones in the north where it is colder than here。 

The next week is hay…time; but we can count on a few

double…brooders and strays; and by working the exchange method

for all it is worth; I think we can complete the collection again。〃

〃You almost make me hope;〃 said Elnora; 〃but I must

not allow myself。  I don't truly think I can replace all I

lost; not even with your help。  If I could; I scarcely see my

way clear to leave mother this winter。  I have found her

so recently; and she is so precious; I can't risk losing

her again。  I am going to take the nature position in the

Onabasha schools; and I shall be most happy doing the work。 

Only; these are a temptation。〃

〃I wish you might go to college this fall with the other

girls;〃 said Philip。  〃I feel that if you don't you never will。 

Isn't there some way?〃

〃I can't see it if there is; and I really don't want to

leave mother。〃

〃Well; mother is mighty glad to hear it;〃 said Mrs。

Comstock; entering the arbour。

Philip noticed that her face was pale; her lips quivering;

her voice cold。

〃I was telling your daughter that she should go to

college this winter;〃 he explained; 〃but she says she

doesn't want to leave you。〃

〃If she wants to go; I wish she could;〃 said Mrs。 Comstock;

a look of relief spreading over her face。

〃Oh; all girls want to go to college;〃 said Philip。  〃It's the

only proper place to learn bridge and embroidery; not to

mention midnight lunches of mixed pickles and fruit cake;

and all the delights of the sororities。〃

〃I have thought for years of going to college;〃 said

Elnora; 〃but I never thought of any of those things。〃

〃That is because your education in fudge and bridge has

been sadly neglected;〃 said Philip。  〃You should hear my

sister Polly!  This was her final year!  Lunches and

sororities were all I heard her mention; until Tom Levering

came on deck; now he is the leading subject。  I can't

see from her daily conversation that she knows half as

much really worth knowing as you do; but she's ahead of

you miles on fun。〃

〃Oh; we had some good times in the high scho

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