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a girl of the limberlost-第46节

小说: a girl of the limberlost 字数: 每页4000字

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He had not intended to voice that thought。

〃Yes;〃 she said; looking into his eyes。  〃Just in time

to prevent my mother from saving the life of my father。 

She came near never forgiving me。〃

〃Ah; cruel!〃 cried Philip。

〃I find much in life that is cruel; from our standpoints;〃

said Elnora。  〃It takes the large wisdom of the Unfathomable;

the philosophy of the Almighty; to endure some of it。 

But there is always right somewhere; and at last it seems

to come。〃

〃Will it come to you?〃 asked Philip; who found himself

deeply affected。

〃It has come;〃 said the girl serenely。  〃It came a week ago。 

It came in fullest measure when my mother ceased to regret

that I had been born。  Now; work that I love has comethat

should constitute happiness。  A little farther along is my

violet bed。  I want you to see it。〃

As Philip Ammon followed he definitely settled upon the

name of the unusual feature of Elnora's face。  It should be

called 〃experience。〃  She had known bitter experiences

early in life。  Suffering had been her familiar more than joy。 

He watched her earnestly; his heart deeply moved。  She led

him into a swampy half…open space in the woods; stopped

and stepped aside。  He uttered a cry of surprised delight。

A few decaying logs were scattered around; the grass

grew in tufts long and fine。  Blue flags waved; clusters of

cowslips nodded gold heads; but the whole earth was purple

with a thick blanket of violets nodding from stems a foot

in length。  Elnora knelt and slipping her fingers between

the leaves and grasses to the roots; gathered a few violets

and gave them to Philip。

〃Can your city greenhouses surpass them?〃 she asked。

He sat on a log to examine the blooms。

〃They are superb!〃 he said。  〃I never saw such

length of stem or such rank leaves; while the flowers are

the deepest blue; the truest violet I ever saw growing wild。 

They are coloured exactly like the eyes of the girl I am

going to marry。〃

Elnora handed him several others to add to those he held。 

〃She must have wonderful eyes;〃 she commented。

〃No other blue eyes are quite so beautiful;〃 he said。 

〃In fact; she is altogether lovely。〃

〃Is it customary for a man to think the girl he is going

to marry lovely?  I wonder if I should find her so。〃

〃You would;〃 said Philip。  〃No one ever fails to。  She is

tall as you; very slender; but perfectly rounded; you

know about her eyes; her hair is black and wavywhile

her complexion is clear and flushed with red。〃

〃Why; she must be the most beautiful girl in the whole

world!〃 she cried。

〃No; indeed!〃 he said。  〃She is not a particle better

looking in her way than you are in yours。  She is a type

of dark beauty; but you are equally as perfect。  She is

unusual in her combination of black hair and violet eyes;

although every one thinks them black at a little distance。 

You are quite as unusual with your fair face; black brows;

and brown hair; indeed; I know many people who would

prefer your bright head to her dark one。  It's all a question

of tasteand being engaged to the girl;〃 he added。

〃That would be likely to prejudice one;〃 laughed Elnora。

〃Edith has a birthday soon; if these last will you let me

have a box of them to send her?〃

〃I will help gather and pack them for you; so they will

carry nicely。  Does she hunt moths with you?〃

Back went Philip Ammon's head in a gale of laughter。

〃No!〃 he cried。  〃She says they are ‘creepy。'  She would

go into a spasm if she were compelled to touch those

caterpillars I saw you handling yesterday。〃

〃Why would she?〃 marvelled Elnora。  〃Haven't you

told her that they are perfectly clean; helpless;

