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the woman-haters-第4节

小说: the woman-haters 字数: 每页4000字

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discarded and reach the open air。  His guest was seated on the bench
beside the house; one of the clay pipes in his hand。  He was looking
out to sea。  He spoke first:

〃Hello!〃 he said。 〃You're up ahead of time; aren't you?  It isn't
six yet。〃

Atkins grinned。  〃No;〃 he answered; 〃'tain't! not quite。  But sence
Ezry cleared out I've been a kind of human alarm clock; as you might
say。  Feelin' all right; are you?〃

〃Yes; thank you。  I say;〃 holding up the pipe and regarding it
respectfully; 〃is this tobacco of yours furnished by the government?〃

〃No。  Some I bought myself last time I was over to the Center。  Why;
what's the matter with it?  Ain't it good?〃

〃Perhaps so。〃

〃Then what made you ask?  Ain't it strong enough?〃

〃Strong enough!  You're disposed to be sarcastic。  It's stronger
than I am。  What do they flavor it withtar?〃

〃Say; let's see that plug。  THAT ain't smokin' tobacco。〃

〃What is it; thenasphalt?〃

〃Why; haw! haw!  That's a piece of Ezry's chewin'。  Some he left
when he went away。  It's 'Honest Friend。'  'TIS flavored up
consider'ble。  And you tried to smoke it!  Ho! ho!〃

The young man joined in the laugh。

〃That explains why it bubbled so;〃 he said。  〃I used twenty…two
matches; by actual count; and then gave it up。  Bah!〃 he smacked his
lips disgustedly and made a face: 〃'Honest Friend'is that the name
of it?  Meaning that it'll stick to you through life; I presume。
Water has no effect on the taste; I've tried it。〃

〃Maybe some supper might help。  I'll wash the dinner dishes and
start gettin' it。  All there seems to be to this job of mine just
now is washin' dishes。  And how I hate it!〃

He reentered the kitchen。  Then he uttered an exclamation:

〃Why; what's become of the dishes?〃 he demanded。  〃I left 'em here
on the table。〃

Brown arose from the bench and sauntered to the door。

〃I washed them;〃 he said。  〃I judged that you would have to if I
didn't; and it seemed the least I could do; everything considered。〃

〃Sho!  You washed the dishes; hey?  Where'd you put 'em?〃

〃In the closet there。  That's where they belong; isn't it?〃

Seth went to the closet; took a plate from the pile and inspected

〃Um!〃 he grunted; turning the plate over; 〃that ain't such a bad
job。  Not so all…fired bad; for a green hand。  What did you wash 'em

〃A cloth I found hanging by the sink。〃

〃I see。  Yes; yes。  And you wiped 'em onwhat?〃

〃Well; to tell you the truth; I didn't see any towels in sight;
except that one on the door; and; for various reasons; I judged that
wasn't a dish towel。〃

〃Good judgment。  'Tisn't。  Go on。〃

〃So I hunted around; and in the closet in the parlor; or living
room; or whatever you call it; I found a whole stack of things that
looked like towels; so I used one of those。〃

〃Is this it?〃  Seth picked up a damp and bedraggled cloth from the

〃That's it。  I should have hung it up somewhere; I suppose。  I'll
lose my job if I don't look out。〃

〃Um!  Well; I'm much obliged to you; only〃


〃Only you washed them dishes with the sink cloth and wiped 'em with
a piller case。〃

The volunteer dishwasher's mouth opened。

〃NO!〃 he gasped。


〃A pillow case!  Well; by George!〃

〃Um…hm。  I jedge you ain't washed many dishes in your lifetime。〃

〃Not so very many。  No。〃

They looked at each other and burst into a roar of laughter。  Brown
was the first to recover。

〃Well;〃 he observed; 〃I guess it's up to me。  If you'll kindly put
me next to a genuine cloth; or sponge; or whatever is the proper
caper for dish…washing; I'll undertake to do them over again。  And;
for heaven's sake; lock up the pillow cases。〃

Seth protested; declaring that the dishes need not be rewashed that
very minute; and that when he got a chance he would do them himself。
But the young man was firm; and; at last; the lightkeeper yielded。

〃It's real kind of you;〃 he declared; 〃and bein' as I've
consider'ble to do; I don't know but I'll let you。  Here's a couple
of dishcloths; and there's the towels。  I'm goin' out to see to the
lights; and I'll be back pretty soon and get supper。〃

