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a girl of the limberlost-第32节

小说: a girl of the limberlost 字数: 每页4000字

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〃It is only rich folks who buy presents at stores;〃

replied Mrsstock。 〃I can't afford it。〃

〃Well; we ain't rich;〃 he said; 〃but we are going to buy

Elnora something as fine as the rest of them have if we sell

a corner of the farm。  Uncle Wesley said so。〃

〃A fool and his land are soon parted;〃 said Mrs。

Comstock tersely。  Wesley and Billy laughed; but

Margaret did not enjoy the remark。

While they were searching the stores for something on

which all of them could decide; and Margaret was holding

Billy to keep him from saying anything before Mrs。 Comstock

about the music on which he was determined; Mr。 Brownlee

met Wesley and stopped to shake hands。

〃I see your boy came out finely;〃 he said。

〃I don't allow any boy anywhere to be finer than Billy;〃

said Wesley。

〃I guess you don't allow any girl to surpass Elnora;〃

said Mr。 Brownlee。  〃She comes home with Ellen often;

and my wife and I love her。  Ellen says she is great in her

part to…night。  Best thing in the whole play!  Of course;

you are in to see it!  If you haven't reserved seats; you'd

better start pretty soon; for the high school auditorium

only seats a thousand。  It's always jammed at these home…

talent plays。  All of us want to see how our children perform。〃

〃Why yes; of course;〃 said the bewildered Wesley。 

Then he hurried to Margaret。  〃Say;〃 he said; 〃there is

going to be a play at the high school to…night; and Elnora

is in it。  Why hasn't she told us?〃

〃I don't know;〃 said Margaret; 〃but I'm going。〃

〃So am I;〃 said Billy。

〃Me too!〃 said Wesley; 〃unless you think for some

reason she doesn't want us。  Looks like she would have

told us if she had。  I'm going to ask her mother。〃

〃Yes; that's what's she's been staying in town for;〃 said

Mrs。 Comstock。  〃It's some sort of a swindle to raise

money for her class to buy some silly thing to stick up in

the school house hall to remember them by。  I don't know

whether it's now or next week; but there's something of the

kind to be done。〃

〃Well; it's to…night;〃 said Wesley; 〃and we are going。 

It's my treat; and we've got to hurry or we won't get in。 

There are reserved seats; and we have none; so it's the

gallery for us; but I don't care so I get to take one good

peep at Elnora。〃

〃S'pose she plays?〃 whispered Margaret in his ear。

〃Aw; tush!  She couldn't!〃 said Wesley。

〃Well; she's been doing it three years in the orchestra;

and working like a slave at it。〃

〃Oh; well that's different。  She's in the play to…night。 

Brownlee told me so。  Come on; quick!  We'll drive and

hitch closest place we can find to the building。〃

Margaret went in the excitement of the moment; but

she was troubled。

When they reached the building Wesley tied the team

to a railing and Billy sprang out to help Margaret。 

Mrs。 Comstock sat still。

〃Come on; Kate;〃 said Wesley; reaching his hand。

〃I'm not going anywhere;〃 said Mrs。 Comstock;

settling comfortably back against the cushions。

All of them begged and pleaded; but it was no use。  Not an

inch would Mrs。 Comstock budge。  The night was warm and

the carriage comfortable; the horses were securely hitched。 

She did not care to see what idiotic thing a pack of school

children were doing; she would wait until the Sintons returned。 

Wesley told her it might be two hours; and she said she did

not care if it were four; so they left her。

〃Did you ever see such?〃

〃Cookies!〃 cried Billy。

〃Such blamed stubbornness in all your life?〃 demanded Wesley。 

〃Won't come to see as fine a girl as Elnora in a

stage performance。  Why; I wouldn't miss it for fifty dollars!