and harmless as so much animate velvet?〃

〃No; I have not told her。  She wouldn't care enough

about caterpillars to listen。〃

〃In what is she interested?〃

〃What interests Edith Carr?  Let me think!  First; I

believe she takes pride in being a little handsomer and

better dressed than any girl of her set。  She is interested

in having a beautiful home; fine appointments; in being

petted; praised; and the acknowledged leader of society。

〃She likes to find new things which amuse her; and to always

and in all circumstances have her own way about everything。〃

〃Good gracious!〃 cried Elnora; staring at him。  〃But what

does she do?  How does she spend her time?〃

〃Spend her time!〃 repeated Philip。  〃Well; she would call

that a joke。  Her days are never long enough。  There is

endless shopping; to find the pretty things; regular visits

to the dressmakers; calls; parties; theatres; entertainments。 

She is always rushed。  I never am able to be with her half as

much as I would like。〃

〃But I mean work;〃 persisted Elnora。  〃In what is she

interested that is useful to the world?〃

〃Me!〃 cried Philip promptly。

〃I can understand that;〃 laughed Elnora。  〃What I

can't understand is how you can be in〃  She stopped in

confusion; but she saw that he had finished the sentence as

she had intended。  〃I beg your pardon!〃 she cried。  〃I didn't

intend to say that。  But I cannot understand these people

I hear about who live only for their own amusement。 

Perhaps it is very great; I'll never have a chance to know。 

To me; it seems the only pleasure in this world worth

having is the joy we derive from living for those we love;

and those we can help。  I hope you are not angry with me。〃

Philip sat silently looking far away; with deep thought

in his eyes。

〃You are angry;〃 faltered Elnora。

His look came back to her as she knelt before him among

the flowers and he gazed at her steadily。

〃No doubt I should be;〃 he said; 〃but the fact is I

am not。  I cannot understand a life purely for personal

pleasure myself。  But she is only a girl; and this is

her playtime。  When she is a woman in her own home; then

she will be different; will she not?〃

Elnora never resembled her mother so closely as when

she answered that question。

〃I would have to be well acquainted with her to know;

but I should hope so。  To make a real home for a tired

business man is a very different kind of work from that

required to be a leader of society。  It demands different

talent and education。  Of course; she means to change; or

she would not have promised to make a home for you。  I suspect

our dope is cool now; let's go try for some butterflies。〃

As they went along the path together Elnora talked of

many things but Philip answered absently。  Evidently he

was thinking of something else。  But the moth bait

recalled him and he was ready for work as they made their

way back to the woods。  He wanted to try the Limberlost;

but Elnora was firm about remaining on home ground。 

She did not tell him that lights hung in the swamp would

be a signal to call up a band of men whose presence

she dreaded。  So they started; Ammon carrying the dope;

Elnora the net; Billy and Mrs。 Comstock following with

cyanide boxes and lanterns。

First they tried for butterflies and captured several fine

ones without trouble。  They also called swarms of ants;

bees; beetles; and flies。  When it grew dusk; Mrs。 Comstock

and Philip went to prepare supper。  Elnora and Billy

remained until the butterflies disappeared。  Then they

lighted the lanterns; repainted the trees and followed

the home trail。

〃Do you 'spec you'll get just a lot of moths?〃 asked

Billy; as he walked beside Elnora。

〃I am sure I hardly know;〃 said the girl。  〃This is a

new way for me。  Perhaps they will come to the lights; but

few moths eat; and I have some doubt about those which

the lights attract settling on the right trees。  Maybe the

smell of that dope will draw them。  Between us; Billy; I

think I like my old way best。  If I can find a hidden moth;

slip up and catch it unawares; or take it in full flight;

it's my captive; and I can keep it until it dies naturally。 

But this way you seem to get it under false pretences; it has no

chance; and it will probably ruin its wings struggling for

freedom before morning。〃

〃Well; any moth ought to be proud to be taken anyway;

by you;〃 said Billy。  〃Just look what you do!  You can

make everybody love them。  People even quit hating

caterpillars when they see you handle them and hear you

tell all about them。  You must have some to show people

how they are。  It's not like killing things to see if you

can; or because you want to eat them; the way most men

kill birds。  I think it is right for you to take enough for

collections; to show city people; and to illustrate the

Bird Woman's books。  You go on and take them!  The moths

don't care。  They're glad to have you。  They like it!〃

〃Billy; I see your future;〃 said Elnora。  〃We will

educate you and send you up to Mr。 Ammon to make a

great lawyer。  You'd beat the world as a special pleader。

You actually make me feel that I a

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