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the woman-haters-第2节

小说: the woman-haters 字数: 每页4000字

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wouldn't be responsible for 'em。  There ain't so many moskeeters in
winter。  But just LOOK at this hole。  Just put on your specs and
LOOK at it!  Not a manbut younot a woman; not a child; not a

〃Ah ha! ah ha!  NOW we're gettin' at it!  Not a girl!  That's what's
the matter with you。  You want to be up in the village; where you
can go courtin'。  You're too fur from Elsie Peters; that's where the
shoe pinches。  I've heard how you used to set out in her dad's
backyard; with your arm round her waist; lookin' at each other;
mushy as a couple of sassers of hasty…puddin'。  Bah!  I'll take care
my next assistant ain't girl…struck。〃

〃Girl…struck!  I'd enough sight ruther be girl…struck than always
ravin' and rippin' against females。  And all because some woman way
back in Methusalem's time had sense enough to heave you over。  At
least; that's what everybody cal'lates must be the reason。  You
pretend to be a woman…hater。  All round this part of the Cape you've
took pains to get up that kind of reputation; but〃

〃There ain't no pretendin' about it。  I've got brains enough to keep
clear of petticoats。  And when you get to be as old as I be and know
as much as I dothough that ain't no ways likely; even if you live
to be nine hundred and odd; like Noah in Scriptureyou'll feel the
same way。〃

〃Aw; come off!  Woman…hater!  You hate women same as the boy at the
poorhouse hated ice cream'cause there ain't none around。  Why; I
wouldn't trust you as fur as I could see you!〃

This was the end of the dialogue; because Mr。 Payne was obliged to
break off his harangue and dodge the stove…lifter flung at him by
the outraged lightkeeper。  As the lifter was about to be followed by
the teakettle; Ezra took to his heels; bolted from the house and
began his long tramp to the village。  When he reached the first
clumps of bayberry bushes bordering the deeply rutted road; a joyful
cloud of mosquitoes rose and settled about him like a fog。

So Seth Atkins was left alone to do double duty at Eastboro Twin…
Lights; pending the appointment of another assistant。  The two days
and nights following Ezra's departure had been strenuous and
provoking。  Doing all the housework; preparation of meals included;
tending both lights; rubbing brass work; sweeping and scouring;
sleeping when he could and keeping awake when he must; nobody to
talk to; nobody to helpthe forty…eight hours of solitude had
already convinced Mr。 Atkins that the sooner a helper was provided
the better。  At times he even wished the disrespectful Payne back
again; wished that he had soothed instead of irritated the departed
one。  Then he remembered certain fragments of their last conversation
and wished the stove…lifter had been flung with better aim。

Now; standing on the gallery of the south tower; he was conscious of
a desire for breakfast。  Preparing that meal had been a part of his
assistant's duties。  Now he must prepare it himself; and he was
hungry and sleepy。  He mentally vowed that he would no longer delay
notifying the authorities of the desertion; and would urge them to
hurry in sending some one to fill the vacant place。

Grumbling aloud to himself; he moved around the circle of the
gallery toward the door。  His hand was on the latch; when; turning;
he cast another glance over the rail; this time directly downward
toward the beach below。  And there he saw something which caused him
to forget hunger and grievances of all kinds; something which; after
one horrified look to make sure; led him to dart into the light
chamber; spring at a reckless gait down the winding stair; out of
the tower; rush to the edge of the bluff; and plunge headlong down
the zigzag path worn in the clay。

On the sand; at the foot of the bluff below the lights; just beyond
reach of the wash of the surf; lay a man; or the dead body of a man;
stretched at full length。



Once before; during his years of service as keeper of Eastboro Twin…
Lights; had Seth seen such a sight as that which now caused him to
make his dash for the shore。  Once before; after the terrible storm
of 1905; when the great steamer Bay Queen went down with all on
board; the exact spot of her sinking unknown even to this day。  Then
the whole ocean side of the Cape; from Race Point to Orham; was
strewn with ghastly relics。  But the Bay Queen met her fate in the
winter season; amid a gale such as even the oldest residents could
not remember。  Now it was early summer; the night before had been a
flat calm。  There had been no wreck; or the lifesavers would have
told him of it。  There would be no excuse for a wreck; anyway。