〃I think it's a blessing she didn't;〃 said Margaret placidly。 

〃I begged unusually hard so she wouldn't。  I'm scared of my

life for fear Elnora will play。〃

They found seats near the door where they could see

fairly well。  Billy stood at the back of the hall and had a

good view。  By and by; a great volume of sound welled

from the orchestra; but Elnora was not playing。

〃Told you so!〃 said Sinton。  〃Got a notion to go out

and see if Kate won't come now。  She can take my seat;

and I'll stand with Billy。〃

〃You sit  still!〃 said Margaret emphatically。  〃This is

not over yet。〃

So Wesley remained in his seat。  The play opened and

progressed very much as all high school plays have gone

for the past fifty years。  But Elnora did not appear in any

of the scenes。

Out in the warm summer night a sour; grim woman

nursed an aching heart and tried to justify herself。 

The effort irritated her intensely。  She felt that she

could not afford the things that were being done。 

The old fear of losing the land that she and Robert

Comstock had purchased and started clearing was strong

upon her。  She was thinking of him; how she needed him;

when the orchestra music poured from the open windows

near her。  Mrs。 Comstock endured it as long as she

could; and then slipped from the carriage and fled down

the street。

She did not know how far she went or how long she stayed;

but everything was still; save an occasional raised

voice when she wandered back。  She stood looking at

the building。  Slowly she entered the wide gates and

followed up the walk。  Elnora had been coming here for

almost four years。  When Mrs。 Comstock reached the door she

looked inside。  The wide hall was lighted with electricity;

and the statuary and the decorations of the walls did not

seem like pieces of foolishness。  The marble appeared

pure; white; and the big pictures most interesting。 

She walked the length of the hall and slowly read the titles

of the statues and the names of the pupils who had donated them。 

She speculated on where the piece Elnora's class would buy

could be placed to advantage。

Then she wondered if they were having a large enough

audience to buy marble。  She liked it better than the

bronze; but it looked as if it cost more。  How white the

broad stairway was!  Elnora had been climbing those

stairs for years and never told her they were marble。 

Of course; she thought they were wood。  Probably the upper

hall was even grander than this。  She went over to the

fountain; took a drink; climbed to the first landing and

looked around her; and then without thought to the second。 

There she came opposite the wide…open doors and the

entrance to the auditorium packed with people and a

crowd standing outside。  When they noticed a tall

woman with white face and hair and black dress; one by

one they stepped a little aside; so that Mrs。 Comstock

could see the stage。  It was covered with curtains; and no

one was doing anything。  Just as she turned to go a sound

so faint that every one leaned forward and listened;

drifted down the auditorium。  It was difficult to tell just

what it was; after one instant half the audience looked

toward the windows; for it seemed only a breath of wind

rustling freshly opened leaves; merely a hint of stirring air。

Then the curtains were swept aside swiftly。  The stage

had been transformed into a lovely little corner of creation;

where trees and flowers grew and moss carpeted the earth。 

A soft wind blew and it was the gray of dawn。  Suddenly a

robin began to sing; then a song sparrow joined him; and

then several orioles began talking at once。  The light grew

stronger; the dew drops trembled; flower perfume began

to creep out to the audience; the air moved the branches

gently and a rooster crowed。  Then all the scene was

shaken with a babel of bird notes in which you could hear

a cardinal whistling; and a blue finch piping。  Back somewhere

among the high branches a dove cooed and then a horse

neighed shrilly。  That set a blackbird crying; 〃T'check;〃

and a whole flock answered it。  The crows began to caw and

a lamb bleated。  Then the grosbeaks; chats; and vireos

had something to say; and the sun rose higher; the light

grew stronger and the breeze rustled the treetops

loudly; a cow bawled and the whole barnyard answered。 

The guineas were clucking; the turkey gobbler strutting;

the hens calling; the chickens cheeping; the light streamed

down straight overhead and the bees began to hum。  The air

stirred strongly; and away in an unseen field a reaper

clacked and rattled through ripening wheat while the

driver whistled。  An uneasy mare whickered to her colt;

the colt answered; and the light began to decline。 

Miles away a rooster crowed for twilight; and dusk was

coming down。  Then a catbird and a brown thrush sang

against a grosbeak and a hermit thrush。  The air was

tremulous with heavenly notes; the lights went out in the

hall; dusk swept across the stage; a cricket sang and a

katydid answered; and a wood pewee wrung the heart with

its lonesome cry。  Then a night hawk screamed; a whip…

poor…will complained; a belated killdeer swept the sky;

and the night wind sang a louder song。  

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