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the woman-haters-第5节

小说: the woman-haters 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Not many。  Once in a while a picnic comes over in a livery four…
seater; but not often。  The same gang never comes twice。  Road's too
bad; and they complain like fury about the moskeeters。〃

〃Do they?  How peevish!  Atkins; you're not married?〃

It was an innocent question; but it had an astonishing effect。  The
lightkeeper bounced on the bench as if someone had kicked it
violently from beneath。

〃What?〃 he quavered shrilly。  〃Whawhat's that?〃

Brown was surprised。  〃I asked if you were married; that's all;〃 he
said。  〃I can't see〃

〃Stop!〃  Seth's voice shook; and he bent down to glare through the
darkness at his companion's face。  〃Stop!〃 he ordered。  〃You asked
me if I wasmarried?〃

〃Yes。  Why shouldn't I?〃

〃Why shouldn't you?  See here; young feller; youyouwhat made you
ask that?〃

〃What made me?〃

〃Stop sayin' my words after me。  Are you a man or a poll…parrot?
Can't you understand plain United States language?  What made you?
Or WHO made you?  Who told you to ask me that question?〃

He pounded the bench with his fist。  The pair stared at each other
for a moment; then Brown leaned back and began to whistle。  Seth
seized him by the shoulders。

〃Quit that foolishness; d'you hear?〃 he snarled。  〃Quit it; and
answer me!〃

The answer was prefaced by a pitying shake of the head。

〃It's the mosquitoes;〃 observed the young man; musingly。  〃They get
through and puncture the brain after a time; I presume。  I'm not
surprised exactly; but;〃 with a sigh; 〃I'm very sorry。〃

〃What are you talkin' about;〃 demanded Atkins。  〃Be you crazy?〃

〃No…o。  I'M not。〃

〃YOU'RE not!  Do you mean that I am?〃

〃Well;〃 slowly; 〃I'm not an expert in such cases; but when a
perfectly simple; commonplace question sets a chap to pounding and
screaming and offering violence; thenwell; it's either insanity or
an attempt at insult; one or the other。  I've given you the benefit
of the doubt。〃

He scratched a match on his heel and relit his pipe。  The
lightkeeper still stared; suspicious and puzzled。  Then he drew a
long breath。

〃II didn't mean to insult you;〃 he stammered。

〃Glad to hear it; I'm sure。  If I were you; however; I should see a
doctor for the other trouble。〃

〃And I ain't crazy; neither。  I beg your pardon for hollerin' and
grabbin' hold of you。〃


〃Thank ye。  Now;〃 hesitatingly; 〃would you mind tellin' me why you
asked me if I was married?〃

〃Not in the least。  I asked merely because it occurred to me that
you might be。  Of course; I had seen nothing of your wife; but it
was barely possible that she was away on a visit; or somewhere。
There is no regulation forbidding lightkeepers marryingat least; I
never heard of anyand so I asked; that's all。〃

Seth nodded。  〃I see;〃 he said; slowly; 〃yes; yes; I see。  So you
didn't have no special reason。〃

〃I did not。  Of course; if I had realized that you were subject to
erfits; I should have been more careful。〃

〃Hum! 。 。 。  Well; II beg your pardon again。  II am kind of
touchy on some p'ints。  Didn't I tell you no women came here?
Married!  A wife!  Do I look like a dum fool?〃

〃Not now。〃

〃Well; then!  And I've apologized for bein' one a few minutes ago;
ain't I。〃

〃Yes; you have。  No grudge on my part; I assure you。  Let's forget
it and talk of something else。〃

They did; but the dialogue was rather jerky。  Brown was thinking;
and Atkins seemed moody and disinclined to talk。  After a time he
announced that it was getting late and he cal'lated he would go up
to the light room。  〃You'd better turn in;〃 he added; rising。

〃Just a minute;〃 said the young man。  〃Wait just a minute。  Atkins;
suppose I asked you another questionwould you become violent at
once? or merely by degrees?〃

Seth frowned。  The suspicious look returned to his face。

〃Humph!〃 he grunted。  〃Depended on what you asked me; maybe。〃

〃Yes。  Well; this one is harmlessat least; I hope it is。  I
thought the other was; also; but I 。 。 。  There! there! be calm。
Sit down again and listen。  This question is nothing like that。
It's about that assistant of yours; the chap who left a day or two
before I drifted in。  What were his duties?  What did he have to do
when he was here?〃

〃Wa…al;〃 drawled Seth with sarcasm; resuming his seat on the bench;
〃he was SUPPOSED to do consider'ble many things。  Stand watch and
watch with me; and scrub brass and clean up around; and sweep and
wash dishes andandwell; make himself gen'rally useful。  Them was
the duties he was supposed to have。  What he done was diff'rent。
Pesky loafer!  Why?〃

