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a girl of the limberlost-第23节

小说: a girl of the limberlost 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Yes;〃 said Margaret coldly。

〃But because I brought a child with an immortal soul;

there is no welcome。〃

〃That isn't a child; it's an animal。〃

〃You just said you would have welcomed an animal。〃

〃Not a wild one。  I meant a tame beast。〃

〃Billy is not a beast!〃 said Wesley hotly。  〃He is a

very dear little boy。  Margaret; you've always done the

church…going and Bible reading for this family。  How do

you reconcile that ‘Suffer little children to come unto Me'

with the way you are treating Billy?〃

Margaret arose。  〃I haven't treated that child。  I have

only let him alone。  I can barely hold myself。  He needs

the hide tanned about off him!〃

〃If you'd cared to look at his body; you'd know that you

couldn't find a place to strike without cutting into a raw

spot;〃 said Wesley。  〃Besides; Billy has not done a

thing for which a child should be punished。  He is only

full of life; no training; and with a boy's love of mischief。 

He did abuse your kittens; but an hour before I saw him

risk his life to save one from being run over。  He minds

what you tell him; and doesn't do anything he is told not to。 

He thinks of his brother and sister right away when

anything pleases him。  He took that stinging medicine

with the grit of a bulldog。  He is just a bully little chap;

and I love him。〃

〃Oh good heavens!〃 cried Margaret; going into the

house as she spoke。

Sinton sat still。  At last Billy tired of the swing; came

to him and leaned his slight body against the big knee。

〃Am I going to sleep here?〃 he asked。

〃Sure you are!〃 said Sinton。

Billy swung his feet as he laid across Wesley's knee。

〃Come on;〃 said Wesley; 〃I must clean you up for bed。〃

〃You have to be just awful clean here;〃 announced Billy。 

〃I like to be clean; you feel so good; after the hurt is over。〃

Sinton registered that remark; and worked with especial

tenderness as he redressed the ailing places and

washed the dust from Billy's feet and hands。

〃Where can he sleep?〃 he asked Margaret。

〃I'm sure I don't know;〃 she answered。

〃Oh; I can sleep ist any place;〃 said Billy。  〃On the

floor or anywhere。  Home; I sleep on pa's coat on a store…

box; and Jimmy and Belle they sleep on the storebox; too。 

〃I sleep between them; so's I don't roll off and crack

my head。  Ain't you got a storebox and a old coat?〃

Wesley arose and opened a folding lounge。  Then he

brought an armload of clean horse blankets from a closet。

〃These don't look like the nice white bed a little boy

should have; Billy;〃 he said; 〃but we'll make them do。 

This will beat a storebox all hollow。〃

Billy took a long leap for the lounge。  When he found

it bounced; he proceeded to bounce; until he was tired。 

By that time the blankets had to be refolded。  Wesley had

Billy take one end and help; while both of them seemed to

enjoy the job。  Then Billy lay down and curled up in his

clothes like a small dog。  But sleep would not come。

Finally he sat up。  He stared around restlessly。  Then he

arose; went to Wesley; and leaned against his knee。  He picked

up the boy and folded his arms around him。  Billy sighed

in rapturous content。

〃That bed feels so lost like;〃 he said。  〃Jimmy always

jabbed me on one side; and Belle on the other; and so I

knew I was there。  Do you know where they are?〃

〃They are with kind people who gave them a fine supper;

a clean bed; and will always take good care of them。〃

〃I wisht I was〃  Billy hesitated and looked earnestly

at Wesley。  〃I mean I wish they was here。〃

〃You are about all I can manage; Billy;〃 said Wesley。

Billy sat up。  〃Can't she manage anything?〃 he asked;

waving toward Margaret。

〃Indeed; yes;〃 said Wesley。  〃She has managed me

for twenty years。〃

〃My; but she made you nice!〃 said Billy。  〃I just love you。 

I wisht she'd take Jimmy and Belle and make them nice as you。〃

〃She isn't strong enough to do that; Billy。  They will

grow into a good boy and girl where they are。〃

Billy slid from Wesley's arms and walked toward

Margaret until he reached the middle of the room。  Then he

stopped; and at last sat on the floor。  Finally he lay

down and closed his eyes。  〃This feels more like my bed;