All this; in disjointed fragments; passed through the lightkeeper's
mind as he descended the path in frantic bounds and plowed through
the ankle…deep white sand of the beach。  As he approached the
recumbent figure he yelled a panted 〃Hi; there!〃  He did not expect
the hail to be answered or even noticed。  Therefore; he was
pleasantly disappointed when the figure rolled over; raised itself
on one elbow; looked at him in a dazed sort of way and replied
cheerfully but faintly; 〃Hello!〃

Seth stopped short; put a hand to the breast of his blue flannel
shirt; and breathed a mighty sigh of relief。

〃Gosh!〃 he exclaimed with fervor。  Then; changing his labored gallop
for a walk; he continued his progress toward the man; who; as if his
momentary curiosity was satisfied; lay down again。  He did not rise
when the lightkeeper reached his side; but remained quiet; looking
up from a pair of gray eyes and smiling slightly with lips that were
blue。  He was a stranger to Atkins; a young fellow; rather good
looking; dressed in blue serge trousers; negligee shirt; blue socks;
and without shoes or hat。  His garments were soaked; and the salt
water dripped from his shoulders to the sand。  The lightkeeper
stared at him; and he returned the stare。

〃Gosh!〃 repeated Seth; after an instant of silence。  〃Jiminy crimps!
I feel better。〃

The stranger's smile broadened。  〃Glad to hear it; I'm sure;〃 he
said; slowly。  〃So do I; though there's still room for improvement。
What was your particular ailment?  Mine seems to have been water on
the brain。〃

He sat up and shakily ran a hand through his wet hair as he spoke。
Atkins; his surprise doubled by this extraordinary behavior; could
think of nothing to say。

〃Good morning;〃 continued the young man; as if the meeting had been
the most casual and ordinary possible; 〃I think you said a moment
ago that you were feeling better。  No relapse; I trust。〃

〃Relapse?  What in the world?  Are you crazy?  I ain't sick。〃

〃That's good。  I must have misunderstood you。  Pleasant morning;
isn't it?

〃Pleasant morn  Why; say!  IIwhat in time are you doin';
layin' there all soaked through?  You scared me pretty nigh to
death。  I thought you was drowned; sure and sartin。〃

〃Did you?  Well; to be honest; so did I; for a while。  In fact; I'm
not absolutely sure that I'm not; even yet。  You'll excuse me if I
lie down again; won't you?  I never tried a seaweed pillow before;
but it isn't so bad。〃

He again stretched himself on the sand。  Seth shook his head。

〃Well; if this don't beat me!〃 he exclaimed。  〃You're the coolest
critter that ever II〃

〃I am cool;〃 admitted the young man; with a slight shiver。  〃This
stretch of ocean here isn't exactly a Turkish bath。  I've been
swimming sincewell; an hour or two ago; and I am just a little

He shivered again。

〃Swimmin'!  An hour or two?  Where on earth did you come from?〃

〃Oh; I fell overboard from a steamer off here somewhere。  I〃

Another and emphatic shiver caused him to pause。  The lightkeeper
awoke to the realities of the situation。

〃Good land of love!〃 he exclaimed。  〃What am I thinkin' of?  Seein'
you this way; and you talkin' so kind of every…day and funny drove
my senses clean out; I guess。  Get right up off that wet place this
minute。  Come up to the house; quick!  Can you walk?〃

〃Don't know。  I am willing to try。  Would you mind giving me a

Seth didn't mind; which was fortunate; as his new acquaintance
couldn't have risen unaided。  His knees shook under him when he
stood erect; and he leaned heavily on the lightkeeper's arm。

〃Steady now;〃 counselled Atkins; 〃no hurry。  Take it easy。  If
you've navigated water all alone for hours; I cal'late between us we
can manage to make a five…minute cruise on dry land。 。 。 。  Even if
the course we steer would make an eel lame tryin' to follow it;〃 he
added; as the castaway staggered and reeled up the beach。  〃Now
don't try to talk。  Let your tongue rest and give your feet a

The climbing of the steep bluff was a struggle; but they accomplished
it; and at length the stranger was seated in a chair in the kitchen。

〃Now; the fust thing;〃 observed Seth; 〃is to get them wet clothes
off you。  Usually I'd have a good fire here; but that miserable Ezry
hasthat is; my assistant's left me; and I have to go it alone; as
you might say。  So we'll get you to bed and 。 。 。  No; you can't
undress yourself; neither。  Set still; and I'll have you peeled in a

His guest was making feeble efforts to remove his socks。

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