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a girl of the limberlost-第24节

小说: a girl of the limberlost 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Did it hurt him to die?〃

〃I don't know。〃

Billy was wide awake again。  〃It didn't hurt my pa;〃

he boasted; 〃he ist died while he was asleep。  He didn't

even know it was coming。〃

〃I am glad of that;〃 said Elnora; pressing the small

head against her breast again。

Billy escaped her hand and sat up。  〃I guess I won't go

to sleep;〃 he said。  〃It might ‘come softly' and get me。〃

〃It won't get you; Billy;〃 said Elnora; rocking and

singing between sentences。  〃It doesn't get little boys。 

It just takes big people who are sick。〃

〃Was my pa sick?〃

〃Yes;〃 said Elnora。  〃He had a dreadful sickness

inside him that burned; and made him drink things。 

That was why he would forget his little boys and girl。 

If he had been well; he would have gotten you good things

to eat; clean clothes; and had the most fun with you。〃

Billy leaned against her and closed his eyes; and Elnora

rocked hopefully。

〃If I was dead would you cry?〃 he was up again。

〃Yes; I would;〃 said Elnora; gripping him closer until

Billy almost squealed with the embrace。

〃Do you love me tight as that?〃 he questioned blissfully。

〃Yes; bushels and bushels;〃 said Elnora。  〃Better than

any little boy in the whole world。〃

Billy looked at Margaret。  〃She don't!〃 he said。

〃She'd be glad if it would get me ‘softly;' right now。 

She don't want me here 't all。〃

Elnora smothered his face against her breast and rocked。 

〃You love me; don't you?〃

〃I will; if you will go to sleep。〃

〃Every single day you will give me your dinner for

the bologna; won't you;〃 said Billy。

〃Yes; I will;〃 replied Elnora。  〃But you will have as

good lunch as I do after this。  You will have milk; eggs;

chicken; all kinds of good things; little pies; and cakes; maybe。〃

Billy shook his head。  〃I am going back home soon as

it is light;〃 he said; 〃she don't want me。  She thinks

I'm a bad boy。  She's going to whip meif he lets her。 

She said so。  I heard her。  Oh; I wish he hadn't died! 

I want to go home。〃 Billy shrieked again。

Mrs。 Comstock had started to walk slowly to meet Elnora。 

The girl had been so late that her mother reached the

Sinton gate and followed the path until the picture inside

became visible。  Elnora had told her about Wesley

taking Billy home。  Mrs。 Comstock had some curiosity

to see how Margaret bore the unexpected addition to

her family。  Billy's voice; raised with excitement; was

plainly audible。  She could see Elnora holding him; and

hear his excited wail。  Wesley's face was drawn and haggard;

and Margaret's set and defiant。  A very imp of perversity

entered the breast of Mrs。 Comstock。

〃Hoity; toity!〃 she said as she suddenly appeared

in the door。  〃Blest if I ever heard a man making sounds

like that before!〃

Billy ceased suddenly。  Mrs。 Comstock was tall; angular;

and her hair was prematurely white。  She was only

thirty…six; although she appeared fifty。  But there

was an expression on her usually cold face that was

attractive just then; and Billy was in search of attractions。

〃Have I stayed too late; mother?〃 asked Elnora anxiously。 

〃I truly intended to come straight back; but I thought

I could rock Billy to sleep first。  Everything is strange;

and he's so nervous。〃

〃Is that your ma?〃 demanded Billy。


〃Does she love you?〃

〃Of course!〃

〃My mother didn't love me;〃 said Billy。  〃She went

away and left me; and never came back。  She don't care

what happens to me。  You wouldn't go away and leave

your little girl; would you?〃 questioned Billy。

〃No;〃 said Katharine Comstock; 〃and I wouldn't

leave a little boy; either。〃

Billy began sliding from Elnora's knees。

〃Do you like boys?〃 he questioned。

〃If there is anything I love it is a boy;〃 said Mrs。

Comstock assuringly。  Billy was on the floor。

〃Do you like dogs?〃

〃Yes。  Almost as well as boys。  I am going to buy a

dog as soon as I can find a good one。〃

Billy swept toward her with a whoop。

〃Do you want a boy?〃 he shouted。

Katharine Comstock stretched out her arms; and

gathered him in。

〃Of course; I want a boy!〃 she rejoiced。

〃Maybe you'd like to have me?〃 offered Billy。

〃Sure I would;〃 triumphed Mrs。 Comstock。  〃Any one

would like to have you。  You are just a real boy; Billy。〃

〃Will you take Snap?〃

〃I'd like to have Snap almost as well as you。〃

〃Mother!〃 breathed Elnora imploringly。  〃Don't! Oh; don't! 