Later in the evening; after supper; the housework done; they sat
again on the bench beside the door; each with a pipe; filled; this
time; with genuine smoking tobacco。  Before and below them was the
quiet sea; rolling lazily under the stars。  Overhead the big
lanterns in the towers thrust their parallel lances of light afar
into the darkness。  The only sounds were the low wash of the surf
and the hum of the eager mosquitoes。  Brown was silent; alternately
puffing at the pipe and slapping at the insects; which latter;
apparently finding his skin easier to puncture than that of the
tanned and leathery Atkins; were making the most of their

Seth; whose curiosity had been checked but not smothered by his
companion's evident desire to say nothing concerning himself; was
busy thinking of various guileful schemes with which to entrap the
castaway into the disclosure of his identity。  Having prepared his
bait; he proceeded to get over a line。

〃Mr。 Brown;〃 he said; 〃I ain't mentioned it to you afore; 'count of
your needin' rest and grub and all after your fallin' overboard last
night。  But tomorrer you'll be feelin' fustrate again; and I
cal'late you'll be wantin' to get word to your folks。  Now we can
telephone to the Eastboro depot; where there's a telegraph; and the
depot master'll send a dispatch to your people; lettin' 'em know
you're all safe and sound。  If you'll just give me the address and
what you want to say; I'll 'tend to it myself。  The depot master's a
good friend of mine; and he'll risk sending the dispatch 'collect'
if I tell him to。〃

〃Thank you;〃 replied Brown; shortly。

〃Oh; don't mention it。  Now who'll I send it to?〃

〃You needn't send it。  I couldn't think of putting you to further

〃Trouble!  'Tain't no trouble to telephone。  Land sakes; I do it
four or five times a day。  Now who'll I send it to?〃

〃You needn't send it。〃

〃Oh; well; of course; if you'd ruther send it yourself〃

〃I sha'n't send it。  It really isn't worth while 'phoning or
telegraphing either。  I didn't drown; and I'm very comfortable;
thank youor should be if it weren't for these mosquitoes。〃

〃Comf'table!  Yes; you're comf'table; but how about your folks?
Won't they learn; soon's that steamer gets intointo Portlandor
orNew York or Bostonor 。 。 。  Hey?〃

〃I didn't speak。〃

Seth swallowed hard and continued。  〃Well; wherever she was bound;〃
he snapped。  〃Won't they learn that you sot sail in her and never
got there?  Then they'll know that you MUST have fell overboard。〃

John Brown drew a mouthful of smoke through the stem of the pipe and
blew it spitefully among the mosquitoes。

〃I don't see how they'll learn it;〃 he replied。

〃Why; the steamer folks'll wire em right off。〃

〃They'll have to find them first。〃

〃That'll be easy enough。  There'll be your name; 'John Brown;' of
such and such a place; written right on the purser's book; won't it。〃

〃No;〃 drawled Mr。 Brown; 〃it won't。〃

The lightkeeper felt very much as if this particular road to the
truth had ended suddenly in a blind alley。  He pulled viciously at
his chin whiskers。  His companion shifted his position on the bench。
Silence fell again; as much silence as the mosquitoes would permit。

Suddenly Brown seemed to reach a determination。

〃Atkins;〃 he said briskly; and with considerable bitterness in his
tone; 〃don't you worry about my people。  They don't know where I am;
andwell; some of them; at least; don't care。  Maybe I'm a rolling
stoneat any rate; I haven't gathered any moss; any financial moss。
I'm broke。  I haven't any friends; any that I wish to remember; I
haven't any job。  I am what you might call down and out。  If I had
drowned when I fell overboard last night; it might have been a good
thingor it might not。  We won't argue the question; because just
now I'm ready to take either side。  But let's talk about yourself。
You're lightkeeper here?〃

〃I be; yes。〃

〃And these particular lights seem to be a good way from everywhere
and everybody。〃

〃Five mile from Eastboro Center; sixteen from Denboro; and two from
the nighest life savin' station。  Why?〃

〃Oh; just for instance。  No neighbors; you said?〃

〃Nary one。〃

〃I noticed a bungalow just across the brook here。  It seems to be
shut up。  Who owns it?〃

〃Bungawhich?  Oh; that cottage over on t'other side the crick?
That b'longs to a couple of paintin' fellers from up Boston way。
Not house painters; you understand; but fellers that put in their
time paintin' pictures of the water and the beach and the like of
that。  Seems a pretty silly job for grown…up men; but they're real
pleasant and folksy。  Don't put on no airs nor nothin。'  They're
most gen'rally here every June and July and August; but I understand
they ain't comin' this year; so the cottage'll be shut up。  I'll
miss 'em; kind of。  One of 'em's name is Graham and t'other's

〃I see。  Many visitors to the lights?〃

〃Not many。  Once in a while a picnic comes over in a livery four…
seater; but not often。  The same gang never comes twice。  R

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