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the woman-haters-第8节

小说: the woman-haters 字数: 每页4000字

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then souse him; see?〃

〃I guess so。  How do you know when he's done?〃

〃OherI can't tell you。  You'll have to trust to your instinct; I
cal'late。  When he looks done; he IS done; most gen'rally speakin'。〃

〃Dear me! how clear you make it。  Would you mind hintin' as to how
he looks when he's done?〃

〃Whywhy; DONE; of course。〃

〃Yes; of course。  How stupid of me!  He is done when he looks done;
and when he looks done he is done。  Any child could follow those
directions。  HOW is he donebrown?〃

〃No。  Brown! the idea!  Red; of course。  He's green when you put him
in the kittle; and when you take him out; he's red。  That's one way
you can tell。〃

〃Yes; that will help some。  All right; I'll boil him till he's red;
you needn't worry about that。〃

〃Oh; I sha'n't worry。  So long。  I'll be back about six or so。  Put
him in when the water's good and hot; and you'll come out all right。〃

〃Thank you。  I hope HE will; but I have my doubts。  Where is he?〃

〃Who? the lobster?  There's dozens down in the car by the wharf。
Lift the cover and fish one out with the dip net。  Pick out the
biggest one you can find; 'cause I'm likely to be hungry when I get
back; and your appetite ain't a hummin' bird's。  There! I've got to
go if I want to get anything done afore 。 。 。  Humph! never mind。
So long。〃

He hurried away; as if conscious that he had said more than he
intended。  At the corner of the house he turned to call:

〃I say!  Brown! be kind of careful when you dip him out。  None of
'em are plugged。〃


〃I say none of them lobsters' claws are plugged。  I didn't have time
to plug the last lot I got from my pots; so you want to handle 'em
careful like; else they'll nip you。  Tote the one you pick out up to
the house in the dip…net; then you'll be all right。〃

Evidently considering this warning sufficient to prevent any
possible trouble; he departed。  John Brown seated himself in the
armchair by the door and gazed at the sea。  He gazed and thought
until he could bear to think no longer; then he rose and entered the
kitchen; where he kindled a fire in the range and filled a kettle
with water。  Having thus made ready the sacrificial altar; he took
the long…handled dip…net from its nail and descended the bluff to
the wharf。

The lobster car; a good…sized affair of laths with a hinged cover
closing the opening in its upper surface; was floating under the
wharf; to which it was attached by a rope。  Brown knelt on the
string…piece and peered down at it。  It floated deep in the water;
the tide rippling strongly through it; between the laths。  The cover
was fastened with a wooden button。

The substitute assistant; after a deal of futile and exasperating
poking with the handle of the net; managed to turn the button and
throw back the leather…hinged cover。  Through the square opening the
water beneath looked darkly green。  There was much seaweed in the
car; and occasionally this weed was stirred by living things which
moved sluggishly。

John Brown reversed the net; and; lying flat on the wharf; gingerly
thrust the business end of the contrivance through the opening and
into the dark; weed…streaked water。  Then he began feeling for his

He could feel it。  Apparently the car was alive with lobsters。  As
he moved the net through the water there was always one just before
it or behind it; but at least ten minutes elapsed before he managed
to get one in it。  At length; when his arms were weary and his
patience almost exhausted; the submerged net became heavy; and the
handle shook in his grasp。  He shortened his hold and began to pull
in hand over hand。  He had a lobster; a big lobster。

He could see a pair of claws opening and shutting wickedly。  He
raised the creature through the opening; balanced the net on its
edge; rose on one knee; tried to stand erect; stumbled; lost his
hold on the handle and shot the lobster neatly out of the meshes;
over the edge of the car; and into the free waters of the channel。
Then he expressed his feelings aloud and with emphasis。

Five minutes later he got another; but it was too small to be of
use。  In twenty minutes he netted three more; two of which got away。
The third; however; he dragged pantingly to the wharf and sat beside
it; gloating。  It was his for keeps; and it was a big one; the
great…grandaddy of lobsters。  Its claws clashed and snapped at the
twine of the net like a pair of giant nut crackers。

Carrying it as far from his body as its weight at the end of the
handle would permit; he bore it in triumph to the kitchen。  To boil
a lobster alive had seemed a mean trick; and cruel; when Seth Atkins
first ordered him to do it。  Now he didn't mind; it would serve the
thing right for being so hard to catch。  Entering the kitchen; he
balanced the net across a chair and stepped to the range to see if
the water was boiling。  It was not; and for a very good reasonthe
fire had gone out。  Again Mr。 Brown expressed his feelings。