〃That's what I'm going to tell you。  Have they appointed his
successor yet?  Have you got any one to take his place?〃

〃No。  Fact is; I'd ought to have telegraphed right off to the Board;
but I ain't。  I was so glad to see the last of him that I kept
puttin' it off。  I'll do it tomorrer。〃

〃Perhaps you won't need to。〃

〃Course I'll need to!  Why not?  Got to have somebody to help。
That's rules and regulations; and; besides; I can't keep awake day
and night; too。  What makes you think I won't need to?〃

The young man knocked the ashes from his pipe。  Rising; he laid a
hand on his companion's shoulder。

〃Because you've got an assistant right here on the premises;〃 he
said。  〃Delivered by the Atlantic express right at your door。  Far
be it from me to toot my horn; Mr。 Atkins; or to proclaim my merits
from the housetops。  But; speaking as one discerning person to
another; when it comes to an A1; first chop lightkeeper's assistant;
I ask: 'What's the matter with yours truly; John Brown?'〃

Seth's reply was not in words。  The hand holding his pipe fell limp
upon his lap; and he stared at the speaker。  The latter; entirely
unabashed; waved an airy gesture; and continued。

〃I repeat;〃 he said; 〃'What's the matter with John Brown?'  And echo
answers; 'He's all right!'  I am a candidate for the position of
assistant keeper at Eastboro Twin…Lights。〃



〃Butbutaw; go on!  You're foolin'。〃

〃Not a fool。  I mean it。  I am here。  I'm green; but in the sunshine
of your experience I agree to ripen rapidly。  I can wash dishes
you've seen me。  I believe I could scrub brass and sweep。〃

〃You wantin' to be assistant at a place like this!  YOU! an
edicated; able young chap; that's been used to valets and servants

〃Why do you say that?  How do you know I've been used to those

〃'Cause; as I hinted to you a spell ago; I ain't altogether a dum
fool。  I can put two and two together and make four; without having
the example done for me on a blackboard。  You're a rich man's son;
you've been used to sassiety and city ways and good clothes。  YOU
wantin' to put in your days and nights in a forsaken hole like this!
Nonsense!  Get out!〃

But Mr。 Brown refused to get out。

〃No nonsense about it;〃 he declared。  〃It is the hand of Fate。  With
the whole broadside of Cape Cod to land upon; why was I washed
ashore just at this particular spot?  Answer:Because at this spot;
at this time; Eastboro Twin…Lights needed an assistant keeper。  I
like the spot。  It is beautiful。  'Far from the madding crowd's
ignoble strife。'  With your permission; I'll stay here。  The leopard
may or may not change his spots; but I sha'n't。  I like this one and
here I stay。  Yes; I mean it。  I stayas your assistant。  Come;
what do you say?  Is it a go?〃

The lightkeeper rose once more。  〃I'm goin' on watch;〃 he said with
decision。  〃You turn in。  You'll feel better in the mornin'。〃

He started towards the tower。  But John Brown sprang from the bench
and followed him。

〃Not until you've answered my question;〃 he declared。  〃AM I to be
your assistant?〃

〃No; course you ain't。  It's dum foolishness。  Besides; I ain't got
the say; the government hires its own keepers。〃

〃But you can square the government。  That will be easy。  Why;〃 with
a modest gesture; 〃look what the government is getting。  It will
jump at the chance。  Atkins; you must say yes。〃

〃I sha'n't; neither。  Let go of my arm。  It's blame foolishness; I
tell you。  Why;〃 impatiently; 〃course it's foolishness!  I don't
know the first thing about you。〃

〃What of it?  I don't know anything about you; either。〃

Again the lightkeeper seemed unaccountably agitated。  He stopped in
his stride and whirled to face his companion。

〃What do you mean by that?〃 he demanded fiercely。  Before the young
man could reply; he turned again; strode to the door of the light;
flung it open; and disappeared within。  The door closed behind him
with a thunderous bang。

John Brown gazed after him in bewilderment。  Then he shrugged his
shoulders and returned to the bench。

The surf at the foot of the bluff grumbled and chuckled wickedly; as
if it knew all of poor humanity's secrets and found a cynic's
enjoyment in the knowledge。



The next morning Seth was gloomy and uncommunicative。  At the
breakfast table; when Brown glanced up from his plate; he several
times caught the lightkeeper looking intently at him with the
distrustful; half…suspicious gaze of the night before。  Though quite
aware of this scrutiny; he made no comment upon it until the meal
was nearly over; then

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