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how to live on twenty-four hours a day-第2节

小说: how to live on twenty-four hours a day 字数: 每页4000字

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                       HOW TO LIVE ON

                  THE DAILY MIRACLE

〃Yes; he's one of those men that don't know how to manage。  
Good situation。  Regular income。  Quite enough for luxuries 
as well as needs。  Not really extravagant。  And yet the fellow's 
always in difficulties。  Somehow he gets nothing out of his 
money。  Excellent flathalf empty!  Always looks as if he'd had
the brokers in。  New suitold hat!  Magnificent necktiebaggy 
trousers!  Asks you to dinner:  cut glassbad mutton; or Turkish 
coffeecracked cup!  He can't understand it。  Explanation simply
is that he fritters his income away。  Wish I had the half of it!  I'd 
show him〃

So we have most of us criticised; at one time or another; in our 
superior way。

We are nearly all chancellors of the exchequer:  it is the pride of 
the moment。  Newspapers are full of articles explaining how to live 
on such…and…such a sum; and these articles provoke a correspondence 
whose violence proves the interest they excite。  Recently; in a daily 
organ; a battle raged round the question whether a woman can exist
nicely in the country on L85 a year。  I have seen an essay; 〃How to 
live on eight shillings a week。〃  But I have never seen an essay; 〃How 
to live on twenty…four hours a day。〃  Yet it has been said that time is 
money。  That proverb understates the case。  Time is a great deal more 
than money。  If you have time you can obtain moneyusually。  But 
though you have the wealth of a cloak…room attendant at the Carlton 
Hotel; you cannot buy yourself a minute more time than I have; or the 
cat by the fire has。

Philosophers have explained space。  They have not explained time。  It 
is the inexplicable raw material of everything。  With it; all is possible; 
without it; nothing。  The supply of time is truly a daily miracle; an 
affair genuinely astonishing when one examines it。  You wake up in 
the morning; and lo! your purse is magically filled with twenty…four 
hours of the unmanufactured tissue of the universe of your life!  It is 
yours。  It is the most precious of possessions。  A highly singular 
commodity; showered upon you in a manner as singular as the 
commodity itself!

For remark!  No one can take it from you。  It is unstealable。  And no 
one receives either more or less than you receive。

Talk about an ideal democracy!  In the realm of time there is no aristocracy 
of wealth; and no aristocracy of intellect。  Genius is never rewarded by even 
an extra hour a day。  And there is no punishment。  Waste your infinitely 
precious commodity as much as you will; and the supply will never be 
withheld from you。  Mo mysterious power will say:〃This man is a fool; 
if not a knave。  He does not deserve time; he shall be cut off at the meter。〃  
It is more certain than consols; and payment of income is not affected by 
Sundays。  Moreover; you cannot draw on the future。  Impossible to get into 
debt!  You can only waste the passing moment。  You cannot waste to…
morrow; it is kept for you。  You cannot waste the next hour; it is kept for you。

I said the affair was a miracle。  Is it not?

You have to live on this twenty…four hours of daily time。  Out of it you have 
to spin health; pleasure; money; content; respect; and the evolution of your
 immortal soul。  Its right use; its most effective use; is a matter of the highest 
urgency and of the most thrilling actuality。  All depends on that。  Your 
happinessthe elusive prize that you are all clutching for; my friends!
depends on that。  Strange that the newspapers; so enterprising and up…to…
date as they are; are not full of 〃How to live on a given income of time;〃 
instead of 〃How to live on a given income of money〃!  Money is far 
commoner than time。  When one reflects; one perceives that money is just 
about the commonest thing there is。  It encumbers the earth in gross heaps。

If one can't contrive to live on a certain income of money; one earns a 
little moreor steals it; or advertises for it。  One doesn't necessarily 
muddle one's life because one can't quite manage on a thousand pounds 
a year; one braces the muscles and makes it guineas; and balances the 
budget。  But if one cannot arrange that an income of twenty…four hours 
a day shall exactly cover all proper items of expenditure; one does 
muddle one's life definitely。  The supply of time; though gloriously 
regular; is cruelly restricted。

Which of us lives on twenty…four hours a day?  And when I say 〃lives;〃 
I do not mean exists; nor 〃muddles through。〃  Which of us is free from 
that uneasy feeling that the 〃great spending departments〃 of his daily
life are not managed as they ought to be?  Which of us is quite sure 
that his fine suit is not surmounted by a shameful hat; or that in attending 
to the crockery he has forgotten the quality of the food?  Which of us is 
not saying to himselfwhich of us has not been saying to himself all his 
life:  〃I shall alter that when I have a little more time〃?

