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the woman-haters-第21节

小说: the woman-haters 字数: 每页4000字

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breathed more freely。  Atkins was sound asleep; really asleep; in
the bedroom; and when he emerged he was evidently quite unaware of
his helper's unpremeditated treason。  Brown's conscience pricked
him; however; and he went to bed that night vowing over and over
that he would be more careful thereafter。  He would take care not to
meet the Graham girl again。  Having reached this decision; there
remained nothing but to put her out of his mind entirely; which he
succeeded in doing at a quarter after eleven; when he fell asleep。
Even then she was not entirely absent; for he dreamed a ridiculous
dream about her。

Next day he did not go for a swim; but remained in the house。  Seth;
at supper; demanded to know what ailed him。

〃You're as mum as the oldest inhabitant of a deaf and dumb asylum;〃
was the lightkeeper's comment。  〃And ugly as a bull in fly time。
What ails you?〃


〃Humph! better take somethin' for it; seems to me。  Little 'Stomach
Balm;' hey?  No?  Well; GO to bed!  Your room's enough sight
better'n your company just now。〃

The helper's ill nature was in evidence again at breakfast time。
Seth endeavored to joke him out of it; but; not succeeding; and
finding his best jokes received with groans instead of laughter;
gave it up in disgust and retired。  The young man cleared the table;
piled the dishes in the sink; heated a kettleful of water and began
the day's drudgery; drudgery which he once thought was fun。

Why had he had the ill luck to fall overboard from that steamer。  Or
why didn't he drown when he did fall overboard?  Then he would have
been comfortably dead; at all events。  Why hadn't he stayed in New
York or Boston or somewhere and kept on trying for a position; for
workany kind of work?  He might have starved while trying; but
people who were starving were self…respecting; and when they met
other peoplefor instance; sisters of fellows they used to know
had nothing to be ashamed of and needn't lieunless they wanted to。
He was a common loafer; under a false name; down on a sandheap
washing dishes。  At this point he dropped one of the dishesa
plateand broke it。

〃Dn!〃 observed John Brown; under his breath; but with enthusiasm。

He stooped to pick up the fragments of the plate; and; rising once
more to an erect position; found himself facing Miss Ruth Graham。
She was standing in the doorway。

〃Don't mind me; please;〃 she said。  〃No doubt I should feel the same
way if it were my plate。〃

The young man's first move; after recovery; was to make sure that
the door between the kitchen and the hall leading to the
lightkeeper's bedroom was shut。  It was; fortunately。  The young
lady watched him in silence; though her eyes were shining。

〃Good morning; Mr。 Brown;〃 she observed; gravely。

The assistant murmured a good morning; from force of habit。

〃There's another piece you haven't picked up;〃 continued the
visitor; pointing。

Brown picked up the piece。

〃Is Mr。 Atkins in?〃 inquired the girl。

〃Yes; he'she's in。〃

〃May I see him; please?〃


〃If he's busy; I can wait。〃  She seated herself in a chair。  〃Don't
let me interrupt you;〃 she continued。  〃You were busy; too; weren't

〃I was washing dishes;〃 declared Brown; savagely。


〃Yes。  Washing and sweeping and doing scrubwoman's work are my
regular employments。〃

〃Indeed!  Then I'm just in time to help。  Is this the dish towel?〃
regarding it dubiously。

〃It is; but I don't need any help; thank you。〃

〃Of course you do。  Everyone is glad to be helped at doing dishes。
I may as well make myself useful while I'm waiting for Mr。 Atkins。〃

She picked up a platter and proceeded to wipe it; quite as a matter
of course。  Brown; swearing inwardly; turned fiercely to the suds。

〃Did you wish to see Atkins on particular business?〃 he asked; a
moment later。

〃Oh; no; I wanted to make his acquaintance; that's all。  Horace told
me so many interesting things about him。  By the way; was it last
summer; or the summer before; that you met my brother here?〃

No answer。  Miss Graham repeated her question。  〃Was it last summer
or the summer before?〃 she asked。

〃OherI don't remember。  Last summer; I think。〃

〃Why; you must remember。  How could any one forget anything that
happened down here?  So few things do happen; I should say。  So you
met him last summer?〃


〃Hum! that's odd。〃

〃Shall I call Atkins?  He's in his room。〃

〃I say it is odd; because; when Mrs。 Bascom and I first met you; you
told us this was your first summer here。〃

There wasn't any answer to this; at least the assistant could think
of none at the moment。