The fire; newly kindled; had burned to the last ash。  If he had been
there to add more coal in season; it would have survived; but he had
been otherwise engaged。  There was nothing to be done except rake
out the ashes and begin anew。  This he did。  When he removed the
kettle he decided at once that it was much too small for the purpose
required of it。  To boil a lobster of that size in a kettle of that
size would necessitate boiling one end at a time; and that; both for
the victim and himself; would be troublesome and agonizing。  He
hunted about for a larger kettle and; finding none; seized in
desperation upon the wash boiler; filled it; and lifted it to the
top of the stove above the flickering new fire。

The fire burned slowly; and he sat down to rest and wait。  As he
sank into the chairnot that across which the netted lobster was
balanced; but anotherhe became aware of curious sounds from
without。  Distant sounds they were; far off and faint; but growing
steadily louder; wails and long…drawn howls; mournful and

〃A…a…oo…ow!  Aa…ow…ooo!〃

〃What in the world?〃 muttered Brown; and ran out of the kitchen and
around the corner of the house。

There was nothing in sight; nothing strange or unusual; that is。
Joshua; Seth's old horse; picketted to a post in the back yard and
grazing; or trying to graze; on the stubby beach grass; was the only
living exhibit。  But the sounds continued and grew louder。

〃Aa…ow…ooo!  Ow…oo…ow…ooo!〃

Over the rise of a dune; a hundred yards off; where the road to
Eastboro village dipped towards a swampy hollow; appeared a horse's
head and the top of a covered wagon。  A moment later the driver
became visible; a freckled faced boy grinning like a pumpkin
lantern。  The horse trotted through the sand up to the lights。
Joshua whinnied as if he enjoyed the prospect of company。  From the
back of the wagon; somewhere beneath the shade of the cover; arose a
heartrending wail; reeking of sorrow and agony。

〃Aa…ow…OOO!  Ooo…aa…OW!〃

〃For heaven's sake;〃 exclaimed the lightkeeper's helper; running to
meet the vehicle; 〃what is the matter?〃

The boy grinned more expansively than ever。  〃Whoa!〃 he shouted; to
the horse he was driving。  The animal stopped in his tracks;
evidently glad of the opportunity。  Another howl burst from the
covered depths of the wagon。

〃I've got him;〃 said the boy; with a triumphant nod and a jerk of
his thumb over his shoulder。  〃He's in there。〃

〃He?  Who?  What?〃

〃Job。  He's in there。  Hear him?  He's been goin' on like that ever
since he finished his bone; and that was over two mile back。  Say;〃
admiringly; 〃he's some singer; ain't he!  Hear that; will ye?〃

Another wail arose from the wagon。  Brown hastened to the rear of
the vehicle; on the canvas side of which were painted the words
〃Henry G。 Goodspeed; Groceries; Dry and Fancy Goods and Notions;
Eastboro;〃 and peered in over the tailboard。  The interior of the
wagon was well nigh filled by a big box with strips of board nailed
across its top。  From between these strips a tawny nose was
uplifted。  As the helper stared wonderingly at the box and the nose;
the boy sprang from his seat and joined him。

〃That's him;〃 declared the boy。  〃Hi; there; Job; tune up now!
What's the matter with ye?〃

His answer was an unearthly howl from the box; accompanied by a
mighty scratching。  The boy laughed delightedly。

〃Ain't he a wonder?〃 he demanded。  〃Ought to be in church choir;
hadn't he。〃

Brown stepped on the hub of a rear wheel; and; clinging to the post
of the wagon cover; looked down into the box。  The creature inside
was about the size of a month old calf。

〃It's ait's a dog;〃 he exclaimed。  〃A dog; isn't it?〃

〃Sure; it's a dog。  Or he'll be a dog when he grows up。  Nothin' but
a pup now; he ain't。  where's Seth?〃

〃Seth?  Oh; Mr。 Atkins; he's not here。〃

〃Ain't he?  Where's he gone?〃

〃I don't know。〃

〃Don't ye?  When's he comin' back?  HUSH UP!〃  This last was a
command to the prisoner in the box; who paid absolutely no attention
to it。

〃I don't know when he'll be back。  Do you want to see him
personally?  Won't I do?  I'm in charge here till he returns。〃

〃Be ye?  Oh; you're the new assistant from Boston

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