We never shall have any more time。  We have; and we have always had; 
all the time there is。  It is the realisation of this profound and neglected
truth (which; by the way; I have not discovered) that has led me to the 
minute practical examination of daily time…expenditure。



〃But;〃 someone may remark; with the English disregard of everything 
except the point; 〃what is he driving at with his twenty…four hours a day?  
I have no difficulty in living on twenty…four hours a day。  I do all that I 
want to do; and still find time to go in for newspaper competitions。  Surely 
it is a simple affair; knowing that one has only twenty…four hours a day; to 
content one's self with twenty…four hours a day!〃

To you; my dear sir; I present my excuses and apologies。  You are precisely 
the man that I have been wishing to meet for about forty years。  Will you 
kindly send me your name and address; and state your charge for telling me 
how you do it?  Instead of me talking to you; you ought to be talking to me。  
Please come forward。  That you exist; I am convinced; and that I have not 
yet encountered you is my loss。  Meanwhile; until you appear; I will continue 
to chat with my companions in distressthat innumerable band of souls who 
are haunted; more or less painfully; by the feeling that the years slip by; and 
slip by; and slip by; and that they have not yet been able to get their lives into 
proper working order。

If we analyse that feeling;  we shall perceive it to be; primarily; one of 
uneasiness; of expectation; of looking forward; of aspiration。  It is a source 
of constant discomfort; for it behaves like a skeleton at the feast of all our 
enjoyments。  We go to the theatre and laugh; but between the acts it raises 
a skinny finger at us。  We rush violently for the last train; and while we are 
cooling a long age on the platform waiting for the last train; it promenades 
its bones up and down by our side and inquires:  〃O man; what hast thou 
done with thy youth?  What art thou doing with thine age?〃  You may urge 
that this feeling of continuous looking forward; of aspiration; is part of life 
itself; and inseparable from life itself。  True!

But there are degrees。  A man may desire to go to Mecca。  His conscience 
tells him that he ought to go to Mecca。  He fares forth; either by the aid of 
Cook's; or unassisted; he may probably never reach Mecca; he may drown 
before he gets to Port Said; he may perish ingloriously on the coast of the 
Red Sea; his desire may remain eternally frustrate。  Unfulfilled aspiration 
may always trouble him。  But he will not be tormented in the same way as 
the man who; desiring to reach Mecca; and harried by the desire to reach 
Mecca; never leaves Brixton。

It is something to have left Brixton。  Most of us have not left Brixton。  We 
have not even taken a cab to Ludgate Circus and inquired from Cook's the 
price of a conducted tour。  And our excuse to ourselves is that there are only 
twenty…four hours in the day。

If we further analyse our vague; uneasy aspiration; we shall; I think; see 
that it springs from a fixed idea that we ought to do something in addition 
to those things which we are loyally and morally obliged to do。  We are 
obliged; by various codes written and unwritten; to maintain ourselves
and our families (if any) in health and comfort; to pay our debts; to save; 
to increase our prosperity by increasing our efficiency。  A task sufficiently 
difficult!  A task which very few of us achieve!  A task often beyond our 
skill!  yet; if we succeed in it; as we sometimes do; we are not satisfied; the 
skeleton is still with us。

And even when we realise tat the task is beyond our skill; that our powers 
cannot cope with it; we feel that we should be less discontented if we gave 
to our powers; already overtaxed; something still further to do。

And such is; indeed; the fact。  The wish to accomplish something outside 
their form

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