He thinks you mean it!〃

〃And so I do mean it;〃 said Mrs。 Comstock。  〃I'll take

him in a jiffy。  I throw away enough to feed a little

tyke like him every day。  His chatter would be great

company while you are gone。  Blood soon can be purified

with right food and baths; and as for Snap; I meant to

buy a bulldog; but possibly Snap will serve just as well。 

All I ask of a dog is to bark at the right time。  I'll do

the rest。  Would you like to come and be my boy; Billy?〃

Billy leaned against Mrs。 Comstock; reached his arms

around her neck and gripped her with all his puny might。 

〃You can whip me all you want to;〃 he said。  〃I won't

make a sound。〃

Mrs。 Comstock held him closely and her hard face was

softening; of that there could be no doubt。

〃Now; why would any one whip a nice little boy like

you?〃 she asked wonderingly。

〃She〃Billy from his refuge waved toward Margaret

〃she was going to whip me 'cause her cats fought;

when I tied their tails together and hung them over the

line to dry。  How did I know her old cats would fight?〃

Mrs。 Comstock began to laugh suddenly; and try as

she would she could not stop so soon as she desired。 

Billy studied her。

〃Have you got turkeys?〃 he demanded。

〃Yes; flocks of them;〃 said Mrs。 Comstock; vainly

struggling to suppress her mirth; and settle her face in

its accustomed lines。

〃Are their tails fast?〃 demanded Billy。

〃Why; I think so;〃 marvelled Mrs。 Comstock。

〃Hers ain't!〃 said Billy with the wave toward Margaret

that was becoming familiar。  〃Her turkey pulled;

and its tail comed right off。  She's going to whip me if he

lets her。  I didn't know the turkey would pull。  I didn't

know its tail would come off。  I won't ever touch one

again; will I?〃

〃Of course; you won't;〃 said Mrs。 Comstock。  〃And what's

more; I don't care if you do!  I'd rather have a fine

little man like you than all the turkeys in the country。 

Let them lose their old tails if they want to; and let

the cats fight。  Cats and turkeys don't compare with boys;

who are going to be fine big men some of these days。〃

Then Billy and Mrs。 Comstock hugged each other

rapturously; while their audience stared in silent amazement。

〃You like boys!〃 exulted Billy; and his head dropped

against Mrs。 Comstock in unspeakable content。

〃Yes; and if I don't have to carry you the whole way

home; we must start right now;〃 said Mrs。 Comstock。 

〃You are going to be asleep before you know it。〃

Billy opened his eyes and braced himself。  〃I can

walk;〃 he said proudly。

〃All right; we must start。  Come; Elnora!  Good…night; folks!〃 

Mrs。 Comstock set Billy on the floor; and arose gripping

his hand。  〃You take the other side; Elnora; and we will

help him as much as we can;〃 she said。

Elnora stared piteously at Margaret; then at Wesley;

and arose in white…faced bewilderment。

〃Billy; are you going to leave without even saying good…

bye to me?〃 asked Wesley; with a gulp。

Billy held tight to Mrs。 Comstock and Elnora。

〃Good…bye!〃 he said casually。  〃I'll come and see you

some time。〃

Wesley Sinton gave a smothered sob; and strode from

the room。

Mrs。 Comstock started toward the door; dragging at

Billy while Elnora pulled back; but Mrs。 Sinton was before

them; her eyes flashing。

〃Kate Comstock; you think you are mighty smart;

don't you?〃 she cried。

〃I ain't in the lunatic asylum; where you belong;

anyway;〃said Mrs。 Comstock。  〃I am smart enough to tell

a dandy boy when I see him; and I'm good and glad to

get him。  I'll love to have him!〃

〃Well; you won't have him!〃 exclaimed Margaret Sinton。 

〃That boy is Wesley's!  He found him; and brought him here。 

You can't come in and take him like that!  Let go of him!〃

〃Not much; I won't!〃 cried Mrs。 Comstock。  〃Leave the

poor sick little soul here for you to beat; because he

didn't know just how to handle things!  Of course; he'll

make mistakes。  He must have a lot of teaching; but not

the kind he'll get from you!  Clear out of my way!〃

〃You let go of our boy;〃 ordered Margaret。

〃Why?  Do you want to whip him; before he can go

to sleep?〃 jeered Mrs。 Comstock。

〃No; I don't!〃 said Margaret。  〃He's Wesley's; and

nobody shall touch him。  Wesley!〃

Wesley Sinton appeared behind Margaret in the doorway;

and she turned to him。  〃Make Ka

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