if only Jimmy and Belle was here to crowd up a little; so it

wasn't so alone like。〃

〃Won't I do; Billy?〃 asked Wesley in a husky voice。

Billy moved restlessly。  〃Seems likeseems like

toward night as if a body got kind o' lonesome for a

woman personlike her。〃

Billy indicated Margaret and then closed his eyes so

tight his small face wrinkled。

Soon he was up again。  〃Wisht I had Snap;〃 he said。 

〃Oh; I ist wisht I had Snap!〃

〃I thought you laid a board on Snap and jumped on

it;〃 said Wesley。

〃We did!〃 cried Billy〃oh; you ought to heard him

squeal!〃 Billy laughed loudly; then his face clouded。

〃But I want Snap to lay beside me so bad nowthat if he

was here I'd give him a piece of my chicken; 'for; I ate any。 

Do you like dogs?〃

〃Yes; I do;〃 said Wesley。

Billy was up instantly。  〃Would you like Snap?〃

〃I am sure I would;〃 said Wesley。

〃Would she?〃 Billy indicated Margaret。  And then

he answered his own question。  〃But of course; she

wouldn't; cos she likes cats; and dogs chases cats。 

Oh; dear; I thought for a minute maybe Snap could

come here。〃  Billy lay down and closed his eyes resolutely。

Suddenly they flew open。  〃Does it hurt to be dead?〃

he demanded。

〃Nothing hurts you after you are dead; Billy;〃 said Wesley。

〃Yes; but I mean does it hurt getting to be dead?〃

〃Sometimes it does。  It did not hurt your father; Billy。 

It came softly while he was asleep。〃

〃It ist came softly?〃


〃I kind o' wisht he wasn't dead!〃 said Billy。  〃'Course I

like to stay with you; and the fried chicken; and the nice

soft bed; andand everything; and I like to be clean; but

he took us to the show; and he got us gum; and he never

hurt us when he wasn't drunk。〃

Billy drew a deep breath; and tightly closed his eyes。 

But very soon they opened。  Then he sat up。  He looked

at Wesley pitifully; and then he glanced at Margaret。 

〃You don't like boys; do you?〃 he questioned。

〃I like good boys;〃 said Margaret。

Billy was at her knee instantly。  〃Well say; I'm a good

boy!〃 he announced joyously。

〃I do not think boys who hurt helpless kittens and pull

out turkeys' tails are good boys。〃

〃Yes; but I didn't hurt the kittens;〃 explained Billy。 

〃They got mad 'bout ist a little fun and scratched each other。 

I didn't s'pose they'd act like that。  And I didn't pull

the turkey's tail。  I ist held on to the first thing I

grabbed; and the turkey pulled。  Honest; it was the

turkey pulled。〃  He turned to Wesley。  〃You tell her! 

Didn't the turkey pull?  I didn't know its tail was loose;

did I?〃

〃I don't think you did; Billy;〃 said Wesley。

Billy stared into Margaret's cold face。  〃Sometimes at night;

Belle sits on the floor; and I lay my head in her lap。 

I could pull up a chair and lay my head in your lap。 

Like this; I mean。〃  Billy pulled up a chair; climbed

on it and laid his head on Margaret's lap。  Then he shut

his eyes again。  Margaret could have looked little more

repulsed if he had been a snake。  Billy was soon up。

〃My; but your lap is hard;〃 he said。  〃And you are

a good deal fatter 'an Belle; too!〃  He slid from the

chair and came back to the middle of the room。

〃Oh but I wisht he wasn't dead!〃 he cried。  The flood

broke and Billy screamed in desperation。

Out of the night a soft; warm young figure flashed

through the door and with a swoop caught him in her arms。 

She dropped into a chair; nestled him closely; drooped

her fragrant brown head over his little bullet…eyed

red one; and rocked softly while she crooned over him

     〃Billy; boy; where have you been?

      Oh; I have been to seek a wife;

      She's the joy of my life;

      But then she's a young thing and she can't leave her mammy!〃

Billy clung to her frantically。  Elnora wiped his eyes;

kissed his face; swayed and sang。

〃Why aren't you asleep?〃 she asked at last。

〃I don't know;〃 said Billy。  〃I tried。  I tried awful

hard cos I thought he wanted me to; but it ist wouldn't come。 

Please tell her I tried。〃  He appealed to Margaret。

〃He did try to go to sleep;〃 admitted Margaret。

〃Maybe he can't sleep in his clothes;〃 suggested Elnora。 

〃Haven't you an old dressing sacque?  I could roll

the sleeves。〃

Margaret got an old sacque; and Elnora put it on Billy。 

Then she brought a basin of water and bathed his face

and head。  She gathered him up and began to rock again。

〃Have you got a pa?〃 asked Billy。

〃No;〃 said Elnora。

〃Is he dead like mine?〃


〃Did it hurt him to die?〃

〃I don't know。〃

Billy w

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