〃Do you wish me to call Atkins?〃 he asked; sharply。  〃He's asleep;
but I can wake him。〃

〃Oh! he's asleep。  Now I understand why you whisper even when you
swthat is; when you break a plate。  You were afraid of waking
him。  How considerate you are。〃

Brown put down the dishcloth。  〃It isn't altogether consideration
for himor for myself;〃 he said grimly。  〃I didn't care to wake him
unless you took the responsibility。〃


〃Because; Miss Graham; Seth Atkins took the position of lightkeeper
here almost for the sole reason that no women ever came here。  Mr。
Atkins is a woman…hater of the most rabid type。  I'll wake him up if
you wish; but I won't be responsible for the consequences。〃

The young lady stared at him in surprise; delighted surprise
apparently; judging by the expression of her face。

〃A woman…hater?〃 she repeated。  〃Is he really?〃

〃He is。〃  Mr。 Brown neglected to add that he also had declared
himself a member of the same fraternity。  Perhaps he thought it was
not necessary。

〃A woman…hater!〃  Miss Graham fairly bubbled with mischievous joy。
〃Oh; jolly! now I'm CRAZY to meet him!〃

The assistant moved toward the hall door。  〃Very good!〃 he observed
with grim determination。  〃I think he'll cure your lunacy。〃

His hand was outstretched toward the latch; when the young lady
spoke again。

〃Wait a minute;〃 she said。  〃Perhaps I had better not wake him now。〃

〃Just as you say。  The pleasure isor will beentirely mine; I
assure you。〃

〃Noo。  On the whole; I think I'll wait until later。  I may call
again。  Good morning。〃

She moved across the threshold。  Then; standing on the mica slab
which was the step to the kitchen door; she turned to say:

〃You didn't swim yesterday。〃

〃Noo。  II was busy。〃

〃I see。〃

She paused; as if expecting him to say something further on the
subject。  He was silent。  Her manner changed。

〃Good morning;〃 she said; coldly; and walked off。  The assistant
watched her as she descended the path to the cove; but she did not
once look back。  Brown threw himself into a chair。  He had never
hated anyone as thoroughly as he hated himself at the moment。

〃What a cheerful liar she must think I am;〃 he reflected。  〃She
caught me in that fool yarn about meeting her brother here last
summer; and now; after deliberately promising to teach her that
stroke; I don't go near her。  What a miserable liar she must think I
am!  And I guess I am。  By George; I can't be such a cad。  I've got
to make good somehow。  I must give her ONE lesson。  I must。〃

The tide served for bathing about three that afternoon。  At ten
minutes before that hour the substitute assistant keeper of Eastboro
Twin…Lights tiptoed silently to the bedroom of his superior and
peeped in。  Seth was snoring peacefully。  Brown stealthily withdrew。
At three; precisely; he emerged from the boathouse on the wharf;
clad in his bathing suit。

Fifteen minutes after three; Seth Atkins; in his stocking feet and
with suspicion in his eye; crept along the path to the edge of the
bluff。  Crouching behind a convenient sand dune he raised his head
and peered over it。

Below him was the cove; its pleasant waters a smooth; deep blue;
streaked and bordered with pale green。  But the water itself did not
interest Seth。  In that water was his helper; John Brown; of nowhere
in particular; John Brown; the hater of females; busily engaged in
teaching a young woman to swim。

Atkins watched this animated picture for some minutes。  Then;
carefully crawling back up to the path until he was well out of
possible sight from the cove; he rose to his feet; raised both
hands; and shook their clenched fists above his head。

〃The liar!〃 grated Mr。 Atkins; between his teeth。  〃The traitor!
The young blackguard!  After tellin' me that he 。 。 。  And after my
doin' everything for him that 。 。 。  Oh; by Judas; wait! only wait
till he comes back!  I'LL l'arn him!  I'LL show him!  Oh; by jiminy

He strode toward the doorway of the kitchen。  There he stopped
short。  A woman was seated in the kitchen rocker; a stout woman;
with her back toward him。  The room; in contrast to the bright
sunshine without; was shadowy; and Seth; for an instant; could see
her but indistinctly。  However; he knew who she must bethe
housekeeper at the bungalow〃Basket〃 or 〃Biscuit〃 his helper had
said was her name; as near as he could remember it。  The lightkeeper
ground his teeth。  Another female!  Well; he would teach this one a
few things!

He stepped across the threshold。

〃Ma'am;〃 he began; sharply; 〃perhaps you'll

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